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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒻𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝓈𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"Oh my God. Yasmine has the same bikini as me." Moon chuckled as she showed her phone to the girls at the table. Aisha rolled her eyes. "Tell her she can stay in France." "Please." Lexi who was sitting next to her mumbled back as she took a sip of her soda. Julianna felt someone tap her shoulder and she looked at Tory beside her. "You done with your drink?" Julianna nodded. "Can I borrow the ice?" Julianna chuckled at the weird question. "Go ahead." Tory smiled, taking the cup and started throwing ice at Miguel.

"Jules, Demetri told me the new issue of Dungeon Lord came out today. Wanna go check it out?" Lexi asked and Julianna immediately nodded and they practically ran out of the restaurant.

When they were almost there, Julianna stopped by the bathrooms. "Wait! Lex, I have to go!" Julianna whined and Lexi rolled her eyes, sighing nonetheless. "Go. I'll wait for you." Julianna gave her a quick smile, handing Lexi her purse before running in.

Lexi leaned against the wall outside the bathrooms, looking down at her phone when she heard fast footsteps coming towards her. She quickly looked up and saw Demetri running in her direction. "Metri! Where are you going?" Lexi yelled and Demetri looked at Lexi as he ran faster towards her. "Lex, Help. Please!" He screamed, passing her. Lexi looked at him, confusion laced through her face before seeing Chris turning the corner in the direction Demetri had just come from. "Shit!" Lexi muttered, looking off to the running Demetri and back at the bathrooms before running after Demetri.

Lexi quickly caught up with him and grabbed his hand. "I was... I was with Sam and Robby in the food... food court." Demetri let out in exhaustion and Lexi nodded her head, pulling them to the food court faster. Demetri ran faster to an empty table and groaned. "Of course they left." Lexi ran up to stand beside him, placing Julianna's bag on the empty table when she heard someone from behind them.



Julianna walked out of the bathroom, confused. Lexi wasn't around. She turned to look towards the movie theater and saw a very tired and out of breath Mitch running. She quickly put an arm out, stopping him. "What the hells wrong with you? You're out of breath... and sweaty." Julianna cringed at the last portion of her words, wiping her now wet hand on her jeans as Mitch tried to catch his breath.

"Hawk... beating up... Demetri." He let out tiredly and Julianna practically flinched at the words. "What? Why?" Mitch handed her his phone and she quickly read Demetri's yelp review about Cobra Kai. She cursed under her breath, handing Mitch his phone back. "Where are they, Mitch?" He tiredly pointed in front of them. "That way... Food court." Julianna nodded, running to the food court, leaving Mitch alone by the bathrooms.

Julianna ran as fast as she could to the food court and when she got there, she saw five Cobra Kai boys, including Hawk circling Lexi, Demetri, Robby and Sam. "Five against four?" Hawk asked before looking at Demetri. "More like three and a half." Julianna ran to the middle, standing in front of Lexi and Demtri. "Make that four and a half. Shit! No! Five. Sorry." Julianna said, turning around to Demetri who just shook his head.

Hawk stared at Julianna with guilty eyes for a second before they went to an cold and evil look, one she's never seen before. "Come on, Sunshine... Don't be like this." Hawk groaned and Julianna looked at him as if he was crazy. "Me? What the hell are you doing?" Hawk ignored her question. "Come on, Jules. I don't want to have to fight you... or Lex."

"Then you won't have to." Robby said, grabbing Julianna's shoulder and pulling her behind him protectively. Hawk smirked. "Now this I can do." Hawk quickly sent a punch to Robby, making him stumble back. Julianna felt someone grab her shoulders from behind, making panic engulf her like a flip of a switch. She quickly brought her leg up, kicking who ever was behind her in the groin and when she turned around, she saw one of the Cobra Kai boys, Anthony, bent down in pain but Julianna didn't care, kicking him in the face and knocking him out.

She noticed a boy going for Lexi from behind and quickly jumped on his back, sending him to the ground and punching him in the face. Once Lexi was done fighting the another guy, she helped her up when they saw Demetri about to get in the middle of Robby and Hawks fight but Lexi grabbed the collar of his Hawaiian shirt, pulling him back into them and away from the boys.

Mitch, who had finally showed up, ran towards the three but Lexi got in front of them, doing a front flip kick and hitting him in the face just as Robby kicked Hawk one last time, sending the last two boys of Cobra Kai down.

Julianna felt someone grab her shoulders, making her jump before only realizing it was Robby and calmed down. He quickly pulled her into a hug before checking her over for any bruises. "Are you okay?" Julianna laughed, slightly pushing him off of her. "I'm fine, dork. Get off of me." Robby smiled before pulling her into another hug.

