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Jules walked up to Demetri's front door and knocked loudly. Almost instantly, the door flew open and Demetri grabbed Julianna's wrist, pulling her into his house.

"You were supposed to be here an hour ago!" Demetri yelled and Julianna shook her head in defense. "I was helping my dad! You know... trying to reach Miguel how to walk again!" Julianna defended and Demetri rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Whatever. We still have time." He said, walking towards his room, Julianna right on his tail.

Demetri opened the door to his bedroom, showing her the disaster he had created just trying to make a nice date for him and Lexi. Julianna's jaw dropped at the sight of Demetri's room, holding back her own laugh. All the stuff that was once on Demetri's desk lay on the floor, a few blinds from his window fell out of their locks and a bedsheet was stapled to his ceiling.

Julianna bit back a laugh as she walked into the room completely. She crossed her arms, bringing her hand up to her mouth to bite her thumb nail as she turned to look back at Demetri who still stood in the doorway.

"What happened?" Julianna asked, her laugh finally escaping. Demetri sighed, walking into his room and standing beside the girl.

"I tried doing that blanket fort thing you used to make for the four of us when we were kids." Demetri said and Julianna smiled at the memories, remembering having to go to Eli's house an hour before Lexi and Demetri to set up a small blanket fort in Eli's basement where they could watch movies.

Demetri looked around his messy room and sighed, shaking his head. "Lexi hasn't even got here yet and I ruined our three month anniversary." He muttered and Julianna frowned, shaking her head as she bumped her shoulder against Demetri's. "Hey! No. We got this."

Julianna immediately crawled onto Demetri's bed, standing on it to fix the blanket but before she did, she looked down at all the items that used to be on Demetri's desk. She looked back and forth between the items and Demetri before keeping her eyes on the boy, nodding her head to the fallen items. "Pick that up."

Demetri scrambled to grab the things as Julianna turned to look up at the blanket stuck to the ceiling and once she realized how it was stuck, her eyes practically fell out of her head. "Did you staple this to your ceiling?!" She yelled and Demetri was quick to defend himself.

"Tape wouldn't stick!" He yelled as his phone rang. Demetri sighed, pulling his phone out of his pocket. When he saw someone calling him, he stood up, walking towards the door to answer. Julianna looked at Demetri walk away before sighing, turning abc to the ceiling, trying to pick at the staple to free the blanket.

After a few tries, Julianna knew she couldn't get the staple out of the ceiling. She turned around to Demetri, making sure his back was turned from her and she quickly looked back at the blanket, ripping it out of the ceiling. Julianna eyed the small whole now in the sheet before she turned around to Demetri who was hanging up the phone.

"I got it!" Jules cheered, showing off the bed sheet, smiling proudly. Demetri gave her a lopsided smile, nodding his head, making Julianna's smile drop. "What?"

Demetri licked his lips, shaking his head. "That was Sam. Apparently Cobra Kai's messing with Chris at work. I should go." He said, going to walk out of the room. Julianna's eyes widened, jumping off the bed, making Demetri stop, turning around to Julianna.

When the pair's eyes met, Julianna smiled. "I'm coming with you."


"Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude on your guys' half of the war against Cobra Kai." Julianna awkwardly chuckled out and Sam smiled, shaking her head at the blonde. "No, it's fine. The more fighters, the better." She said and Julianna let out a calm sigh, nodding her head.

Chris suddenly ran towards the group and when he got to the huddle, all eyes went on him. "Where are they?" Sam asked and Chris pointed behind him. "They snuck into the old laser tag place."

"How many?" Sam asked and Chris almost instantly answered. "Five of them."

Sam smirked at Chris' words, looking around the group. "Six of us. I like our odds." She said and Demetri slowly put his hand on her shoulder, shaking it as if it would knock sense into her.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Demetri asked and Sam nodded. "We're not on school property. This is our chance to fight back." Sam said before turning to Jules, smirking slightly. "You in, Lawrence?"

Julianna opened her mouth to answer. She looked around at all the Miyagi-Do eyes on her before she turned back to Sam, smirking back as she nodded. "Hell yeah, LaRusso." Jules answered, making Sam immediately wrap her arms around Julianna's shoulders, pulling her to the laser tag entrance, the rest of the group behind them.

When they got to the room, Julianna headed towards the light switch. She turned off the lights and Julianna could hear the Cobra Kais start to ask what had happened.

Sam walked into the room, the rest of Miyagi-Do with her and Julianna now in the back. Julianna didn't really notice it, but with Chris standing right in front of her, she couldn't see Hawk and vice versa. "What do you want?" Jules could hear Hawk groan. Julianna took a deep breath, clenching her fists at her side. Sam glared at the boy, her nose scrunching in anger. "Payback." She spat.

It all happened so fast. Jules watched with wide eyes as one by one, kids from Miyagi-Do and Cobra Lai started to fight each other until she was the only one not fighting.

Or she thought she was.

A low chuckle from in front of her made her turn her head, her jaw clenching at Anthony in front of her, cracking his knuckles. "I've been dying for round two." He muttered and Julianna smirked, tilting her head. "Aww... Ready to lose again?"

Anthony glared at the blonde, clenching his fists, making Jules smirk.

Julianna's amusement of his anger was Anthony's last straw. The boy screamed, running towards Julianna.

