24: Under The Apple Tree

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(The art above is mine 💙)

"Why does my hair do this!?" I yell as I try to style it but apparently my hair decided it wasn't going to listen.

My vanity looked like it was attacked with hair products and pins. I sigh in frustration and decide I should just leave it down. Pushing my stuff further away, I look at myself.

I only had an hour before wally is supposed to arrive. So, I took a quick shower and dressed myself in a thin magenta sweater. It had a built in white collar and pink hearts over it. Matching it with bell bottoms pants that were deep purple.

Standing up, I walk towards my bed and pick up my white sneakers that have the red heart on the bottom. I noticed only wally and me had that small detail on the shoes and it made my heart flutter to know we matched in something.

I slip them on and look down at my ring that wally gave me. The stone shines and I smile lightly.

A knock on the door brings me back to reality.

"Shit!" I jump up and run to my vanity. Doing one last check before wally sees me.

"Hopefully.... My hair isn't too crazy." I mutter as I walk to the door and breath in.

Here goes nothing.

I open the door and see wally standing there with a charming smile but he looks me up and down and his eyes shine brighter.

"You.... Look breathtaking..." He whispers and my cheeks turn warm.

"You know just what to say to make my brain short circuit...." I tell him and he chuckles.

"That's the difference between us, My dear." He says and I tilt my head to the side.

"I know what to say but you just exist and you make me forget where I'm standing."

My heart stops beating but I shake my head. I have no idea how someone like him is real.

"Shall we?" He asks and I shut my door.

He begins to walk and I fall in step beside him. This time, He looked different. Wearing a simple light pink button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up his elbows. He was also wearing deep purple pants and a light brown belt. Sporting his classic dark blue and white shoes with the heart on the bottom. I noticed we were matching and i smile at him.

"Your hair is down." I state and he looks over at me. His hair moving by the slight wind.

"Sometimes, It's good to break the mold." His eyes shined with pride and I couldn't help but feel proud of him.

"You look heart stopping, Wally." I say sweetly to him and his cheeks flush pink.

"Coming from you, It means the world, My lovely neighbor." He whispers and I wrap my hand in his.

We keep walking peacefully until wally goes near his home and I look up.

Home has its eyes on me and i felt something crawl under my skin. Home didn't look threatening in any way but somehow.... I was scared.

I waved to them, Trying to be friendly.

Home just stared until we walked behind it.

Continuing down the path, We were entering the woods behind home. Wally stops and I look at him with a questionable stare.

"Close your eyes." He whispers and I do as in told.

"Now, Just walk forward. I'll guide you." His hands go into mine and tugs me softly.

I follow him blindly, Wally murmurs about how I'm doing good and that we are almost there.

Soon, He stops and his hands slip out of mines.

"Alright, Open them!" He exclaims and my eyes flutter open.

I see a bunch of trees but they were different from the rest of the ones that surrounded the neighborhood. They were bright green with bright red apples hanging off them.

"Welcome to my private Apple orchard..." He says shyly and I look at him.

"Well, I wouldn't call it big enough to be an orchard.... But to me, It's more than enough." He says with a soft smile and I walk near the trees. Resting my hands on the bark and wally follows me.

"It's amazing, Wally. How did you find this place?" I ask as I look up and look at the bright apples.

"I didn't. I planted them all myself...." He says proudly and my eyes widen.

"Y-you did this all by yourself?"

He looks at me and his eyes met mines.

"Yes. It's one of my small hobbies but it's something I keep private." He looks around and starts to walk. I follow him as I look at each tree.

"That's impressive..." I mutter as I imagine wally taking care of each tree with so much love and care. Wally walks towards the middle of the rows of trees and I see a blanket under an apple tree. There was three baskets on the blanket. Two were empty and one was filled with food. Wally picks up the two empty baskets and hands one to me. I take it and look up at him, His eyes filled with old memories and he spoke.

"Every few months.... I come and pick some apples. For myself and my neighbors. When home let's me walk outside, I come here and lay under the trees. They bring me comfort." He walks towards a tree and picks an apple and sets it down in his basket.

I walk to a random tree and pick a shiny apple but I stop.

"Does home control you that much.... That you don't go outside?" I ask and wally doesn't look at me. Instead, His blue hair falls over his eyes as he keeps looking for apples.

