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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨college acceptance¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"People! People!" Lexi yelled, her and Demetri walking towards Jules, Eli, Miguel, and Sam who were all stretching. The four stopped what they were doing at Lexi's yell and the big smile on her face.

When the two of them reached the group, Lexi held her head a bit higher, a paper held close to her chest. "May I please announce Alexandra Gomez's first college acceptance of the year?" LExi asked and Jules straightened up, her eyes starting to widen in excitement for her friend.

"It's gotta be a crazy big school because she introduced herself with her full name." Miguel whispered.

Lexi turned to Miguel, pushing her shoulders back proudly. "It is, Miguel." She said before looking to everyone. "Because I just got an acceptance letter from NY-freaking-U!" Lexi screamed, turning to paper around to show her friends.

Julianna's jaw dropped and her eyes could've popped out of her head. "No way!" She shouted, her face breaking into a huge grin. She let out an excited squeal, running to Lexi to pull her into a hug. "Lex, that's amazing!" Lexi barely had time to register her reaction before Jules wrapped her in a tight hug that almost knocked them both over.

Eli's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped before a grin spread across his face. "Holy shit, Lexi!"

Miguel chuckled at Jules' excitement for Lexi and when they pulled away, he held a hand out for her to high five. "That's freaking, Lexi." He said and Lexi smiled, returning the high five.

Lexi laughed, feeling tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She blinked rapidly, not wanting to cry. If she couldn't get the Sekai Takai, at least she had NYU. "I can't believe it." Lexi breathed out before she looked around her friends, shaking her head crazily. "And I wasn't expecting it so soon."

"It's Early Decision season. I heard Aisha got into UC Santa Cruz." Sam explained and Jules licked her lips nervously. She still hadn't heard anything from Boston. Jules looked to Miguel across from her, the same nervous look on his face. "You heard anything from Sanford?" She asked and Miguel sighed, shaking his head.

"No. I've been checking my emails, like, every day, but nothing." Miguel said, shrugging his shoulders sadly.

Eli noticed the look on Miguels face and shook his head reassuringly. "Hey, don't stress. It'll come." His eyes moved away from Miguel and to Jules and Demetri. He didn't know how college was going for Sam but he knew Jules and Demetri hadn't told him anything about their schools yet. "I mean, Jules hasn't heard from Boston and Demetri hasn't heard from MIT yet, so..."

Demetri's head shot up when his name was brought into conversation and Lexi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Yeah, I did." Demetri said as if it hasn't already been known.

Lexi turned to her friends with a confused look as they all stared at Demetri in shock. She was with him when he found out so she thought he had already told everyone else on his own time.

"What?" Eli asked as Jules just stared at Demetri, her eyes wide.

Demetri looked around at all of the eyes on him before he nodded his head. "I got in." He clarified and everyone stopped stretching.

A big smile grew on Julianna's face and her hands came up to cover it in excitement. "Oh my God. Dem, that's amazing!" Jules yelled and Demetri gave the girl a confused look. "Thank you... Why are you all so surprised? I worked my ass off and earned that spot. That would be like LeBron James getting turned down by the Lakers."

Jules ignored his slight attitude as Sam laughed at it. "Congratulations, Demetri. It's a really hard school to get into." Sam said and Demetri nodded his head proudly, looking around his friends before settling his eyes on Eli. "Yeah, it certainly is. Especially when you don't apply. Right, Eli?"

Eli slowly turned to Demetri, an unamused look on his face. "Real subtle." He grumbled and Demetri rose his hands defensively. "Hey, man, I'm just saying you miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

"All right! Circle up!"

Everyone crowded around Daniel and Johnny at the entrance of Miyagi-Do; Jules standing next to Miguel and Joey with Eli behind her,

"The Sekai Taikai needs our final roster in three days. And now that we know who's going, it's time to name out male and female captains." Johnny said, his eyes going to his daughter in the front row.

Jules held her head a little higher, a smile growing on her face especially when Eli leaned forward so his mouth was right by her ear. "You've got this in the bag." He whispered, making Jules hold back a snicker.

