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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨fight it out¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Soon enough, the fights to see who would become the captains for the Sekai Takai arrived. Robby and Miguel were up first. Jules made sure to give the two boys the same good luck speech and a hug, not wanting one of them thinking she favored the other winning more.

As the two boys walked onto the stage, where Daniel was reffing, Jules stepped back to stand with Lexi and Eli. Lexi looked around the dojo and her eyebrows furrowed when she didn't see Tory.

She leaned towards Jules but kept her eyes on Robby, trying to see if something in his face said where Tory was. "Where's Tory?" Lexi asked, Eli standing between them.

As Eli started to look around the dojo, realizing he hadn't seen Tory walk in, Jules huffed, shrugging. "No clue. Robby said he hasn't heard from her all day." Jules said before she leaned forward to see Lexi past Eli. "How's Joey?"

Lexi rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. She turned back to the sparring deck and held back an annoyed scoff. "Still with a broken leg. I can't believe it's all because one kid tackled him wrong in his wrestling tournament." Lexi grumbled before she turned back to Jules, her eyebrows raising. "Has your dad told you about what they're gonna do with his spot?"

Jules sighed, licking her lips. "Nope."

Lexi turned to Eli next to her and feeling eyes on him, Eli looked down to Lexi. The girl gave him a small smile and raised her fist up. "No hard feelings to whoever gets Joey's spot?" She asked and Eli smirked, returning Lexi's fist bump. "No hard feelings."

"Fighting positions!"

The three turned back to the sparring deck to watch Robby and Miguel fight. Daniel looked back and forth between the two boys before stepping back. "Fight!"

Immediately, Miguel launched towards Robby, throwing punch after punch at Robby. Miguel got on the floor and swept Robby's legs out from under him and as soon as Robby hit the floor, Miguel punched him in the stomach.

"Point, Diaz!" Daniel screamed and Jules let out a small breath of air, nervously bringing her hand up to her mouth to bite her nails. As Robby got back up, she could tell he was out of it and something was messing with him. She regretted not keeping her phone in her gi pocket so she could text Tory.

"One point, Diaz. Zero points, Keene. Ready? Fight!"

Neither of them moved for a second, both of them waiting for hte other to pounce.

Suddenly, Robby spun around and raised his leg to kick Miguel in the face but Miguel leaned back just before he could get hit. Robby went for another kick, but Miguel blocked it.

Robby stumbled back and Jules silently gasped, her eyes glued on the fight in front of her.

Miguel threw a punch towards Robby's chest and as he blocked it, Miguel kicked him in the face, knocking Robby to the ground.

"Point, Diaz! Two points." Daniel yelled as Robby laid on the floor for a second.

As he slowly started to get up, Daniel gave the boy a look. "One more point and he wins."

Robby huffed at Daniel's words, trying to concentrate on the fight. To win. He let out a tired breath and brushed his hair out of his face, giving him the perfect view of Tory walking into the dojo, her head held high.

Jules watched as her brothers whole demeanor changed looking at something behind her. When he smiled, Jules turned around and her back straightened at Tory walking up to stand beside Devon.

But as Tory got closer, Julianna's eyebrows furrowed. She didn't have to be near the girl to noticed something was wrong with the girl. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her hair was tangled in her ponytail.

Daniel yelling "Ready? Fight!" made Jules finally look away from Tory and back to the boys on the mat. Miguel was the first to make a move, throwing a kick that Robby immediately blocked.

This time, Robby seemed completely fine, blocking the kick Miguel sent his way. He continued to block every hit thrown at him and when Miguel went to the floor to sweep his feet, Robby flipped over Miguel.

When Miguel tried to throw a punch at Robby, Robby blocked the hit with his shoulder and punched Miguel in the chest.

Julianna's jaw dropped at the moved, her hand going to her mouth to cover her mouth.

When they got back up, Miguel ran at Robby, throwing punch after punch towards him. As he blocked one of Miguel's punches, Robby threw his own arm out and punched Miguel in the chest.

"Point, Keene. Two to one." Daniel said as Jules licked her lips nervously. "Ready? Fight."

Miguel jumped up, throwing his leg out just as Robby ducked, dodging Miguel's kick. When he landed, Miguel ran at Robby, going all in on offense.

Miguel ended up backing Robby up to the end of the sparring deck and when he tried to throw another punch at Robby, Robby pushed Miguel back, giving himself some more space and time to use his own offense.

