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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨𝒷𝓇𝑜𝓀𝑒𝓃 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓈 𝒸𝓁𝓊𝒷¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


The day after Julianna and Hawk's breakup, Lexi sat in the corner of the dojo alone. She had went to check on Julianna that morning but she wanted to be left alone for the day so Lexi headed to karate. Johnny had found out what happened that morning as well and just before Lexi could leave Julianna's house, Julianna asked her to make sure her dad wasn't too tough on Hawk. And much to Lexi's dismay, she agreed.

When she heard the jingle of the bell, Lexi looked up and instantly slumped back down at Hawk and Miguel walking in. Miguel walked over to her and once Hawk realized where Miguel was walking to or more specifically who, he turned away and sat with Mitch, Bert and Anthony.

Miguel sighed as he sat down before noticing Hawk didn't sit with him and Julianna wasn't in the dojo. His eyebrows furrowed as he turned to Lexi. "Hey, Lex? Where's Jules?"

"They broke up." Lexi mumbled as she stretched in her splits position. "What?" Lexi sighed, sitting up. "Hawk and Jules. They broke up last night." Miguel's face fell as he heard those words. "What? I- is Jules okay?"

Lexi sighed, looking to Hawk who was watching all hood friends laugh as he sat there emotionless. "She will be."


Lexi sat criss cross on the ground, watching Miguel and Hawk spar when the jingle of the bell rang as Daniel LaRusso walked in. "The hell do you think you're doing?" Johnny asked and Daniel scoffed. "Like you don't know."

"Take your shoes off the mat. You're disrespecting my dojo." Johnny said again, gesturing to Daniel's feet. "You're seriously gonna talk to me about disrespecting dojos after what you just did to mine?" Daniel asked, letting out a dry laugh.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I didn't do anything to your dojo." Johnny defended. "Just like you didn't slug one of my employees, huh? Where's your daughter, maybe she knows what I'm talking about." Lexi immediately sat up straighter. "Mr. LaRusso, whatever happened, Jules didn't do it." Daniel turned to Lexi and raised his brows. "Really? And how do you know she didn't do it?"

Lexi glared at the man. "Bec-" "She doesn't need to explain. My daughter didn't do shit to your dojo and neither did I or the rest of this class." Johnny interrupted, saving Lexi from trying to come up with a lie instead of telling him and the rest of the class that Julianna was at home, crying nonstop.

"You know, part of me actually felt bad for you at one point, but you make it so easy to remember who the bad guy is in all of this. You call yourself a sensei? You don't even know what a sensei is. A sensei mentors. A sensei elevates. He doesn't teach destruction and disrespect!" Daniel yelled to the students his last portion of his speech.

"I already said I don't know what you're talking about, LaRusso. And you don't know what you're talking about either." Johnny snarled, getting right up in Daniel's face.

"Yeah, well, I know you don't... You don't earn a Medal of Honor by stealing it. Let me tell you something about your sensei. He might teach you how to fight, but he doesn't know a thing about what it takes to truly win at life. If you want to help yourselves before it's too late, the doors of Miyagi-Do? Wide open." Daniel said before pointing at Lexi. "Your boyfriend, Demetri's in Miyagi-Do. If Julianna really didn't do anything then you two are always welcomed to join." Lexi smiled lightly at Daniel calling Demetri her boyfriend but quickly dropped it at the look Johnny gave her.

"You come in here and poach my students? My daughters best friend?" Johnny asked. "And what are you gonna do about it? You know I'm not gonna strike first." Daniel said, an evil smirk on his face. "I'm gonna be a bigger man." Johnny said, backing away, making a proud smile form on Lexi's face.

"Yeah. We'll see about that." Daniel said, walking out of the room when Chris started following after him. "Where do you think you're going?" Johnny asked. "What the hell, Chris?" Mitch asked when he ignored Johnny. Chris turned around, shrugging. "I never liked it here."

After that, more and more students started walking out until almost half the class was gone, following after Daniel LaRusso.


The next day, Johnny was going to leave Julianna alone at home after he found out his old friend, Tommy, was on hospice. "If you need anything, Carmen said you're welcome over and if you don't want to go, you can call Lexi-" Johnny said as the front door opened, Lexi popping in. "Or she's already here." Johnny mumbled, turning to Lexi. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to make sure my girl's alright. Plus, I don't want to be stuck at karate if you two aren't there. I can't stand Kreese and Miguel and Aisha won't be able to hold me back if I get pissed off at you know who. So I'm staying here." Lexi said with a smile, making sure not to say Hawks name in front of Julianna. The two Lawrence's smile as Johnny turned to Julianna. "She's a good one." Julianna weakly smiled back. "I know."

Johnny nodded, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his daughter's hairline. "I'll be back later. I love you." "Love you too." Julianna muttered and Johnny turned to Lexi, kissing the top if her head too. "I get one?" Lexi asked with big eyes and Johnny sighed, nodding. "You're practically my kid too so yeah." Lexi smiled and Johnny lightly patted Julianna's shoulder before pulling Lexi away from Julianna.

