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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨𝒶𝓊𝓉𝓊𝓂𝓃 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"Fighting positions!" Johnny screamed as walked down the rows of students. He kicked Hawk's front foot forward while hitting one of Julianna's fists lower. "Stabilize your balance, Hawk. And Jules, don't put your hands so close to your face."  Johnny turned around and through the mirror, Julianna could see the kid behind her flinch at her father getting too close to him. "Did you just flinch, Virgin?" Johnny went up to a kid in Hawk's line and he flinched as well.

"Holy shit. We got a room full of flinchers." Johnny breathed out. "Yes, Sensei!"

"That was not a question. Raise your hand if you've never been punched in the face." Johnny screamed and everyone except Julianna, Miguel, Aisha and Lexi raised their hands. Johnny sighed. "Put your hands down! All your lives, you've been avoiding fights so you don't break your nose or lose a tooth. This concussion nonsense. So there's only one solution, and that is before you leave this dojo, each and every one of you is gonna take a punch, very hard, to the face."

Lexi raised her hand, bouncing on her toes. "Can the people who have gotten punched in the face be the ones that hit them?" Johnny nodded his head, smiling at how excited she had gotten. "Yes. You, Miss Lawrence and Miss Robinson will line them up and unflinch this group."

Lexi eagerly spun around facing the kid behind her in her row and punching him in the face. Aisha and Julianna jump back in shock. Lexi turned around to the two and shrugged her shoulders. "What? It's not gonna work if they're expecting it."

Julianna slowly turned around to the kid behind her, she mumbled a tiny apology before hitting him in the face. Hawk watched as the boy fell to the floor and he quickly turned back to Julianna. "Hit me."

Julianna turned to him in confusion. "What?" "Hit me. I trust you more than Lexi and Aisha." Hawk said, lifting his chin up to act more confident. Julianna walked up to stand right in front of him, getting into fighting stance and waited for the perfect moment before punching him in the face.

Hawk fell to the ground and Julianna stood in shock for a second before quickly squatting down to him. "Holy shit. Are you okay?" Julianna asked, worry bubbling up inside of her but he ignored her question, pressing his hand where she had hit him.

"Ow! How the hell did you hit me so hard?" Hawk groaned, grabbing Julianna's hand so she could help him. Julianna easily pulled up Hawk, a smirk on her face and Hawk looked at her in awe. "Iron fists, baby." Julianna let out, blowing on her knuckles.

Julianna went to punch the next kid but Hawk grabbed her arm, pulling her arm, making her bump into his chest. Julianna looked up at Hawk as he stared down at her. A smirk slowly growing on his face as he brought a hand up to her cheek. "That was pretty hot, Jules." He whispered and once he saw her flustered face, his smirk grew bigger before he walked away.

Julianna just stared wide eyed at the place Hawk once stood. Ever since he found his new confidence, he's had been a little more flirty but he had never gone that far. Julianna's mind only payed attention to the fluttering feeling in her chest before Bert fell down by her feet, groaning in pain.

She quickly helped him up before turning to Lexi who was having way too much fun at punch the kids. Julianna sighed, turning to Bert. "You okay?" Bert just nodded, with that, Julianna pushed him a little too harshly to the group of students who had been hit and she walked back over to the flinchers.


"I need somewhere romantic, but not too romantic." Miguel complained, trying to think of the perfect date spot for Sam as they all stretched.

"You could take her to get tattoos." Hawk said, making everyone turn to him in confusion. "That's romantic?" Julianna asked, a laugh escaping her lips. Hawk eagerly nodded his head, standing up and untying the top half of his gi. "I know a guy, just hooked me up with this bad boy."

He spun around, showing off his huge hawk tattoo that had identical hair to him on his back. Julianna grabbed Lexi's arm, tugging her closer to her. "You got him a tattoo?" Lexi shook her head. "No. I only helped with the hair dye. I was in no part of the mohawk or tattoo."

"That is badass." Aisha cheered, Hawk turned around smirking. "Right? Fourteen hours in the chair." Julianna slowly realized something as Hawk flexed his stomach, making his abs more prominent. "How do your parents feel about that?"

Hawk's eyes went wide for a second as he stared at Julianna, retying his gi. "Oh, they have no idea. Definitely gonna have to wear a T-shirt until college. Probably longer. Please don't tell them." Julianna laughed at his words.