Robby threw multiple punches at Miguel, all that were blocked until Robby jumped and spun around, landing a kick right on Miguel's face.

"Point, Keene." Daniel yelled as Lexi gasped at the hit, her eyes wide when Miguel hit the floor. Eli's eyes were glued on the fight but leaned towards Jules beside.

"All right. Two to two. Next point wins." Daniel yelled as Eli smirked, finally turning to look to his girlfriend. "Wanna bet on who will win?" Eli asked, getting an immediate scoff from Jules.

"It's like you think I have a death wish." Jules dryly laughed out, hitting Eli's shoulder with her own.

Jules turned back to the fight just as Daniel started it. She was sure she stopped breathing watching the two boys go back and forth. Her hand that was once only covering her mouth in shock, moved so she could bite her nails.

When the two of them fell to the floor, Jules finally breathed again, letting out a quiet gasp.

Robby lifted his leg up and went to slam it down on Miguel's chest, but Miguel grabbed his ankle and rolled away from Robby. They got up at the same time, kneeling with one hand on the ground as they stared at each other.

Miguel ran at Robby and started to throw another handful of punches Robby's way.

Eli looked to Jules, wanting to see her reaction to the fight and his eyes widened when he saw her biting her nails. Immediately, he gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away from her mouth.

Jules turned to Eli with wide eyes, not expecting Eli's touch and still pumping with anticipation from the fight. Eli gave her a small smile and slid his hand into hers so she'd stop biting. "You don't want to bite so far that it hurts before your fight." Eli whispered.

Jules nodded, taking a deep breath to calm herself down. She turned back to the fight just as Miguel threw his leg up onto Robby's shoulder. Julianna's eyes could've popped out of her head when Robby threw Miguel's leg off of his shoulder, flipping Miguel onto the ground.

As soon as he hit the ground, Robby ran towards Miguel and punched him in the stomach.

"Point. Winner!" Daniel yelled as all of the teens started to cheer. Jules made sure to cheer enough to make Robby happy but not enough to make Miguel feel bad. She was happy to see her brother win and she couldn't hide the smile on her face when he turned to her tiredly.

Miguel walked up to Robby and the two fist bumped, making Julianna's shoulders relax a little knowing Miguel wasn't bitter about the loss.

Daniel walked up to the two boys and after saying a few words to Robby, he stood in between the two of them, grabbed Robby's arm and raised it in the air. "Your male captain. Robby Keene."

As everyone cheered for the boy, Julianna's eyes met Miguel and although she was still clapping, Jules gave him a sympathetic smile that Miguel returned with a sad one.

When the boys walked off the deck, Jules started to bounce on her toes nervously. She let out a breath of air, her lips trilling with it.

The noise caught Eli's attention and he squeeze her hand. "Hey." He whispered. Jules turned to face Hawk's her eyes wide in nerves. "You've got this. No matter what, I'm proud of you."

Jules smiled at her boyfriends words, nodding her head as her nerves started to die down. She took a deep breath as Eli smiled down at her. "I love you." He whispered and when Jules opened her eyes, she quickly got on her toes and and kissed his lips.

"I love you too." Jules whispered back, feeling better than she did not even a minute ago.

"Julianna, Tory. Come on up." Daniel said, looking between the two girls. Since Johnny had kids fighting for both the female spot and the male spot, he opted out reffing.

Jules nodded and started walking towards the sparring deck. Just before she could step up, Johnny stuck his arm out in front of her and stopped her. Jules turned to her dad, who gave her a small smile.

"Whatever happens up there, I love you." Johnny whispered and Jules smiled. He looked past her, to Daniel and Tory and once he was sure neither of them were looking, Johnny leaned closer to Jules, his small smile turned into a smirk. "You can totally take her." He whispered.

Jules snickered and rolled her eyes. She got onto the mat, bowed to Daniel and to Tory before taking a couple steps towards her.

She gave Tory a smile, hoping to calm Tory down from whatever was shaking her up. Jules raised her fist, the first move of the girls handshake they created back when they were in Cobra Kai together.

"May the best Queen Cobra win." Jules joked, a small laugh leaving with her words.

Tory's eyes stared down at Julianna's fist and after a couple seconds, Jules's smile faltered. Her hand shook a little, not knowing if she should put it down, but before she could, Tory looked up to her eyes and shakily met her fist in the middle, mindlessly doing their old handshake.

"Fighting Positions!" Daniel yelled, making the two girls back away from each other. Jules brought her fists up and she felt nervous butterflies in her stomach as she watched Tory get angrier by the second.