"Hey, um... she hasn't gone in her room since the other night. I know she's sad about the breakup but if you can find out why-" "I got it. Don't worry." Lexi quietly said but Julianna couldn't even hear them over her said songs blasting out from her earbuds into her ears. Johnny nodded, sending Lexi a small smile and walking out of the house.

Once Johnny was out of the house, Julianna opened her arms out for a hug and Lexi immediately sat down beside her, letting the blonde crawl into her side and koala bear hug her, sobbing into her shoulder. "I got you. Let it out. It's okay." Lexi muttered, running a hand through Julianna's hair.

Julianna felt as if she was going on repeat. Her mind would take her back to the fight and she'd start crying until she fell asleep on the couch and the she'd wake up an hour later and do it all over again.

Lexi rested her cheek on Julianna's head. "Jules. You need to get some rest. You know I love you so you should know I mean this in the nicest way but you have terrible circles under your eyes. Did you sleep at all these past two nights?" It was quiet after Lexi's question until Julianna shook her head. Lexi sighed, lifting her head off of Julianna's. "Come on. You need rest."

Lexi went to tug Julianna to her room but the blonde instantly shook her head and used dead weight to keep herself on the couch. "No, no, no. Lex, I can't go in there. Please." Lexi's expression softened as she kneeled down in front of Julianna. "Why won't you go in your room? Your dad even said you haven't been in there since I dropped you off that night."

Julianna looked down at her lap, staying silent and Lexi gently grabbed Julianna's hand. "Jules?" Juliana sniffled, wiping her nose with her sleeve and looking up to Lexi. "The day that we br- broke up..." Julianna started before stopping, looking back down at her hands and Lexi tilted her head, grabbing Julianna's hand a little tighter in a reassuring manner.

Julianna looked right into Lexi's eyes, hoping her best friend could understand what she was getting at. "Lex... Hawk and I... We..." Lexi finally understood what Julianna was saying at let out a sad sigh. "Oh, honeyy." Lexi hummed, wrapping Julianna in another hug and Julianna hugged her friend tighter, stuffing her face into Lexi's side.

"How about we have a Marvel marathon?" Lexi asked and Julianna nodded a tiny smile making way to her face and Lexi turned on the TV, playing the first Captain America movie.


By the end of the movie, Julianna was asleep but Lexi kept the movies playing after Johnny text them saying he was going to be staying with Tommy overnight.

While watching the first Avengers movie, Lexi heard a knock on the door after about an hour later. She looked down at the sleeping Julianna before slowly leaning to the left so she could see out the window by the door. Once she realized it was Miguel and Tory she leaned back towards Julianna. "Come in." Lexi spoke, her voice soft so she wouldn't wake up Julianna but loud enough for Miguel and Tory to hear, letting them walk in.

"Um... I needed to pick up a few books from my place so Tory and I could study. We figured we could check on you two since you guys didn't show up to class." Miguel explained as he and Tory walked in more, their moods dampening at the blondes appearance. "How's she doing?" Tory softly asked, taking the spot on the couch on the other side of Julianna and Lexi sighed, looking down at her friend. "She's heartbroken."

Tory softly nudged Julianna awake and smiled at her. "Hey, Jules. You okay?" Julianna nodded her head, sniffling before sitting up slightly. Her eyes fell onto the TV and she instantly ignored her friends questions, her attention falling on the movie.

Miguel groaned, reaching for the remote on the coffee table. Julianna noticed and lurched for the remote but Miguel got it first, pausing the movie and crossing his arms. Julianna let out a huff and turned to the TV, her jaw dropping at the scene he paused it on. "Oh, come on! Can't I finish this scene? Bruce is about to Hulk-out!"

"You need to talk to us, Jules." Miguel whined like a little child. "I am! Put the damn TV back on!" "No." "But Migue-" "No!"

Julianna huffed again. Looking at Miguel with raised eyebrows. "Well? Are you gonna ask me something or will you play the movie?" Miguel just stood there, arms crossed and eyebrows raised at the girl as Lexi and Tory watched the interaction. Julianna sighed. "Ok, fine. So maybe I need to cry but you know, Titanic can fix that... Better yet! The Notebook."

"Jules, watching movies won't fix this. You need to talk to us." Miguel said and Julianna looked down, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. "I mean... I probably should've expected this. The one guy I have ever liked liking me back? It's too god to be true." Julianna scoffed out.

Tory immediately sat up straighter, turning to look at Julianna. "Hey. Don't go talking like that." Lexi nodded her head. "She's right! You are Julianna fucking Lawrence."

Julianna felt her mood lift a little at the two girls words. "You're right. I'm Julianna fucking Lawrence."

-as an apology for this chapter and last chapter, i have these

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