She scrunched her face as if she was thinking before shaking her head. "I don't know... I think she should know. I mean, your mom seems to like me a lot so if she ever did find out about that... More importantly that I knew about it, I'd be dead." She was obviously joking and everyone in the group knew that.

Hawk raised his eyebrows. "So your friendship with my mom is more important than your friendship with me?" Julianna innocently shrugged her shoulders. "Probably."

Hawk scooted closer to her before bring his face right up to her ear. "You sure about that?" He whispered, Julianna could practically feel his lips move against her ear which startled her.

Julianna turned her head to face Hawk, their noses bumping against each other's as they passed. Julianna stared into his eyes, a fluttering feeling erupting in her chest, watching as Hawk looked back and forth between her eyes and her lips.

"Banned? What are you talking about? No, you don't ban me. I'll ban you!" Julianna jumped at the sound of her dads yells coming from his office. Miguel started to stand up but Julianna stopped him before getting up and creeping her way to check on her dad. "Dad? What's going on?" Julianna asked, crossing her arms as she leaned against the door frame.

"There's a lifetime ban on Cobra Kai from entering the tournament." Johnny sighed, making Julianna scoff, walking into the room fully. "What, because of Kreese? He's dead. How is that fair?" "It's not. It's not fair but there's nothing I can do about it."

"You always told me to never accept defeat." Julianna exclaimed, trying to find a way to persuade her dad into finding a way into the All-Valley Tournament. "This is different, Jules. There are rules."

"Since when did you care about rules?! We are Lawrence's! We don't take no for an answer. You said that, you've got to fight this, Dad!" Johnny watched his daughter before nodding his head. "You know what? You're right. I'm going to go down there. And beat their asses." Julianna immediately stopped smiling, stepping in front of her dad. "What? No, no, no."

Julianna pressed her hands to her head as if it would help her think faster before something popped into her mind, making her snap her fingers in front of her dad's face. "Oh, oh, oh! There should be some type of board meeting, right? To like decide the final decision? You go to that and woo the judges."

Johnny nods his head, a smirk growing on his face. "Yeah... Woo." Julianna shook her head. "No... not that kind of woo. Persuade them into letting Cobra Kai in. Kreese is dead. Oh... yeah, bring that up. Just make sure you tell them Cobra Kai is different then it was in the 80s. That it's not an enemy."

Johnny nodded, wrapping Julianna in a hug. "I'm so glad I got a badass daughter." Julianna laughed, hugging back. "I'm so glad I got a badass dad."


"Jules!" Johnny screamed at Julianna's closed door from the hallway. "What?" Julianna screamed back before her door opened and her dad stood there, struggling to tie his tie. "You ever tied a tie before?"

Julianna nodded her head. Lexi had taught her after the two girls made Demetri and Eli go to the middle school dance but neither boys knew how to tie their ties so Lexi had to swoop in, using Demetri as a demonstration on how to tie them before letting Julianna try to tie Eli's and after a few tries, she got it down.

Julianna swiftly got up from her bed, tying her dad's tie, making it a little too tight jokingly, Johnny pretended to be chocking, making Julianna laugh when someone knocks on the door. "Hey, Sensei! Jules!"

"Come in!" Julianna screamed and Miguel walked in, staring at the strange sight of Johnny Lawrence in a suit. "You nervous for your meeting?"

"I'm not nervous, I'm pissed off." Johnny grumbled, making his tie looser. "You can be whatever you want but you have to be nice." Julianna said and Miguel nodded. "So if you get pissed off, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, I usually just punch the guy." Johnny shrugged out and Julianna instantly shook her head. "Yeah, no. How about when someone makes you angry, you make a fist like you're gonna punch them."

"But don't?" Miguel nodded his head at Johnny's question. "Hold it in. Yeah." Johnny sighed, picking up his briefcase. "I could try." Miguel perked up at the briefcase. "Ooh, a briefcase. What's inside?"

"Nothing. Jules found it in the dumpster." Johnny said, swinging around the briefcase. "Nice touch." Miguel hummed to Julianna, her doing a little salute in return.

"What about you, are you nervous for your date?" Johnny asked and Julianna raised her eyebrows, leaning her elbows on the table. "Yeah, uh, a little... A lot."