"Fight!" Daniel yelled and Julianna's eyes widened when Tory ran at her, screaming. She dodged Tory's kick just before her foot could hit her face.

When Jules got out of the way, Tory was right on her tail, sending punch after punch towards Julianna. Jules was out of breath blocking all of Tory's hits and she got a bit of a head rush from how fast she ducked from a kick.

But as Jules ducked at Tory's kick to her head and while she was on the ground, Jules stuck her foot out and swept Tory's leg out from under her.

As soon as Tory hit the ground, Jules got up and ran towards the girl, punching her in the stomach and earning her point.

"Point, Lawrence!" Daniel yelled and Tory groaned, smacking her hands against the mat before shooting off the ground.

As Julianna walked back towards her spot, her eyebrows furrowed as she watched Tory pace back and forth. When Tory got into her spot, Jules leaned forward, concern etched across her face.

"Tor, are you okay?" Jules whispered but before Tory could answer, Daniel raised his hand. "Ready?" He called out and before he could yell "fight," Tory ran at Julianna, throwing as many punches she could as hard as she could.

Julianna's eyes were wide as she blocked all of Tory's punches, trying her hardest to meet Tory's eyes but the girl was too fueled with anger to notice.

Getting used to Tory throwing punches, Jules wasn't expecting Tory to kick her until Tory screamed and Jules felt a shooting pain in her side.

Jules groaned in pain, hunching over a little as she grabbed her side. "Point, Nichols!" She could hear Daniel yell before feeling another kick to her chest.

Julianna collapsed to the ground, gasping at the hit of Tory's foot and her back hitting the ground. She shakily looked up at Tory, the girl not even seeming to care that not only did she start the fight too early but she kicked her friend to the ground when it wasn't necessary.

Jules looked up at Daniel, the man's eyes wide as he stared down at her. She looked past the man, her eyes falling on Hawk and Lexi. Eli looked just about ready to run to her to check on her as Lexi stared at Jules with a worried look.

"Julianna?" Daniel asked, making Jules whip her head back up to the man. She realized he was waiting for her to get up and despite the aching in her side and chest, Jules shot off the ground and shook her head.

"I'm.. I'm fine." Jules stuttered out, her tone and stuttering giving away that she was lying. She bit her lips to hold back a cry in pain from how bad her back hurt and Daniel noticed.

He quickly shook his head, getting angry at Tory's recklessness. "That should be no poi–" "No!" Jules's blurted, interrupting Daniel. Tory's anger would've only gotten stronger if Daniel gave her no point. Jules shook her head, trying her hardest to look as honest as possible. "I'm okay."

Daniel watched the girl for a second before turning around to look at Johnny. Even though he was a little nervous about how the fight could go, Johnny believed in Jules. When his eyes locked with Daniels, he nodded his head, silently telling him to let the fight continue.

Daniel sighed in defeat and turned back to the girls as they got into their fighting stances. He pointed at Tory, who was bouncing on adrenaline. "That's a warning. Next one's a deduction, got it?"

When Tory nodded, Daniel was hesitant to continue the fight. After a couple of seconds, he raised his hand and leaned towards the girls. "That's one to one. Ready? Fight!"

She didn't want to spend the whole fight just blocking Tory's hits so when Tory went to punch her, she grabbed both of Tory's arms, spun her out, and sent her back a couple of steps. As Tory stumbled back, Jules raised her leg and kicked Tory's stomach.

"Point, Lawrence. Two to one." Daniel yelled as Jules tried to catch her breath. She watched Tory get angrier and Jules gulped. All she needed was one more point and this terrifying fight would be over.

"Fighting positions. Ready? Fight."

Jules immediately ran at Tory and jumped. As she started to spin around, she shot her leg up to kick her. Tory ducked, dodging the kick. She got in the ground, hoping to sweep Julianna's feet out from under her once she landed but she planned her sweep too early, Jules landing a good two seconds after Tory stuck her foot out.

Tory got back up and let out a war cry as she ran at Jules. As Jules blocked all of Tory's punches, Tory grabbed Julianna's arm and threw her down onto the ground. Julianna groaned at the shooting pain she felt when her knees hit the ground first. She looked up at Tory just as the Nichols girl raised her leg to slam it down onto her.

Julianna's eyes almost popped out of her head. She rolled out from under Tory just before she could get hit. She didn't notice Amanda run to her husband, panic pumping through her.