"I would go weeks without setting a foot outside..... Home says it's because they will miss me if I'm away too much. I understand home gets lonely." He looks over at me but his words sound hollow. Like he's repeating it until he can believe it himself.

"Don't you get.... Lonely?" I ask and he sighs heavily.

"Sometimes. I would go insane, It even got to the point I wasn't going to come back to home.... Isn't that silly?"

"Where were you planning on going?" My basket was somewhat filled at this point of wally still had some ways to go.

"I don't know. I just wanted an out. The night before you appeared.... Was one of the worst nights of my life..." He whispers and I walk behind him. Watching him touch every trees and pick a few apples. His eyes contained so much pain that my heart started to hurt.

What did home do to you?

He glances at me but doesn't say anything.

"I know they mean well.... From the moment I opened my eyes and found myself talking to home. They were always there for me. Home.... Would never hurt me on purpose...." His eyes squeeze shut but I put my hand on his shoulder, making him look at me

"I think." He finishes as his eyes met mine. We both stayed silent.

My heart felt like it was heavy, I drop my basket on the ground and hug wally tightly. He goes slightly limp and the basket he was holding fell to the ground but he quickly regains his strength. His arms wraps around me and he buries his face in my hair.

"You smell like sunflowers..." His voice muffled by my hair and I laugh at how adorable he can be. I pull back and see the tension in his shoulders disappear.

"I think we picked enough apples. Let's go sit." I suggest and he nods. Bending down to pick up both baskets and we make our way back to the blanket.

I sit and let my back hit the trunk of the tree and wally smiles down at me. He sits right next to me and his back was against the trunk as well. We both look up at the lush green leaves.

"This tree was the first one I ever planted." He whispers and I smile.

"Might be the most precious thing I own."

I keep looking at the moving leaves and my heart feels at peace for once.

Our hands were beside each others on the ground. I slowly put my hand on his and I see his eyes brighten at the simple action.

"I wanted to ask you something..." He moves his hair out of his face and I look at him.

"I know you want to leave...." He starts.

"But do you think... In another lifetime, We could be together..?" He asks as he stares at the blue sky. The question rendered me speechless. I know i gained feelings for wally. I'm playing a dangerous game, Having a close relationship with someone i might leave behind.

"I think we would...."

He looks at me and I hold his hand with tenderness.

"I wouldn't pick anyone else to spend my days with..." I whisper and wally leans forward.

"I know it's not this lifetime..." His eyes fill with sadness and I felt like something shot me through the heart.

"But when you do leave. Know this, I'll always wait for the day I'll see you again.... No matter how many lifetimes it takes." His eyes shined with promise.

My heart swelled with love and wanting and he holds my cheek.

"I promise, I'll wait for you in this lifetime and the next, My darling."


Wally hold my hand as he walks me back to my own home. I was carrying the basket of apples I picked in my other hand.

"Hey!" Sally and Julie walk up to us and I see them giggle when they see our hands intertwined.

"Matching I see. Things must be getting serious..." Sally says and I roll my eyes playfully. Wally flushes red by their words.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We are going to the beach tomorrow!" Julie spins and wally tilts his head to the side.

"We want you guys to come. We already invited everyone else. So, what do you say?" Sally asks and Julie bounces on her heels.

"We haven't been to the beach in years..." Wally mutters and Julie nods.

"I think (y/n) would love to see it!"

Wally looks down at me and I think for a moment.

"I would love to go." I smile and wally nods.

"I'll be going as well then." He gives them a smile.

"We'll all meet at Julie's home at noon tomorrow. See you guys then." Sally says cheerfully and she walks away with Julie.

"Why haven't you been to the beach in years?" I ask and wally shrugs but I felt like I knew the answer.

"What matters is tomorrow will be your first time there." He says and I nod, not wanting to push further.

We arrive to my home and I open my door. Turning to wally, I look into his deep eyes and notice his hair was slightly messy. Something, I thought I would never see him be so okay with.

"Thank you for making me feel better. I'll never forget it." I tell him and he takes a small flower out of his basket that I didn't notice him pick. It was a (f/c) flower and he sets it behind my ear softly and sets a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Anything for you, My love."

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