10: Girl talk

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(A little more of Julie for all you Julie lovers! Thank you for all your support!)

(Y/n) P.o.v

Wally got up and walked towards the door. I follow and open it for him. He doesn't look at me but he speaks.

"I'll see you tomorrow at noon. I'll come and get you." His head turns and he his eyes look into mines.

"Have a wonderful rest of your day, My darling."

With that, He leaves and i shut the door as my heart races. I'm still incredibly hurt by what happened between us.

That doesn't stop my heart from jumping whenever he's near me.

I shake my head and sigh. As long as he helps me leave.

I can handle staying here for now. After all, Now that he's on my side. Nothing can really go wrong. Right?

Wally has become something i think about a lot lately. Makes sense. I'm stuck here and my days are filled with him.

Yet, As strange things are. I can't help but feel like..... It isn't all him.

I get up and look out the window. Home has it's blinds shut again. Just like last night after our argument. Chills ran down my spine as i stare at it.

Something is wrong.

But is it all wally? Is he really evil? Was everything he showed me fake?

Looking away, I walk to my bedroom. Packing a night bag, tonight was my sleep over with Julie. I was nervous as i wasn't really one to have them with friends but maybe it could make me relax.


I was wrong. It infact, Did not relax me.

"Oh, Come onnn!" Julie squeals in excitement. Jumping around in her ruffle pink robes.

"Nothing is going on between us!" I say with a huff.

Currently in some fluffy (f/c) pj's. I was sitting on the soft carpet of Julie's bedroom. My arms crossed as i looked away in embarrassment.

"Oh, Don't lie! Do you see how he looks at you?!" Julie explains as she sits beside Sally who was also invited.

A blush spreads across my cheeks.

"He also seems to hang out with you a lot." Sally mumbles as she nibbles on a cookie. Her bright blue pj's made of silk made her look like a sun hiding in clouds.

"Oh, Please... He's friendly with everyone! That's his nature." I try to make them understand and they laugh.

"He's friendly with everyone." Julie starts.

"But not overly friendly like with you." Sally finishes.

"It's so romantic. He cares so much about you." Julie swoons and i roll my eyes.

"We are just friends...." I start but a knock on the door interrupts me.

Julie gets up and rushes to the living room.

I sigh as i look around. The moment i stepped in here, I was bombarded with questions about me and wally.

The room was covered in pinks and reds. A tea set was on the center of the room with a pink huge bed with matching dressers and desk.

The room was covered with toys and make up.

Soon, poppy came through the door and sat near me.

"Im sorry I'm late! I was finishing the pies i was making!" She explains as she sets them down on the table with the tea.

"That's alright! You came just in time! We were talking about how much wally likes (y/n)!" Julie exclaims and i sigh.

"We are just friends." I roll my eyes and poppy chuckles.

Julie sat down and looks at me.

"Has he ever said anything sweet to you?"

"He says sweet things to everyone." I say and all three of them look at each other.

"Wally, is polite. Not sweet." Sally says. I didn't say anything and poppy looks at me.

"Y'know, i found it strange. He borrowed a few of my cook books after you arrived."

"Oh, he's got it bad!" Julie squeals and Sally laughs.

"He never cooks for anyone! That's poppy's thing!" Sally says and i turn red.

"Hey.." Julie looks at me.

"Do you like wally back?"

"He doesn't-"

"Fine, fine, let's say he does. Hypothetically."

My heart races as all three of them look at me.

"I don't-"

Another knock interrupts us and Julie groans.

"I'm gonna choke whoever's at the door." She says and gets up. We all follow her and she opens the door.

There standing in his usual attire was wally. Julie quickly turned pale.

"W-Wally! What a nice surprise!" She says.

He straighten his back and looks at her.

"Good evening. Im sorry to interrupt your sleepover but i need to talk to (y/n)." He says politely and Julie moves aside as i step forward.

Wally's eyes brightened.

"Hello, My dear! I wanted to give you this. I know i should have waited but it wouldn't have been as good." He looks at me apologetic.

Handing me a basket and i lift up the red cloth. There was a few of my favorite cookies and even my favorite drink.

"I-i tried to bake them. I hope you like it." He says and i smile at him.

How sweet.

"That's so kind of you wally. Thank you." He nods and looks at me for a second. My cheeks turned red and he steps back.

"I'll leave you be now. See you tomorrow, my dear." He leaves and i shut Julie's door. Looking up at them, They all had the same smirk in their faces.

"Now wait a minute!" I begin and they all started to crack up.

"You should see his face! He looked love stricken!" Sally says as she recreated Wally's facial expressions.

"Oh, please! (Y/n) looks like a tomate." Julie says and i look down at the basket. My heart is pounding.

"So, that's why he asked me what cookies you liked the most!" Poppy says and i sigh.

"You like him back!" Julie says and i look up.

Do i?

I mean, Wally has been on my mind a lot.

"N-no!" I say and Julie rolls her eyes.

"Imagine him being this sweet with someone like....Oh let's say with me."  She explains and i imagine wally giving this to Julie. Taking her painting and making her food. Speaking sweetly to her and a knot forms in my stomach.

"Oh, Nevermind. She's got it bad!" Julie says and i look at her.

"You looked so displeased. It must be true." Sally says and i sigh.

"I... I suppose... I do." I admit.

Julie spins and claps in triumph.

"Finally! You guys are so meant for eachother!"

Wally, Does he like me? He never outright said anything. I always figured he was like this with everyone but clearly, I was getting special treatment.

But me falling for him? How is that even possible....

I look down at the homemade cookies made by him and i feel my heart getting full.

"Come on! Let's have a tea party! Mrs, Darling..." Julie teases and i couldn't help but like it.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and games. Sally would act like wally to make me blush and poppy would explain how her recipes are the best.

Julie would do my make up and my hair. Talking about how frank would swoon over Eddie whenever he walks by.

By the end of the night, Poppy and Sally slept soundly by the end of the bed as Julie and i were at the other end.

"Y'know, " i whisper at her.

"I never thought I would start liking wally." I confess. I don't know why i started to explain my feelings but i felt safe with Julie.

"I still don't understand my own feelings..."

Julie looks at me and smiles softly. She was holding a fluffy bear in her arms.

"It takes time. What i do know is that, Wally never looked more happy. He would walk by us with a smile and humming a tune." She looks at the ceiling lost in thought and i look at her. Her blond hair sprawled on her pillow.

"Wally, Is a good friend. A wonderful neighbor but..... He always looked lonely." She whispers.

I didn't say anything.

"He would hang out with Barnaby. Sometimes, He walks outside and paints but.... Most of the time he's at home....... He's always at home." She finishes and her eyes looked haunted or maybe it was the dim lighting playing tricks on my eyes.

She shakes her head and looks over at me.

"I'm happy you arrived. Everything became brighter in Wally's life. Even in this neighborhood. I feel like we can be best friends..." She admits and i smile softly.

Soon we both fell asleep but i couldn't help thinking about my new revelation.

How i started falling for wally without even knowing.

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