9. Wally's Conundrum

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(Just wanted to take a moment to thank every person who's reading this and commenting and voting. They help so much and make me smile. I'm so glad all of you are enjoying what i write. Now time to hear our favorite person's thoughts! Enjoy!)

(In this pov, Italics is Wally's Home talking.)

Wally's p.o.v

I push my soaking wet hair back and angrily sigh. How much of an idiot am i? It all fell apart before my eyes and now i have no idea what to do. Not only that, There's a weird heavy feeling in my chest.

Walking back down the path as the rain hits hard on me. My clothes cling to my skin and i feel agitated.

Home looks at me as i walk up to it. Stopping a few feet away, I look up.

Why are you in the rain? What happened?

I didn't know what to say. Should i be honest?

It's eyes looked down at me. My heart drops low in dread.

"I-I had an argument with (y/n). I got caught in the rain...." I look away.

What argument?

"S-she feels like she doesn't b-belong here. She's having a hard time....I wasn't really g-good at convincing her otherwise." I said and home stays silent.

After a few heartbeats,

What a shame. You should fix it tomorrow. For now, Come in.

The door swung open and internally i sighed in relief. Walking in, the door shut and i walk towards my bedroom.

I had no idea what to do. From the moment she arrived. I had no idea why she's here, I just know she doesn't belong. How she ended up here? Well, I have no idea either.

Yet, I can't help but feel at fault. She wants to leave, I know that well.

"Maybe, I should help her leave..." I mutter.

She belongs here.

I look up and tilt my head in confusion.

"Why do you say that?"

She's here because i made her for you.

"For me?" I stand up in disbelief.

She's meant to be yours. Don't let her get away. Do whatever it takes. Make her love you. The easy way or the hard way. Or else.

I stayed silent. From the moment I saw her. I felt something i never felt before. Wanting her all to myself was an understatement. I hate when people come near her. Nor when shes away from me but....

Something in my mind clicks and i sit back down, I don't want to force her into something that isn't natural. She's deserves better than that..

"I can't make her...." I start.

Suddenly, Black substance drips down the walls and my heart skips a beat.

"H-Home?!" I gasp as i move away.

I said, She's meant to be yours.

"Yes, I-i know! B-but i can't force her to love m-me!?" I shout as i fall on my back.

Then, Try harder. I didn't do all of this, Just for you to be ungrateful and mess it up.

The black liquid dripped on my hand and i yell in fear.

"N-no! P-please... I'll try harder! I-im sorry!" I scramble away and push away any furniture in my way. My heart feels like it's about to break.

"Home! Please! Not today!"

You need a reminder as to how grateful you should be to my kindness.

Soon the liquid surrounds my ankles and i yell out in surprise. I try to move away but it held me in place. Tears burn in my eyes as cries for help come out soundlessly.

"No.. No please." The liquid drags me to the room down the hall. The door slams shut behind as home suspends me in the air. The substance now covering my whole body and it wraps around my neck.

"H-Home..." I choke out as pain runs through me.

"P-please..." Tears fell down and then the endless pain and torture began. Shattering me into pieces and putting me together in the way that feels like my heart will soon non-exist.


The next morning, I woke up. Staring at the ceiling while pain radiates throughout my whole body. My brain feels like it's being chipped away and my heart feels numb.

I get up and start getting ready for the day. Not uttering a word, I fix my hair and stare at myself in the mirror.

Who am I really.

That's a question i always ask myself after such brutal nights but... Home is right.

I need to fix this. She's mine and only mine. Home made her for me and i won't let it down.

Walking back outside with my classic smile. The sun was shining and it was calm. I walk down to the flowers at the small meadow where me and (y/n) sat near to paint. Frowning at the memory of her smile and blush. It made my heart hurt at how she's hurt right now.

It's true, I noticed how she would act flustered with me and her thoughts about how she found me attractive. I ran with it. Used it to get close and make her see me.

See me as more than what she already knows.

Yet, I know i shouldn't have. Making a terrible mistake just so she would look my way.

With a heavy sigh, I turn and pick some flowers i think she would like. Thinking about her shining (s/c) and how the sun makes it glow. Her eyes sparkled when i complimented her, They were like perfect (e/c) jewels.

