13. A Question

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I stare at the ceiling. Ever since the talent show. I haven't been the same. Hardly being able to see wally after that scene. Thinking that maybe some space would help crush these pesky feelings.

I needed something to take my mind off him but what?

I get up and walk to the living room but stop. Looking at a door in the hallway. The same place Wally's weird room was placed.

I noticed it when I first came here but i was so busy, I didn't think twice about opening it. Walking towards it, I twist the door knob.

The room opened and it was dimly lit. I walk into it, Trying to find a light switch.

Soon, I feel it and flip it on.

It was just a empty bedroom. Well, Almost. It had a bed. That's it.

Not even a window. It gave me a weird feeling so i turned and walked out. Turning off the light and shutting the door.

Okay, That's not weird at all.

I sigh and walk outside. It was partially cloudy with some slight wind.

Looking forward, I see Julie walking to me.

"Hey!" She says and smiles.

"Hello, Julie!" I say back and she looks like she was holding something back.

"Is there something you need to say?" I ask and she sighs. She looks conflicted and looked off to Wally's home.

"Well, I overheard something but, I don't want to step out of line..." She said.

"Oh, Is it bad?" I ask and she looks at me.

"No, no! You'll find out soon enough." She said.

"But when you do, Call me! My number is 3." She said and i tilt my head to the side.

"3? That's it?" I ask and she giggles.

"This neighborhood has simple phone numbers. For example, Wally is 1." She says and i nod.

"Good to know."

"I'll see you around!" She hurries off and i look at her leaving. Such a strange conversation.

Soon, I walk inside and decide to freshen up.

I walk to the shower and start to wash myself. Feeling the water run down my skin. Soon, I walk out and dry myself. Wrapping a towel around me. I walk to my room, Scanning my clothes.

Picking out simple light blue pants with moon patches on them. Pairing it with a (f/c) short sleeved shirt that had stars on it. White plain shoes and i dried my hair. Styling it up so it wouldn't be in my face.

Soon, the sun was almost setting. I look out the window and see the orange hues paint the sky.

A knock rang through the house and i turn. Walking to the door, Humming a tune.

I open the door, And there in fancy clothes was none other than Wally Darling.

The air was knocked out of me.

Wearing dark red pants with a matching red coat. White button up shirt and a dark blue tie like his hair. White and blue shoes and his hair combed up perfectly. A yellow flower sat in his breast pocket.

His eyes looked into mines and my breath was gone.

Yeah, Who needs to breath anyways.

"Hello, My dear." He says softly.

"W-Wally. Why are you here?" I ask.

"I wanted to come here and ask something important." He says and i stay quiet.

The sky looked vibrant behind him. Yellow, Orange and purple adorned the sky and made him look angelic. Looking down, I see him holding my favorite flowers and a box.

"I..." He starts.

"I haven't been honest from the start. I know. So, Let's start like this." He hands me the flowers. I take them as my eyes watered slightly.

"They are beautiful... How... How did you know?" I ask and he smiles.

"I guessed honestly. I picked the ones that most fitted you. I'm glad i was right." He says and i smile at him. His eyes looking to mines.

"(Y/n), Will you do me the honors of letting me take you out on a date?" He asks me. His eyes twinkle with hope.

I stayed quiet. I tried not to think because i know he'll hear my thoughts. A part of me wanted to say no. If i do this, I fear i might not come back unscathed.

Yet, My heart was crushing my mind. So, Instead of thinking. I opened my mouth and my heart took reign.

"Yes, I would love to." I say back. His eyes widen and he smiles.

"Wonderful. I'll pick you up tomorrow night at 8!" He says and i nod.

"This is also for you. Open it when I'm gone." He sets it down and holds his hand out. I set my hand in his and he takes it gently. Kissing my knuckles softly. My heart swoons at this.

"Until tomorrow night, My Darling." He says and turns around. Walking away, I pick up the box and go inside. Walking to the kitchen and once i set them down.

I collapse in a chair. This can't be real.

This was the first time i actually got asked out.

Looking over at the flowers, I get up and prep them. Putting them in a vase and on the center of the table.

Then i look at the small decorative box.

It was blue with a red ribbon tied around it. I pulled the ribbon and it came undone.

Pulling the lid off, I look inside and gasp.

Sitting neatly in the middle was a simple ring.

I pick it up to examine it.

The band was (f/c) with a simple dark blue gem on the middle. Same color as his hair. I chuckle and turn it over. Engraved on the inside was my name with a cute paint brush.

I smile wildly at the detail. Placing it on my right middle finger. It fit perfectly.

Then my eye catches a note. Picking it up, I read its contents.

Dear, (Y/n)

This ring represents our friendship and whatever else comes after. Whatever happens, I promise to always protect you and cherish what we have. Thank you for coming into my life and making it brighter.

With love,

Wally Darling

I smile at the note.

Such a sweet gesture....

Oh shit. I don't have anything to wear. What am I supposed to wear?

I remember Julie asked me to call. This is what she was talking about.

I walk towards the living room and see a (f/c) telephone. I pick it up and dial Julie's number. It rings a couple a times and she picks up.

"Hello! Julie speaking!" She says.

"It's (Y/n). Wally asked me on a date...." A squeal can be heard on other end.

"Finally! We need to find you an outfit!" She says happily.

Oh, Help me.

(I think it was time he asked you out, Don't you think?)

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