"There's nothing to be nervous about, all right? Just relax, be cool. When the time's right, you make your move." Johnny said as Julianna walked away from the kitchen and to the couch. "Move, what move? I don't have a move. What's my move?" Miguel asked, looking back and forth between the pair.

"You kiss her, dingus!" Julianna screamed, not looking away from the TV as she searched for something to watch. Miguel walked over to her, leaning on the back of the couch. "I mean, yeah, I'd like to, but I don't... technically have to, right?"

"No, that's true. You could just learn how to braid her hair. Talk about all the other guys who had the balls to kiss her on the first date. You're a Cobra Kai. Strike first, strike hard. It's not just for karate, it's for everything, all right? Now where are you taking this chick anyway?" Johnny asked and Miguel shook his head, thinking about the answer.

"The observatory. Little picnic on the lawn, chocolate tasting three ways, and if the sky's clear, then we'll look at the stars." Miguel said and Julianna smiled. "Aww... That sounds nice." Miguel gave her a grateful smile until Johnny spoke up. "The only part of that that made any sense at all is three way."

"It'll be fun." Miguel hummed but Johnny ignored him. "All right, look. if you want to impress this chick, you got to take her to where I used to take all my babes back in the day." Julianna shot up from her seat, pointing at her dad in a proud way, a big smile on her face. "Where's that?" Miguel asked, looking at how happy Julianna got at the mention of the place.

"Golf N' Stuff." Julianna hummed and Johnny nodded his head, his eyebrows raised at Miguel. He looked back and forth between the father daughter duo before nodding his head loving the idea.

"Okay, since we have finally come to an agreement, you two should probably go or you'll both be late for your events." Julianna said in an exaggerated voice, pushing the two guys out the door of her house.

When she closed the door, she walked into the kitchen to make some microwave popcorn. While she was waiting for that to be done, she flipped through the channels of the TV, finding nothing good before hopping over to Netflix.

Luckily, Lexi's mom was nice enough to give Julianna their Netflix account so while she waited for her dad to come home from the meeting, Julianna spent her time lying upside down on the couch with a bag of microwave popcorn, watching The Vampire Diaries.

There was a faint knock on the door. Julianna lifted her head up. "It's open!" She screamed, stuffing a handful of popcorn in her mouth. As watched through the reflection of the TV as Hawk walked into her house.

Julianna immediately sat up, knocking over her bag of popcorn. "What are you doing here?" Hawk just shrugged, hopping over the back of the couch to sit beside her. "You're home alone. Figured you could use some company."

His attention turned to the screen and he groaned, leaning down to pick up the bag of popcorn off the floor. "Is this that vampire bullshit show you and Lexi made me and Demetri watch?"

Julianna nodded her head, taking a handful of popcorn from the bag. "Well if you've seen it before, why are you watching it again?" Julianna turned to Hawk at his question. "Do guys not rewatch TV shows? You know, you like it so much you just watch again?"

Hawk scoffed, leaning back and wrapping his arm around Julianna's shoulders nonchalantly. "Yeah we do. But why would you want to rewatch this show willing?"

Julianna shot up, an over exaggerated gasp escaping her lips. "Get out." "Wha-" "Get out." Julianna said again, cutting him off again as she tried everything in her part to hold back her giggles.

Hawk laughed, knowing Julianna was joking. He wrapped his arms around her waist and forcefully pulled her back down, her back ramming into his side as if they were cuddling.

"Ok, ok. We can watch. Who was the one you liked again? Steven, right?" Hawk asked and Julianna took a few pieces a popcorn. "Stefan." Julianna corrected and Hawk hummed, nodding his head as he ran circles on Julianna's side.

Julianna had her head resting on his chest as the show continued on. Feeling the fabric of his long sleeve against her face made her feel weird, not used to it and missing his old knit sweaters. As she thought about his old style, a question popped into her head.

"Do you still have all your old sweaters?"

Julianna could feel him nod his head so she moved her head to look up at him. "Can I have them if you won't wear them again?" She asked, giving him a smile that resembled a child wanting a toy from the store, her eyes lightly shut. She felt his lips press against her nose, making her eyes shoot open as her face started to grow red. "I can drop them off tomorrow if you want..." Julianna just nodded her head, turning back to the TV to control her blushing but Hawk noticed and instead of embarrassing her by bringing it up, he pulled her in closer, resting his head on hers.

Bert is now officially Julianna's child😌🤚

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