My heart fluttered whenever they looked deep into my eyes. I loved her eye contact.

Not to mention how kind she is and tries to understand the world around her.

I look down and see i made a big bouquet. My head tilted to the side.

I wonder what her favorite flower is....

Standing up, I walk back home and set them on my table. Picking up some yellow ribbon and blue plastic wrapping. I started to prepare the bouquet. Once satisfied, I put it back down and grabbed a basket, Putting some of her favorite snacks which i noticed she picked out when i first went grocery shopping with her.

Putting the bouquet in the center, I pick it up and walked back out.

Walking down the path towards her home. My heart started to flip from anxiety.

Her lights were on and the certain was drawn back. She was currently sitting on the couch reading a book. She looked so engrossed in it that she didn't notice me walking near. The sun shines down on her beautiful (h/l) hair.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight. She must be so passionate about reading. How charming.

Walking towards the door. I knocked and waited patiently. Hearing her shuffling to get up and soon the door opened.

She saw me and quickly tried to shut it.

"Hell no!"

I put my foot by the door before it shut. Acting like a door stopper and she groaned out in frustration.

"Give me one minute of your time. Please, Neighbor.." i say and she opens the door. She looked annoyed and i sigh.

"These are for you." I hand her the basket and she holds it. Scanning the contents, She sets it down.

"That is not enough nor will it ever be."

She tries to shut the door and i once again stop her but she did it quicker this time.

I frown as i face the door.

"Please, Listen, I'm sorry."

Yeah, Like it's that easy.

She mutters and i sigh as i turn and press my back against the door. Looking off to home, It's eyes lock into mine. Giving me a look which chilled me and i breath in.

"I know you don't belong here.... So..." I bite my lip. She needs to trust me but how can I do that when she won't look my way? How can I make her listen.

"I know how to get you out of here." I lied and home looked at me as i nod my head.

It hurt to lie, But it must be done.

The door opened and i fell hard on my back.

"Ow!" I rub my head as i look up. Standing above was (y/n), She looked sternly at me.

"Are you lying?" She asks and i shake my head.

"I brought you here, You are from a different reality. I always knew you weren't from here.... And im sorry for....." I look away ashamed.

"For everything."

A few beats past and she sighs. Bending down to grab my arm and picking me up. I stood up and look at her. She looked like she was debating on what to do.

"Why am I here, Wally." She asks as she closes the door and i stay silent.

What lie can i say? Home says she's here for me but i can't say that.

"You interested me. I wanted a friend...." I turn away as i walk to her couch. She came behind me and sat next to me. Making me blush slightly. She smelled like fresh flowers and i couldn't help but adore it.

"That's it? Listen, i understand but i need to leave. This place isn't for me." She said and i sigh.

"Yes, the problem is. I have no idea how to send you back." I say which is true but that doesn't mean i want to find out.

"How did you bring me here." She said and i look into her eyes. Her hair was down and she was in a simple blue button up shirt and black jeans.

"I.... Don't know. You came into my dream once and i just wished to have you here." I lied. Yes, A terrible one but what else am I supposed to say.

"I see."

Either he's lying, Or this is gonna be harder than I thought...

"You're right. Its gonna be difficult to find an escape." I say and she looks at me annoyed.

"Right, you read minds" She mutters and i frown.

"I'll help you.... Find a way out." I say and she looks at me hopeful.

"What's the catch."

"You act like everything is normal. Play along with how this world works and when we do find a way out for you. You can leave." I say and she smiles, Making my heart hurt.

I won't let her leave. For now, i just need her to be calm and listen to me. I'll make her want to stay. Home will help me, I know it.

"Fine, You got yourself a deal." She says and looks over at my apology gifts. A soft smile displays on her face and i couldn't but marvel at it.

"You're forgiven. Only because you'll help me." She mutters and i smile at her. Yet, i couldn't help the nagging feeling down in my chest.

Looking out the window, I see home staring at us and i feel my throat tighten up.

Am i doing what's right? Home says it is.... It must be right.

But why does it feel like my heart is being ripped apart....

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