"The captains are not just the leaders of the team. They're the ones that will be fighting in the finals if we can make it that far." Daniel explained and Johnny pointed at him with his thumb in agreement. "Plus, they get to fight on live TV. Who knows what comes after that? Wheaties boxes, chop-socky flicks, ZZ Top videos. Sky's the limit."

"You'll all get the glory if we win but yes, the captains will be in the spotlight. They need to represent the best that Miyagi-Do has to offer. And Sensei Lawrence and I want to assure you that the decision will be completely unbiased." Daniel explained, making sure to look over all eight of the chosen students.

Johnny clapped, nodding his head. "That's right. In two days, Jules will face Tory for the female captain spot since the two of them were the winner and runner up for the All Valley." He explained, pointing at the two girls.

Jules and Tory both leaned forward in the line so they could see each other and they immediately sent playful glares to each other, their smiles peaking out.

"And Robby and Miguel will fight for male captain. We all know you've fought plenty of times before, but now that we're on the same side, this is still the best way for us to see who's progressed the most." Daniel explained as Jules moved to stand straight up again, her attention going back to her senseis.

"All right, enough talking. It's time to train. You four, get inside. I'm gonna whip your butts into shape." Johnny said, pointing to Tory, Miguel, Robby, and Jules before pointing behind him into the sparring room.

Jules looked back at Eli, sending him a small smile before walking into the home after the three.


Johnny had the four teens face him as he taught them his own kata he created. Jules stood in the front with Miguel while Tory and Robby stood behind them, all four of their eyes closed as Johnny threw out his kata forms.

"Big circle. Big circle. Breathe in. Breathe out." Johnny instructed and the teens followed along, making two circles with their hands and then taking a deep breath.

Suddenly, the kata changed from calming to violent. "Elbow to the face. Punch in the throat. Lift his ass up And dump him." Johnny said, him and the students opening their eyes to do the moves he called out.

Jules had to hold back her laugh, especially when Daniel walked into the room to check on them, his eyes ready to pop out of his head.

"Kick to the stomach. Block his attack. Grab his nuts. Twist. Twist. Twist!"

Johnny smirked at the four teens, proud of them for getting the work down so fast. He nodded his head and pointed to the ground. "Alright, have a seat." He breathed out.

As they all sat down, Johnny ran into the other room and dragged in a coffee table with a small TV on top of it. Johnny looked to the students and waved his hands around. "Close your eyes. Breathe. Clear your minds." He told them, not wanting them to see him struggle working the television.

The students listened and after a while, Johnny was able to get the TV working and get his movie playing to the spot he needed it.

"Perfect. Open your eyes." He said, a big smile on his face.

Jules held back a laugh as soon as she saw Best of the Best playing on the television. She knew this movie like the back of her hand from how much her dad played it while she was growing up.

"Watch closely. Watch closely. Jules, shut it. Here comes the good part." Johnny said, his eyes glued on the screen but he could still hear his daughter trying to hold back her laugh.

"Hell yeah." Johnny cheered before he turned to the students, pointing at the man on the screen. "Alex Grady is the character he's playing. Lost his shoulder in the first movie. In the second movie, it's miraculously healed. If you believe in yourselves, you can be like Eric Roberts too."

All of the students nodded their heads, taking Johnnys words to heart... or at least trying to look like they were.

Johnny suddenly clapped his hands, making the four jump. He stood up and nodded towards the backyard. "Let's head out back."

Johnny and the four fighting for captain switch with Daniel and the rest of the students. Johnny led the students to a corner of the backyard towards a punching dummy and not trusting Johnny, Daniel told the kids inside to work on their kata while he watched over Johnny and the other four students.

They all watched as Johnny reached into his bag and pulling out a t-shirt with the french flag, a beret, and a marker. Jules licked her lips to contain her smile as her dad threw the hat and shirt onto the dummy.

"Mr. Miyagi fought for America. You're gonna have to do the same." Johnny said, drawing a mustache onto the dummy as a final touch. He closed the marker and turned back to the students, Jules giving him a proud nod.

"Nice touch." She whispered and Johnny nodded back.

"Thank you." He responded before side stepping away from the dummy and gesturing Jules towards the dummy, silently telling her to step up.

Jules stepped forward and practiced all of the kicks and punches she knew she was still a little rusty with before working on the moves she knew she had in the bag. Afterwards, Johnny told her to step back and he changed the dummy's outfit, and wiped off the mustache.

