1: The Laptop

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(Words in italics are you or the characters thoughts.)

(Y/n) p.o.v

I sighed as i stare at the ceiling. Wondering if missing one day of work won't leave me homeless. Work these days were unbearable as summer is starting to come in and plenty of people have nothing better to do then come into the store and shop until we basically have to kick them out.

I should have became a stripper.

I roll over and sit up. Rethinking my life choices while looking at the clock beside my bed. With one final sigh, I get up and make my way to my work uniform which was basically thrown against my chair. Shoving them on with a huff, I walk to the front door to put on my shoes until i hear my notification go off.

I take my phone out and look at it with a side glance while shoving my keys in my pocket but arch my eyebrow when i see it's content.

"I have found a new secret! Go look before you go to work, Its pretty cool."

The next text was how to find this secret on the website and i make a mental note to go see it myself when I get to my car.

Another secret on the welcome home website huh.... I wonder what it is. Though i can't help but feel jealous my friend found it before me. Ever since i started to work nonstop, I don't have time for any joy let alone to crack every single code on that website. Yet, it became a fascination that i can't seem to shake off.

I start to walk to my car and slide in. Grabbing my laptop from my backpack that i left under the seat from earlier. Typing in the website and seeing it come to life Infront of me. I check the text and follow my friends instructions carefully but i stopped, Confused to what I'm seeing. Nothing but a black screen and a heart in the middle. Yet it looked like it was barely there. Almost faded.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" I text them back and soon i received a text back.

"It's supposed to be wally and his house? He's looking at you through the window but everything is glitchy and he has those creepy eyes." They texted me.

I stare at the screen and start clicking around.

Maybe it's hidden.

After what seemed like a few minutes, I start to leave but nothing was working. The screen seemed frozen and even the power button wasn't working.

"It's not working and now my laptop is frozen." I texted them and told them what I'm currently staring at.

"That's odd. Maybe it's a different picture everytime??" They texted and i sighed. Staring at the screen until i can see my own reflection staring back. It gave me an uneasy feeling.

I'll deal with it later.

I shut the laptop and put it back into the bag. Leaving it on the passenger seat and started to drive to work.


I stretch as i walk back to my car after a long day of dealing with grumpy customers.

Maybe i should switch jobs so life isn't as unbearable.

When i started to see my car, A wave of panic runs through me as i see a light shining slightly from inside. I jog towards it and stop when i see my laptop out of my bag. It was sitting on the dash open with the screen still stuck on that website. On that picture. Anxiety starts to plunge through me as i slowly walk to my side drivers door and unlock it and slip in. Quickly locking it and checking the backseats.

I look back at the laptop and a shaky breath leaves my lips.

I didn't leave it like this... How did it get on the dash?? Was someone in my car? Maybe they wanted to steal my laptop but saw it's frozen and doesn't turn off.

An uneasy feeling settles deep within me and i reach my hands towards it to close it when static sound starts to come out of the speakers and i jump back.

What's going on? Why is it making that sound? There was no way it could break.

I was about to attempt to shut it again when the image starts to destort more and the static became unbearably loud. I cover my ears but keep staring at the screen with shock.

My head started to throb and each second that passed made my skin sweat by the pain. Shutting my eyes and trying to go through the pain long enough to shut the damn laptop. That's when i hear a voice and my eyes shot open.

That voice... I heard that voice before! Was this part of the website? Is this supposed to happen?

I look at the screen and see the heart was gone and now i see a faint outline of someone's eyes staring at me intently. The static was still unbearable but my hands left my ears as i stared back. It was trying to say something to me but i couldn't make out the words. My heart felt like it was being gripped and suddenly a blinding pain shot through my head and i quickly groan out in pain while shutting my eyes.

My back hit the seat as i hold my head in my hands and suddenly i felt dizzy. Static was all i heard. It was consuming me until finally i was blacking out.

"H-Hello, Neighbor..."

Was all i heard through the static before i lost consciousness.

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