As she started to stand back up, Tory ran at her, throwing more kicks and punches. Jules tried her hardest to block as many of Tory's hits as she could but while her attention was on Tory's kick, she realized it was too late to block Tory's hand coming right for her shoulder.

Only Tory didn't punch Jules. She grabbed Julianna's shoulders forcefully, tight enough that made Jules yelp in pain at the feeling of Tory's finger digging into the soft spot of her shoulder.

Tory pushed Jules backwards, her grip on the girls shoulder getting tighter and tighter as her free hand raised into a fist to get her final point against Jules.

Jules looked behind her, noticing she was just about three steps away before she'd fall off the deck. Her eyes moved to Tory, a pleading look on her face. Her eyes were so focused on Tory, trying everything she could to get the girl to snap out of whatever was going on in her head, she didn't notice Daniel coming towards the two of them until his hand caught Tory's punch that was aimed towards Julianna's face.

"The fights over." Daniel whispered and Tory ripped her hand out of his grasp, shaking her head frantically. "That's not fair! That could have been a point!"

Daniel shook his head, a sad look on his face. "We can't do this right now. Not in front of everybody." He whispered and immediately, Tory's anger washed away and she desperately shook her head, her lip quivering.

"Don't stop the fight. Please." She begged but Daniel ignored her, walking to the edge of the mat and gesturing for them to get down.

"Come on. Please, girls. Off the deck. Let's go." He said as Julianna's brows furrowed. She walked forward, closer to Tory and Daniel as her dad scoffed, getting onto the mat.

"Don't tell them what to do. I'm their sensei too!" Johnny yelled and Daniel spun around to face him. 

"Well, then, end the fight." Daniel snapped and Jules only grew more confused. She shook her head a little, looking between Tory and Daniel since her dad looked just as confused as her. "What's going on?" Jules asked and Johnny turned to his daughter, nodding in agreement before he turned back to Daniel angrily. "Yeah, Why stop the fight?"

"Because my mother died!" Tory yelled, making everyone in the dojo turn to her.

Jules took a small step towards Tory, and seeing it out of the corner of her eyes, Tory flinched and took a step back, practically jumping away from Jules.

"Tory, I'm... I'm so sorry for your loss. But we can't continue this fight. It's not the time." Daniel said and Tory whipped her head to look at Daniel, a desperate look in her eyes.

"Yes, it is! I have to fight now." Tory pleaded, pointing to the ground. Daniel sighed, not wanting to have to push Tory too far when she was already down. He looked behind him to Johnny and nodded his head, gesturing for him to jump in. "Sensei Lawrence, some help here, please."

"It's not up to us. If Nichols wants to fight, she should." Johnny said, making everyone turn to him. Daniel glared at Johnny, shaking his head. "We'll find another way to appoint the captain." Daniel said, but Johnny ignored him and looked to the two girls behind him.

Jules looked to Tory just as she took a step back. "Find a way? No! You don't understand! None of you understand!" Tory yelled, her voice breaking. She turned and ran right for Amanda and Robby, a small whimper leaving her lips. "My mom, she would've wanted this. If I don't fight. I have to do this. I have to do this for her." Tory begged.

Jules turned back to her dad and as soon her eyes locked with his, Julianna's face softened. She remembered when her dad first opened up to her about the night his mom died; the reason he didn't make it to her birth. She remembered him telling her that all he wanted to do was fight. She remembered how much he said it would've helped him.

Jules wasn't there to help her father grieve how he needed to—granted, she wasn't born yet—but she now had the opportunity to help Tory grieve how she needed to.

She took a big step forward. "I'll fight her!" Jules blurted, making everyone's heads turn, but Jules kept her eyes on Tory. She watched as her friends eyes softened, more tears growing in her eyes at the fact that Jules would let her keep fighting just to let her grieve.

Jules walked towards Tory, ignoring everyone else in the dojo. When the two girls were face to face, she grabbed both of Tory's hands and squeezed them, her own eyes starting to tear up. "If you need to fight it out, we'll fight it out." Jules whispered.

Tory's eyes jumped around, not knowing where to look. When her eyes finally landed on Jules, she nodded her head.

A hand grabbed Julianna's shoulder and pulled her back. Jules whipped around wide eyed before she glared at Daniel in front of her.

"Julianna, no!" Daniel yelled, pointing a parental finger at her and Johnny scoffed. "Good thing it's not your decision and you're not her parent." Johnny snapped, walking towards his daughter.

