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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"Please don't drop this." Lexi muttered as she spotted Demetri who was carrying his lego volcano to the table. "Are you ready to rock at me and Lexi's science project!" Demetri cheered as he got to the table where Julianna, Joey, Moon and Yasmine were already sitting. Julianna had her back leaning against Moon as she propped her feet up on the two empty chairs between her and Joey with Yasmine on the other side of Joey.

Lexi took the chair closest to her brother while Demetri sat in between Lexi and Julianna. "I'm ready to go back to a world where we don't have to talk on a regular basis." Yasmine sassed, making Julianna and Lexi roll their eyes as Joey smirked, wiping his thumb across his nose before turning to Yasmine. "Aren't you the girl that got a front wedgie at her own birthday party?"

"Aren't you the nobody new kid?" Yasmine shot back at him and Joey chuckled, leaning back into his chair and crossing his arms. "I'll have you know, I'm actually getting pretty popular at the moment while it seems like you aren't as well known here as you used to."

Lexi snickered as Julianna turned to Demetri. "So what is... this?" Demetri turned to Julianna with a smile and pointed at her. "I'm glad you asked, Jules. Behold... what scientists believe to be the Valley when dinosaurs roamed the Earth." Julianna let out a little 'ohh' sound, leaning over the table to look at it. "Go ahead, press the hadrosaur egg." Lexi eagerly tells Julianna.

Julianna smiles proudly, pressing on the eggs and jumped back as the legos started screeching like birds and the top of the volcano started smoking up. Julianna smile spread ear to ear as she turned to Lexi and Demetri. "Holy shit, guys! This is awesome!" Lexi smiled at Julianna's reaction, shaking her shoulder a little.

All of a sudden, a soccer ball crashed into model, breaking it into pieces. Julianna let out a little yelp in shock as she heard someone walk over to their table. "Oh, I'm sorry, man. Looks like my ball just got away from me." Julianna slowly looked up at Hawk who was standing beside Joey's chair.

Julianna watched Hawk closely, biting the inside of her cheek in anger when she saw Joey waving his hands around out of the corner of her eye to get her attention. Julianna fully turns to him and watches as he points to something behind her. Julianna turned around and saw a very pissed Lexi, balling her hands into fists. Julianna shot up from her seat and pulled her away from Hawk and Demetri. "Woah, woah. Remember, only hugs or we're expelled." Julianna whispered to Lexi before turning to face Hawk, making sure Lexi stayed behind her.

"That took Lexi and I three weeks to build." Demetri told Hawk who just shrugged and tossed the ball around in his hands. "Eh, took my ball three seconds to destroy."

"Why you little-" "Lexi!" Julianna spun around and wrapped her arms around Lexi's waist as she tried to jump at Hawk. Hawk laughed and Julianna quickly turned her head. "I don't know why you're laughing. We both know she could beat the shit out of you if I let her go."

Hawk looked down at Julianna's voice before turning and walking back over to his friends. "Do you have another?" Joey asked and Lexi scoffed. "No, of course we don't have another."

"Another week, another pissing contest. Although I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much." Demetri said as he walked after Hawk. Julianna and Lexi both made their way over.

"You landed one kick. You got lucky." Hawk said, getting in Demetri's face. "Watch it." Lexi snapped. Hawk rolled his eyes at Lexi and Julianna. "This doesn't involve you two." "Technically it does since I built that thing." Lexi sassed as Julianna crossed her arms. "And you should know by now that I go where she goes."

Hawk looked at Julianna before smirking and walking towards her. "Come on, Sunshine. Don't be like this." Hawk reached for Julianna's hand but she quickly smacked it away. "Don't touch me."

"Do we have a problem, Miss Lawrence?" Counselor Blatt asked from behind Julianna. She jumped, not expecting the woman to be behind her but as she turned to face her, she put on an innocent little act. Blatt tilted her head to the girl in sadness. "Did these boys enter your personal bubble without your verbal consent?"

Julianna's eyes fell to the ground as she nodded her head. "Yes, they definitely triggered me in my safe space." Julianna heard a scoff from behind her and turned around to see Anthony walk up from behind Hawk. "Counsellor Blatt, it's obvious this little bitch is lyin-" "I don't think you should be calling other students those words, Mr. Lewis. Detention for you after school. Listen, all I want is for you all to respect each other. Just... get these legos off the ground, someone could get hurt." Blatt demanded before walking away.

As soon as Julianna knew she was gone, she innocent pout turned into an evil smirk as she chuckled. "How did you do that?" Lexi asked and Julianna shrugged. "Oh, she loves me. I was in her office all the time. I just used up some pity points." It was true, Julianna was always in Counselor Blatts office whenever Eli went because he didn't want to go alone. Julianna knew that Hawk would try and pull the same card as her but luckily, Julianna was faster.

Someone cleared their throat from behind the three and they turned around to face Hawk who had an angry yet defeated look on his face. "Sorry I stole your idea but you asked for it." Julianna shrugged before turning to Anthony and waved, a taunting smile on her face. "Have fun in detention." Anthony went to jump at Julianna but Hawk put his arm out, stopping him and pushing the boy back a bit.


"These gym shorts pinch in all the wrong places." Demetri groaned. Lexi grabbed his hand as Sam looked up at him. "Come on. Have a little school spirit."

"Oh, yeah. Go Mountain Lions!" Demetri sarcastically, making Julianna laugh as she walked towards the group. Lexi looked up at Julianna and scoffed. "I don't get how you get out of P.E." Julianna shook her head, grabbing onto the whistle connected to her necklace. "I'm not getting out of it. I'm coaches assistant. I get a whistle and everything. I feel like Finstock." Julianna childishly cheered before harshly blowing her whistle and smirking at Demetri and Lexi groaning at the noise.

