Rouges gone good... kind of

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Peter inhaled. He was finally meeting the Rouge avengers!

They had no idea who he was.

Nor did he plan on telling them.

Only Natasha and Tony knew. To everyone else, he was just an intern.

Peter walked through the lobby, scanning his pass.

"Hello Mr Parker. Shall I inform boss of your arrival?"

"Yes please, FRI." Peter walked to the elevator and watched the doors shut.


"So who are we meeting?" Sam frowned at Tony.

"My intern. I said that already, birdbrain."

"Hey! Watch what you call my friends!"

"It's just a joke, Steven. Please don't be overly dramatic when my intern arrives." Tony sighed. "Actually, I'm gonna go get myself a drink. I need a break." Tony left the others in a hurry.

"I'm going with him. Want one Wanda?" Nat rose from her chair.

"Yes please."

They followed Tony out of the room.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Bucky left the room also.

"Why us everyone going?"

"No idea." Steve turned as the elevator dinged.

Peter froze.

Oh my gosh. It's Captain America! And the Falcon! I gotta ask about those wings. And the shield.

"Who are you kid?" Sam raised an eyebrow.

"I-I'm Mr Stark's personal intern. Peter, Peter Parker." Peter held out his hand. Sam shook it unwillingly, followed by Steve.

"So kid, what do you see in Stark? Or do you just do this-" Sam waved his hand around- "for money?"

Peter went a little red. "Mr Stark is my hero. He's smart, kind, caring and he saved my life. He helps others, and I  want to do that too."

Sam was holding back a laugh and Steve snorted. "You really think he's that great? How old are you, ten?"

"15, sir. And yes he is that great. Better than you at least."

"You do realise he made before, right? And he's never had the cleanest slate."

Peter stared at Steve. "I am well aware of Mr Stark's mistakes, Mr Rogers, and it is because of this that makes him my idol. He knows he isn't perfect, so he tries to fix it. It shows us all that even the greatest of people have their weaknesses. And that's a big thing for me. Not that you would understand, Mr Perfect."

Peter slapped a hand over his mouth at the last sentence. "Sorry, sir." He mumbled.

Steve was red. "I don't think you understand, son."

"Don't call me son."

"Stark is not a role model. He lies, he cheats, he hurts other people so he is happy. You don't understand the difderence between a good person and a bad per-"

"I understand very well the difference. A good person is someone who has good morals and put others first before themselves. A bad person does the opposite. They save themselves before saving others." Peter looked at his hands. "Like me."

Sam smirked. "So you're expecting superheroes to save you every time you fail a test? Aww, sorry buddy, but that's not how life wo-"

Sam was cut off as Peter, out of nowhere, judo-flipped Sam onto the floor, pinning him with his legs.

"I wasn't talking about heroes saving me. I was talking about how I was selfish and saved my life when I should have saved my uncle's. So really, I'm the bad guy." The boy bit the inside of his lip to stop the tears from appearing.

"Son, get off Sam."

"Call me son one more time!"

"How could you have saved your uncle? You're just a few kid with no mus-"

Steve found himself in the floor, arms pinned behind his back. "What the."

"You have a right to remain silent. Also, Sam, about those wings, are they carbon fibre? I think they are, but I need your clarification. And Steve, how in the world does your shield work? Cause that frisbee of a pizza cutter does not obey the laws if physics at all."

The two were silent for a good minute.

"No way."


"He's just a kid. And he's obsessed with that no-good Star-" Steve stopped as Peter pressed on the small of his back.

"Say one more word about my dad- I mean- Mr Stark and you will regret it instantly."

Sam laughed. "He's you're father figure? What happened to your actual dad?"

Peter turned his head to stare at Sam. "Died. With mum. On a plane. When I was five. Lives with my aunt and uncle, till my uncle died. So, now I live with my aunt, though I feel bad because she can hardly afford me when I didn't have a hyper metabolism."

No one spoke after that.

"Now, I will get off you two, if you promise to never talk smack about Mr Stark again."


Peter stood up warily, eyeing the supersoldier and his friend. "I'm going to go find Mr Stark now."

He turned to go, but whirled around as he felt a buzz on his neck.


Peter was holding the Falcon's fist in his hand, standing idly as he tried to wrench his fist away from Peter.

"It's not moving. Trust me, Steve wouldn't be able to do it."

"Oh really? What makes you say that."

"Can you lift 10 tonnes, Mr Capsicle?"


"Well I can. Thus my point is proven." Peter dropped the fist and spun on his heel, walking towards the door.

"Oh, and Steve?"


"You talking like that about Mr Stark behind his back while he lets you live in his house is technically a form of bullying. Which would make you a bully. Think about that for a while." And with that, Peter left the room.

"That kid."

"He's Stark's alright."

Peter went into the kitchen, humming quietly to himself. He went to grab a cup of water before he noticed the adults staring at him, Tony with tears in his eyes.

"Are you... ok?" Peter asked, concerned.

"You really did that? For me? And you think that I'm that of a good person?" Tony's voice broke a little.

Peter put his cup down and gave his mentor a hug. "Of course I do. You're my favourite hero and you're my role model. I want to be like you."

Tony smiled at his mentee. "And I want you to be better."

They embraced, forgetting about the others.

"So, you're that spider guy?"

"And how are you so happy?"

"And you really think you're a bad guy?"

"Man, you handed Sam and Steve their butts on a silver platter."

Oh gosh.

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