Daniel shook his head at the Lawrence's and held back an eye roll, angry that the two were egging this on. "We're finding a different way to decide on captain." Daniel said, starting to walk away.

Jules felt her own anger bubble in her stomach and she took a step towards Daniel. "Are you not listening to me? I'll fight her!" Jules yelled at the back of the man's head.

She heard a few people gasp at the fact that she yelled at Daniel and Eli wished he had a bowl of popcorn to eat when Daniel spun around angrily and pointed at Jules.

"You're not doing that!" Daniel screamed, shaking his finger right in Julianna's face. Jules took a step towards Daniel, her eyes getting a little wider as she shook her head.

"You don't have a say in what I do!" Jules yelled and Tory finally snapped, tired and drained and not wanting Jules to get in trouble for defending her.

"You want this fight to be over?" Tory screamed, making everyone turn to her. She was shaking and she licked her lips so they couldn't see it quivering. "Fine! It's over!"

As she walked off the sparring deck, Jules was quick to start following after her, wanting to be there for Tory.

Jules only jumped off the sparring deck before her father ran after her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her back against his chest. 

"Let her go." He whispered, holding Jules tight as she tried to squirm out of her dad's grip.

When Tory tried to push past Eli and Lexi to walk out of the dojo, Lexi gently reached for Tory's shoulder, her own eyes starting to water for her friend.  "Tory–" Lexi started, her voice quiet and shaky but Tory pushed herself out of Lexi's grasp and kept walking. "I'm done!"

Once Tory was out of the dojo, Johnny let go of his daughter and Daniel immediately walked up to them. "Sensei Lawrence, a word?" Daniel asked, his voice low and annoyed. Johnny scoffed, not answering Daniel and instead walking towards the home, silently telling Daniel to meet him there.

As the sensei's talked inside, Jules stayed in her spot as if her feet were glued to the ground.

Robby was the first to walk up to her since he was standing so close. He had a small smile on his face in hopes to cheer Jules up but it didn't reach his eyes. "I guess that makes you captain." Robby said and when Jules turned to face him, Robby actually tried to make his smile more believable. He was proud of Jules and he didn't want her to think any differently.

"Did you..." "No. I didn't know." Robby answered before Jules could even finish her sentence, knowing she was asking if he knew about Tory's mom.

Jules nodded, swallowing to help her dry throat from yelling at Daniel. Eli and Miguel started to come over to join in on the conversation, a mix of congratulations and concern in their eyes. Hawk was the first to reach her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You did it!" He said, smiling widely. "You won!"

But Jules didn't feel like she'd won. Her stomach twisted, and she glanced toward the door where Tory had fled. "It doesn't feel right..." She muttered, making Hawk pull away from his hug with her, looking down at her with furrowed brows and a frown. Jules looked up to Hawk and shook her head. "She didn't even finish. I didn't want to win like that."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up," Miguel said, stepping in and playful punching Julianna's shoulder. "You fought hard and you deserve it."

Jules frowned, looking down at the floor, her emotions a mix of pride and guilt. She had worked so hard for this moment, and yet, the victory felt hollow. All she wanted to do was run after Tory and check on her. "I just hope she's okay," she whispered.

"Gather around please!" Daniel's voice echoed as he and Johnny walked towards the sparring deck. The top right—or top six since Joey and Tory weren't there—lined up in front while the rest of the class stood behind them.

Once Johnny and Daniel were in front of their students, they began. "Training for the Sekai Takai has been hard on all of us. But now, training is over and while most of you won't be going to Barcelona, we know you'll be there with us in spirit." Daniel said, smiling at all of the students behind the six, mainly his son.

Johnny nodded in agreement with Daniel, but Jules could see he was holding back a smirk. "Since Tory and Joey will not be going with us..." Johnny cracked a smile when his eyes met Lexi's. Her eyes widened and she got on her tippy toes in excitement.

"We've decided Hawk and Lexi will take their spots." Johnny said. Jules spun around in excitement for the two, her and the rest of the class clapping for their win as Lexi turned to Hawk, double high-fiving him before cheering to herself.

Hawk laughed at Lexi's excitement and started to walk up to the line of students going to the Sekai Takai. He stood beside Jules, who smiled up at him and nudged his shoulder with her own to make him smile as Lexi came to stand on the other side of him.

"You eight will be fighting for Miyagi-Do. It will be the toughest challenge you've faced yet. And to win, we're all gonna need to be there for each other." Daniel said and Johnny nodded.