Now, the dummy was wearing the flag of China. Johnny stepped away from the dummy and nodded to Miguel. "Diaz, you're up."

As Miguel attacked the dummy, Johnny turned to Robby, Jules, Tory, and ultimately Daniel since he was watching. "Foreign kids don't speak English. But they do speak karate. So you're gonna have to kick higher and harder than ever before."

Johnny changed the dummy's outfit again, the mannequin now wearing a beanie and a t-shirt with the Canadian flag. Tory stepped up this time and when she was done, Johnny changed the dummy's outfit one more time. This time, it had nothing on but a shirt with the flag of the Soviet Union.

Jules sighed at the sight, her arms crossed as Robby stepped up to hit the dummy.

"Johnny, the Soviet Union doesn't even exist anym–" "Quiet!" Johnny yelled, interrupting Daniel.

Johnny looked around the dojo before his eyes fell on the balance board floating in the middle of the koi pond. Without saying a word, he started walking towards it. The four teens turned to look at each other, confused looks on all of their faces before Jules huffed and started following after her dad.

Jules didn't t know how she didn't notice it before but a pitching machine sat on one end of the dojo. Johnny looked over the students once he reached the machine and just like the last exercise, he pointed to his daughter. "Lawrence! Get up there!" Johnny yelled, pointing to the balance board.

Jules sighed, hopping into the pond. "Okay, back to formalities." She grumbled under her breath, placing her hands onto the board and pushing herself up onto it without slipping off or flipping the board.

As she got onto the board, Johnny chugged a bottle of Coors Banquet. "The key to Miyagi-Do is balance. You gotta stay on your feet no matter what life throws at you." He said after swallowing his last sip of the beer.

Julianna's eyebrows furrowed, her face scrunching. "What are you—" Her eyes widened and her words were cut off when Johnny placed the glass bottle into the pitcher and it shot towards her.

"Oh my God!" Jules screeched, bending down just before the glass could hit her in the head. She could hear Miguel, Robby, Tory, and Daniel gasp behind her, but Johnny only grabbed another glass and loaded it into the pitcher.

"Come on, Jules!" He yelled as the bottle launched towards her.

Not knowing what to do and terrified that the huge chunk of glass flying towards her, Jules slapped the bottle out of the way and into the water with the palm of her hand. Her palm burned as if she just did an aggressive high five and she shook her hand to relieve the pain.

"That's my girl!" Johnny cheered before nodding to Tory. "Switch with Nichols!"

Jules huffed, muttering a small "that's it?" as she slid off the board and swapped places with Tory.

Just like Jules, Tory dodged a glass and slapped one away from her. Tory groaned at the burning in her palm and shook her hand crazily to stop the pain.

"Good job, Nichols!" Johnny yelled, completely ignoring Tory and his daughter getting injured by his lesson.

Robby went next after Tory, dodging both bottles instead of hitting one of the bottles away from him after seeing both Tory and Jules react to their palms slapping the glass. "That's it, Robby!" Johnny yelled.

Robby and Miguel swapped spots and as soon as Miguel was standing, Johnny dropped a bottle into the pitcher and the glass shot towards the boy.

Jules gasped when Miguel caught the bottle with one hand while her father groaned. "Dodge, not catch!" He snapped, putting another bottle into the pitcher. Miguel tossed the bottle he caught to the side and turned back to the one heading right towards his face.

Miguel gasped, dropping to the floor and lying in a plank on the board and Johnny groaned again. "Get up, Diaz!" Johnny yelled and Jules brought her hand to her mouth to cover her giggles.


That night, Jules laid on the top bunk of her and Robby's bunk bed absolutely drained. She stared up at the glow in the dark star on her ceiling and sighed. "How are you feeling about all of this?" Jules asked.

She heard Robby sigh on the mattress underneath hers. He didn't have as nice of a view as Jules got. Instead of glow in the dark stars, Robby had stickers he stuck on to the planks holding the top bunks mattress up. "I think I've got this in the bag." Robby breathed out, his shoulders relaxing. "Tory and I were gonna head to the park after school tomorrow and train."