"I wish we could do something about those cretains." Demetri scoffed and the three girls turned to see Hawk and the rest of the Cobra Kai boys walking towards the field. "We can." Sam announced and everyone turned to her. "How? Counselor Blatt will give us detention just for breathing near them." Lexi sighed and Sam smirked.

"I don't see her anywhere, do you? Plus, we got the person who controls when the game starts and ends on our side." Everyone turned to Julianna as her eyes grew wide. "Ohhhh. I don't want any participation in this." Julianna went to walk away but Sam grabbed her arm, wrapping it around her shoulder. "Come on, Jules. What's a soccer game without a little physical contact?"

Julianna looked at the kids waiting for her answer and sighed. "Fine. But if something happens, I'm innocent." After that, Julianna ran to the sidelines beside the coach as everyone else got on the field and as soon as Julianna blew her whistle, the game began.

After a few hits, Cobra Kai started to notice Miyagi-Do and Lexi playing dirty and quickly joined in on the fun. Hawk was winning most of the points for his team and every time he did, his eyes fell towards Julianna, hoping she was cheering him on but instead she was watching her feet, trying her absolute hardest to ignore his stares.

Lexi and Demetri both ran beside Hawk, Demetri on his left and Lexi on his right. "She loved you, you know..." Lexi breathed out, making Hawks running falter a little as he turned to the girl. "W- what?" Lexi looked at him and nodded her head. "Oh, yeah! She would talk about you nonstop at our sleepovers. You know, even though Jules and I were considered nerds, we were still known as some of the hottest girls in school. We still are."

"So you had a good thing going with one of the hottest girls in school, who you have had a crush on since the fifth grade and who really loved you and you lost her. All because you're a loser." Demetri said before Lexi pushed Hawk forward and Demetri got on the ground, sweeping his legs to make him fall. Demetri stayed back to taunt Hawk a little while Lexi ran towards Anthony who had the ball and tackled him, getting up and taking the ball, kicking him in the face in the process

"Lawrence! Call the game!" Coach screamed at the girl and Julianna turned to the woman, shaking her head. "I don't know, Coach. Anthony's been a real dick lately. I think he deserves it-" The coach cut her off, scavenging through her own bag until she found her extra whistle and blowing it, ending the game. "That's it! Everyone to the principal's office now!" Coach screamed and even though Julianna didn't get detention, she ran to the office with her friends.


After Counselor Blatt talked to everyone, she walked out of her office. "Caldwell, Johnson, Rickenberger, Lewis, the four of you and Eli are free to go. Oh, Miss Lawrence, I didn't know you got called in." Julianna shook her head. "I was just waiting for Lexi. She's my ride."

"Unbelievable." Demetri groaned and Lexi grabbed Julianna's arm. "Just meet me at the car." Julianna looked at Lexi skeptically before nodding her head and walking towards the front of the school.

As Julianna walked to the front, she passed the Cobra Kai boys that were huddled by the trophy case. "Where the hell's Lexi?" Joey called out by the doors. "Currently arguing with Counselor Blatt about detention." Julianna answers with a shrug.

Joey sighed. "She didn't give you the keys or anything?" Julianna shook her head. "She shood only be there for a few more minutes. Your legs can handle it." Julianna joked as her phone beeped from her back pocket and she quickly checked to see who it was, her brows furrowing at her dad, surprised he learned how to text.

Get outside. We're going for a drive.

"What's up?" Joey asked, noticing Julianna's expression and she looked up at him. "My dad's here." Julianna told him, making sure to whisper so the Cobra's behind her didn't hear about her dad. "I gotta go. Lexi should be out any minute now." Julianna told him. Joey nodded as she walked towards the doors and to her dad's car.


Johnny and Julianna walked into Miguel's hospital room and watched as he tried to reach for his phone. Miguel turned his head at the feeling of being watched and groaned at Johnny. "What are you doing here?"

Johnny ignored Miguel's question and walked towards the hospital bed. "You want the phone?" Miguel nodded and Johnny grabbed onto the rolley table the phone was sitting on and pushed it to the other side of the room. "Go get it."

"I can't walk. Even with the surgery, I might never-" "Quiet!" Johnny screamed, making both teens jump. "Never, can't. Those are just words that are meaningless. It's time for you to get out of bed and do something. You're not a kid anymore. The world won't hand it to you. You want something, you'll have to crawl across the floor, use your damn teeth if you have to. You'll do whatever it takes." Johnny said and Julianna nodded.

"And we're always gonna be right here next to you." Johnny pulled his lips into a line at is daughters words and shook his head. "No you're not." Julianna double takes and turns to her dad. "What?"

"I already got a job for you and Lexi. You're gonna spy on Cobra Kai. See what the hell they're doing that's making my students a bunch of little a-holes. But that's not the point right now. Miguel, get the phone." Miguel looked up at Johnny with big eyes before replying. "Yes, Sensei."

Miguel started to sit up out of the bed and lean towards the table. "You got it. That's it."

He had over half his body out of the bed, reaching for the phone and in one quick second, he was on the floor. Johnny huffed and gave him thumbs up. "It's all right though. You fell like champ." Julianna gave him a cheeky smile as she snapped her fingers and pointed at him. "A for effort."

- this book hit 60k yesterday and i just-🧍‍♀️IFJDJDBDJ

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