"All of us. As a team." He added before his eyes jumped back and forth between his son and daughter. "Captains, step forward." He called out, raising his hand and gesturing for them to walk towards him.

Jules happily took a step forward, looking to her right and locking eyes with her twin, who had the same smile as her on his face.

As Johnny walked up to Jules and Daniel walked up to Robby, he looked to Chris in the back crowd. "Chris, bring up the official Sekai Takai captain headbands."

Chris ran up to his Sensei's and captain, a case in hand. Daniel opened the case to show off the two headbands. Jules held back a whistle at the sight.

Johnny took his daughter's headband and turned back to Jules. He smiled down at her, wanting to hug her, kiss her on the head, and tell her how proud he was of her but it would've been unprofessional.

As he started to tie the headband around her head, Jules chuckled. "I bet you're feeling like the shit right now, huh?" She whispered at the fact that both of his kids were captain, Johnny snorted, his eyes moving to Daniel a couple feet away from him. Once he was sure he wasn't looking, he leaned towards Jules. 

"Don't tell LaRusso." He whispered back, making Jules let out the same snort that he did.


The day had finally come. Or at least the day of their flight had finally come. Daniel booked a big bus to drive everyone to LAX and everyone at Julianna's apartment was the last to get picked up.

Johnny helped Miguel and Robby throw their bags into the back of the bus and when he turned to Jules to help her, his eyebrows furrowed when he didn't see her behind him.

"Here's my key. You have to feed Fred in the morning and night. And here's some gas money since your mom will have to take you here everyday to feed him." He heard Jules say from a distance.

Johnny whipped around and rolled his eyes as he watched Jules hand her house key to Bert, who agreed to pet sit her fish while she was in Barcelona.

"Julianna!" Johnny screamed, making Robby laugh at her full name being used and making Jules freeze. She and Bert nervously turned to face her dad, who pointed at the bus. "We've gotta go!"

"Okay!" Jules screamed back before quickly turning back to Bert. "If you can, take some photos of him to send to me. I know he's not like a dog or cat or something, but he's my first pet and I'll miss him." Jules rambled quickly, wanting to make sure she told Bert everything he needed to know before she left.

Bert smiled, taking mental notes of everything Jules said. "On it." He said, making Jules let out a breath of relief.

"Thank you. You're the best." Jules muttered as fast as she could, not wanting everyone to wait any longer. She pulled the boy into a quick hug before muttering a small "bye" and running to her dad.


Getting to the Sekai Takai was not what she imagined. She walked in after her sensei's with her brother right beside her.

Julianna's jaw dropped at the large room and the bright lights shining around the arena. "Woah..." She whispered under her breath, her face growing into a smile.

Her team reached the edge of the mat and lined up, Devon, Demetri, Lexi, Hawk, Jules, Miguel, Sam, Robby, and their sensei's.

Jules looked at all the teams from around the world lining up around the mat. She smiled at the few students who smiled at her and excitement started to pump through her veins.

All of that excitement washed away when she saw three boys in Cobra Kai gis walk past her team. Julianna's eyes glued to them, watching as they walked all the way down to stand right across from her team.

When she saw Cobra Kai, her first thought was Kim would be their sensei so seeing the woman appear from the entrance in front of Jules, it didn't surprise her.

Seeing John Kreese beside her was what shocked her. Her voice was caught hit in her throat, making Miguel and Eli turn to look at her. She looked like she had seen a ghost. The two boys looked to each other from over Jules before she spoke.

"I'm not seeing shit, right?" Jules asked, knowing the two boys were looking at her even though her gaze was locked in Kreese, who stared back at her, a big smirk on his face.

Miguel and Hawk turned to see what they were looking at and their eyes widened and their backs straightened seeing Kreese stand with Cobra Kai.

And then, Julianna Lawrence's heart sank down to her stomach. She watched, her chest tightening, as Tory walked out of the same entrance Kim and Kreese walked out from. Her head was held high as she took a step to stand with Cobra Kai.

Jules let out a shaky breath at her old friend standing directly across from her, but there was no emotion in Tory's eyes.

"Holy shit."

—did yall really think i wasnt gonna let my girl lexi into the sekai takai🙄🙄🙄 she deserves it

also i HAD to mother jules and her son bert in this chapter🙂‍↕️

did i cry writing this chapter because of the tory scene? yes, but we will ignore it

i will miss jules in this time and if you guys will too, you should definitely check out my other cobra kai fics😉😉

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