Julianna's eyebrows furrowed but she kept her eyes on the ceiling. "I thought you two were gonna come to the dojo to train with Miguel and I." She asked and Robby shrugged even though Jules could see her.

"Well, we figured since we're fighting each other, it would be best not to show each other our moves." Robby explained and Jules thought about it for a second before realizing it was a good idea. She nodded her head, her lips pursed a little.

"Makes sense." She said before she was suddenly hit with a wave a tiredness. Jules yawned, turning to lay on her side and face the wall. "Goodnight."

Robby sighed, suddenly getting tired as well. He moved to sleep on his side, facing the wall just like Jules as his eyes closed. "Goodnight."


School was a little rough now that Demetri and Eli weren't on the beat of terms. They would still talk to each other, but it wasn't the same. Eli told Jules it was because he didn't want to ruin the friend group so close to the end of senior year.

Jules, Eli, Lexi, and Demetri sat at a table during lunch, Jules and Eli on one side of the table and Lexi and Demetri across from them. As they all ate, Robby walked into the cafeteria and made a beeline for their table.

"Hey, uh... have you guys seen Tory? I haven't heard from her all day." Robby asked, his eyes mainly on his sister and Lexi since they were the ones friends with Tory. Lexi and Jules turned to each other, Lexi shaking her head as Jules pursed her lips to think about it.

After a couple seconds, Jules turned back to Robby and shook her head. "No, I haven't had any classes with her today yet. But I have fifth period with her so if I see her I'll let you know." Jules said before her phone beeped. She quickly pulled it out of her pocket and she froze at the notification .

Robby didn't notice and sighed at her answer, looking around the cafeteria until his eyes landed on Miguel and Sam a couple tables away.

"Okay, I'll go ask Miguel and Sam just inc–" Robby stopped mid-sentence when his eyes landed on Jules, who was staring down at her phone, her face drained of all color. "You okay?" Robby asked, making the whole table turn to her.

Jules didn't look up. "I just got an email from Boston University." She whispered, her eyes still glued to the screen.

Eli leaned in to see the screen and saw that she was only staring at the notification, she couldn't see if she got in. His eyes widened, and a big smile spread across his face. He started shaking her shoulders, practically bouncing in his seat. "Open it!"

Jules whipped her head around to him, her eyes wide panic. She shook her head wildly. "What? No! What if they reject me?" Jules yelled, her voice getting higher with every word.

She suddenly tossed her phone into the middle of the table and covered her eyes with her hands. "Someone else do it!" She yelled, her words muffled by her hands.

Lexi leaned forward from across the table and grabbed the phone. She took a deep breath, her fingers trembling slightly for her best friend as she unlocked her phone. Everyone stared at Lexi, waiting for her face to give away the answer as Jules kept her hands over her face.

Lexi's eyes widened, her breath hitching in her throat. "Oh my God..." She whispered, her voice so low it was almost inaudible. The way she said it made everyone freeze, unsure if it was a good or bad "oh my God."

Jules peeked through a small gap in her fingers. "What?" She asked, her words muffled.

Lexi looked up at her, and a huge smile slowly spread across her face. "You got it." She breathed out.

Jules' hands flew away from her face and she practically launched herself across the table to snatch her phone back, her hands fumbling with it. "What?" She repeated, her voice louder as she stared down at the email, her eyes darting over the words.

"You got in!" Lexi cheered again, and the rest of the group erupted into cheers and excited shouts.

Reading it herself, a big smile broke across Julianna's face. "Oh my God!" She screamed before she turned to Eli, her heart racing. "I got in!"

The table erupted into louder cheers and claps as Eli wrapped his arms around Jules and pulled her into his chest, holding her tight as he cheered. Jules laughed at her friends on her boyfriend. Eli put a big kiss on the top of her hairline before he pulled away.

Robby, leaned down and pulled Jules, still sitting, into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you." He whispered and Jules smiled, holding onto Robby tighter.

Lexi let out a happy squeal for Jules and when she pulled awake from her hug with Robby, Lexi reached across the table and grabbed Julianna's hands, squeezing them tightly. "This is huge!" She cheered as Demetri held his hand out.

"Boston isn't gonna know what hit them." He said and Jules chuckled, high-fiving and then fist bumping Demetri. "Hell yeah." She laughed out.