From over her shoulder, her eyes landed on Hawk and she felt a piece of her heart break. This wasn't the boy she knew. She'd have to talk to him about it but she was scared to.

What if the conversation doesn't go as planned?


Julianna hopped out of Lexi's car and stomped into the dojo where she knew Hawk would be. When Lexi saw Julianna go inside, she turned to Demetri. "You okay?" Demetri looked down, not meeting her eyes. "You shouldn't have helped me, Lex. Not after what I did. I shouldn't have done that..." Lexi furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him quizzically. "Shouldn't have done what?" "Leave to talk to some girl when the perfect one is right in front of me." Demetri muttered and Lexi did a double take, looking at him in shock.

"What?" Lexi quietly asked and Demetri kept his eyes on his hands. "At the party in the Canyons. I shouldn't have gone over to Yasmine. I should have stayed sitting with you. We would have both had a better time then we did."

Lexi stared at him in shock, a smile pulling against her lips. "You... you called me perfect." Lexi watched as Demetri softly smiled, looking into Lexi's eyes. "Because you are."


"What the hell is wrong with you!" Julianna shouted as she entered to the dojo, her voice echoing through the whole room. Hawk had never seen her that mad before, he stopped punching the punching bag and looked at her.

"What, you're not gonna say anything?" Julianna screamed, taking a step closer to him. Hawk looked down at his feet before looking back up at her. "He joined Miyagi-Do, Jules."

"So what? He's your best friend!" Julianna yelled, pressing her finger to his chest. "He's a fucking nerd!" Hawk screamed at Julianna, making her take a step back. "Really? You're gonna be the one saying that? And if it helps Demetri in any way, Lex and I told him to join Miyagi-Do!"

Hawk took a step back from Julianna. "You told him to join them?" Julianna looked at him shock, letting out a dry laugh at how crazy he sounded. "Hawk, if Demetri doesn't feel comfortable at Cobra Kai then he should be somewhere he does feel comfortable. And if he feels comfortable at Miyagi-Do, then let him be at Miyagi-Do. It's none of your business!"

"But it's the enemy, Jules! You let him join the enemy!" Hawk seethed, taking a step towards her. "The enemy? Really? What are you, four? Incase you forgot, my brother's with the enemy so I'm fine with Demetri joining them."

Hawk scoffed, letting out a fake laugh. "Oh yeah, that brother of yours you never told us about until you had to is there." Julianna looked down at the ground, shaking her head. "I already told you guys why I didn't tell you about Robby!"

"Oh, right. It's 'cause your mom didn't want you!" Hawk said and both of them froze at his words. Hawk didn't mean to say that. He knew how much she hated the subject. Julianna felt what she believed was true heartbreak, as if she was punched in the gut, the air taken out of her.

One of the people she trusted most in her life, just used the one thing she hated about herself the most against her.

She shook her head slowly, trying to blink away tears but they already started falling. "What happened to you?" Julianna asked quietly, her voice shaky. "This is me, Jules." Hawk said, taking a step towards her but Julianna immediately took one back, shaking her head vigorously. "No. No it's not. I don't... I don't know you."

"Yes. You do, Jules. It's me. It's me, Sunshine." Hawk said, cupping her cheek in his hand but she pushed his hands away, letting a tear slip. "No. This isn't the boy I fell in love with."

Hawk froze at her words. "You- you love me?"

Julianna looked up to meet his eyes. "Not this version of you." She sniffled, wiping her tears and clearing her throat. "I can't... I can't be with a bully." She muttered, her words barely audible but Hawk heard them.

He straightened up. "What do you mean?" Julianna bit her bottom lip to hold back a cry before swallowing the lump in her throat and letting out a shaky breath. "It means I'm breaking up with you."

Before Hawk could say anything else, Julianna ran out of the dojo and crawled into the backseat of Lexi's car, stuffing her face in the seat behind the passengers. "You okay, Jules?" Lexi quietly asked, already knowing the answer. "Just drive me home, please." Julianna whimpered into the cushion, making Lexi and Demetri's hearts break, they had never seen her so sad before. "Jules-" "Please. Take me home." Julianna quietly begged, interrupting Demetri and lifting her head, showing off her now red and swollen eyes. Lexi slowly nodded, pulling out of the mini mall parking lot and driving her best friend home.

Y'all can hate me all you want. Grab your pitchforks and knives, i deserve it🤧
but at least we got Lexi and Demetri, right?🥺
also, remember anthony, he's gonna be an ass the rest of the book 😃

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