"Sam LaRusso! Where are you, bitch?" Julianna heard Tory yell as Anthony grabbed her shoulders, throwing her into one of the set pieces. Julianna groaned in pain, her shoulder burning.

Julianna glared at the boy in front of her, his face inches from hers as he laughed. The girl felt the pain in her shoulder go away as she sent a kick to his balls. Anthony almost instantly stopped laughing, dobbling over in pain.

As he bent down, Julianna rose her knee again, hitting his face. Anthony fell to the ground, trying to catch his breath as Julianna took slow steps towards him. Julianna looked down at the boy angrily, watching as his eyes flickered to her.

From the other side of the laser tag place, Julianna could hear a loud scream echo throughout the room. A chill went down her spine at how pained the scream sounded but Julianna kept her eyes on Anthony, not wanting to let her guard down.

She could hear footsteps walking towards her and Anthony but the girl didn't care. She clenched her jaw, raising her foot to kick him in the stomach. Anthony caught onto her plan quickly and used everything in him to grab Julianna's leg just before it hit him. Once he caught hold of Julianna's leg, Anthony used his leg to kick the leg keeping Julianna up.

Jules fell on the same shoulder she had just injured. A coughed groan left her lips as she shut her eyes in pain, the footsteps got louder until they were right at the end of the aisle.

"Come on, Anthony. Let's go." Jules could hear Tory say and Julianna opened her eyes as Anthony started to walk away from her.

When Anthony got to the other Cobra Kai's, he turned his head to the direction they came from and sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "Man, you do all the cool stuff without me." He said before the loud cry echoed throughout the building again.

This time, Julianna recognized Demetri's screams and ignored the pain emitting in her shoulder, shooting off the ground and running towards the direction she heard him.

She didn't even notice she rammed into a body, not caring to say sorry to the person once she saw Demetri on the floor, curled into a ball, gripping his arm.

Hawk had been staring at what he had done to Demetri even after the other Cobra Kai kids started to walk away and when Jules pushed passed him, not even caring that she had passed him to go straight to Demetri, Hawk's heart dropped.

He didn't know Jules was even at the laser tag place. He didn't see her walk in and he definitely didn't assume she'd be hanging out with the Miyagi-Do kids.

Julianna slid on her knees to get beside Demetri, gently grabbing his head and resting him in her lap. Her eyes scanned over his body, trying to see where he was in pain and when she saw Demetri's arm broken out of place, Julianna's heart dropped, a sudden sense of uneasiness washing over.

"I know it hurts like hell right now but you're gonna be okay." Jules whispered and Demetri just continued to cry in pain. Still feeling eyes on her, Julianna lifted her head and her once worried expression turned to anger as soon as she saw Hawk standing a few feet in front of her.

Hawks eyes widened at the glare on Julianna's face. It took everything in her not to attack Hawk right then and there but Julianna stayed with Demetri, not wanting to leave his side.

Hawk looked at what he had done before he shook his head and walked out of the laser tag place.

When she heard people walking up from behind her and Demetri, Julianna turned her head, watching as Chris scrambled to grab his phone and call 9-1-1. Julianna sniffled, still in shock from something she didn't even witness. She shook her head, silently telling herself to calm down as she rested her chin on Demetris head, shaking hers. "It's gonna be okay." She muttered even though she didn't think she herself or Demetri really listened to her words.


Jules sat in one of the chairs just outside of Demetri's hospital room; shoulder wrapped as she used her other elbow to rest on the arm rest, her fist against her temple to hold her head up.

A sigh and footsteps coming out of Demetri's hospital room made Jules turn her head. Joey looked down at her, smiling as he took the seat beside her. "Decided to let them have some alone time." Joey whispered, resting his head back against the wall. His eyes flickered to Julianna before his eyes went to her wrapped shoulder then back up to her face. "You okay?"

Jules stared forward, nodding her head as she shrugged. "Just have to keep it wrapped for the night. Nothing too bad." She whispered.

As she thought more about the fight again, Julianna bit the inside of her cheek, shaking her head in anger. "Demetri wants us to be nice to him." She grumbled and Joey turned to her, his brows furrowed. "Who?"

"Hawk!" Jules whisper yelled, turning her head to face Joey before scoffing, turning to look ahead of her. "I mean, seriously? Be nice to him?"

Joey shrugged,nudging Julianna's shoulder with his. "Okay, so what? You hardly even know the guy so just leave him alone."

At his words, Julianna turned to Joey with a confused look. "What are you talking about?" The girl breathed out and Joey shrugged again. "Well, I'm just saying, I've never met this Hawk guy so he had to have showed up in the past year or so-" Joey rang on and Jules shook her head, cutting him off. "Joey... Hawk is Eli."

Joey's jaw dropped, looking at Jul "No way." Joey gasped, sitting up a bit, thinking Julianna was messing with him but she nodded, making Joey's eyes get wider. "Why didn't you tell me this?!"

Julianna shrugged, holding back a laugh. "We thought you knew!" She defended and Joey scoffed, shaking his head. "Hell no, I didn't! That mohawk is so distracting I didn't notice!" Joey whisper yelled and Julianna finally let out her laughs. "You didn't think to wonder where Eli went?"

"I don't know. I thought he moved or something!" Joey whispered and Julianna continued to laugh, making Joey get defensive. "Hey, come on! It's not funny!" He yelled and Julianna shook her head, holding up her thumb and index finger, leaving a little space in between them. "It's a little funny."



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