Eli pulled her back into another hug, his smile still just as wide. "I knew you you'd get in." He muttered into her ear, making Jules blush. She pulled out of the hug just enough to look into Eli's eyes, her smile big and her cheeks pink.

She leaned in and kissed Eli; a quick little celebratory kiss before she turned back to her friends and leaned into Eli's side.

Suddenly, Jules gasped, her smile leaving her face. "I have to tell dad."


After school, Johnny didn't pick Jules up so she could tell him the news. Instead, Daniel picked her and Miguel up and took them to the nearby woods to practice their kata. They had been there for a couple hours and all Jules could think about was telling her dad she was accepted into Boston.

"Sensei, how am I doing?" Miguel asked, pulling her out of her thoughts. She watched Miguel's form, correcting her own before Daniel noticed as he smiled at Miguel. "Your form is great. Just remember to clear your mind and breathe."

Even though the advice wasn't for her, Jules shut her eyes and took a deep breath. She tried her hardest to clear her mind, but she couldn't. When she heard Daniel walking towards her, Jules opened her eyes and watched as the man smiled at Miguel.

"Kid's dialed in. He really wants that male captain slot." He whispered so Miguel wouldn't hear him and Julianna smiled, continuing her kata as they talked. "It's his best shot at Stanford." She said and Daniel raised his eyebrows,

"What about you? Heard you tell Miguel in the car you heard back from Boston. That's amazing but what are you fighting for? We know Tory's gonna give you a good fight." Daniel asked and Jules stopped her kata and gave the man a small smile.

"My dad." She answered, catching Daniel off guard. Jules laughed a little, shaking her head. "Not to out him or anything but after he lost to you in high school, it really messed with him. I remember how proud he was of me when I won the All Valley." Jules said, smiling at the memory of her winning the All Valley.

Her smile slowly faded when she thought about the All Valley after. "And how upset he was when Cobra Kai cheated my second year." She said and Daniel nodded, understanding where Julianna was coming from.

Jules nodded her head and pushed her shoulders back, her smile coming back again. "I want this to be for him. So he knows everything was worth it." She explained, her shoulders shrugging with her words.

Daniel smiled at her answer. It wasn't what he was expecting, but it was heartfelt. He nodded his head and put a hand on her shoulders. "You're a good kid, Julianna."

Jules smiled at his words playfully rolling her eyes. "I know. My dad's pretty lucky." She said before none other than Johnny Lawrence appeared a couple feet behind Daniel. Julianna's eyes widened and she laughed. "Speak of the devil."

Daniel turned around and immediately started walking towards Johnny, completely disregarding the rest of his and Jules's conversation. "I'll be right back." He said, his eyes glued on Johnny before his head whipped back to look at Jules and Miguel. "Keeping working on your form!" He yelled just as he reached Johnny.

Miguel and Jules did as they were told, working on their kata while Johnny and Daniels fight echoed through the forest. Jules only stopped when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

She pulled her phone out and her breath caught in her throat reading her newest text.

"Holy shit..." She managed to get out, catching Miguel's attention. He stopped his kata and watched Jules nervously. "What?" He asked.

Jules looked up from her phone then looked back down, not saying anything. Miguel walked towards Jules, standing beside her to read her texts.

"Oh my God..." He whispered after he read the texts. The two of them looked away from the phone and to each other. They had to tell their senseis.

They slowly walked towards Daniel and Johnnys arguing voices until they found the two men. Miguel and Jules stood a couple feet away from them, not wanting to get too close to them while they were bickering.

"Uh... Senseis?" Miguel called out but neither of the men turned to look at Miguel.

"One second, Miguel." Johnny said as he held up one finger towards Miguel and Jules, telling them to hold on.

Jules cringed, nervously exchanging the weight in her feet. "We've got a problem..." She said and both men groaned, putting their fight on the back burner and turning to Jules and Miguel.

"What?" Johnny asked, his voice snapping a little since he was still aggravated with his fight with Daniel. Jules fidgeted with her fingers, slightly scared to say the texts she received but she knew she had to. Her eyes bounced nervously back and forth between her dad and Daniel before her eyes finally settled on her dad and she spoke. "Joey broke his leg."



i will never get over jules and robby having bunk beds actually...

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