25. Sun Kissed

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(Cue the random beach episode! )

"I'm sure you look fine!" Julie reassures me through the door.

I look at myself in her full length mirror in her room.

"I feel over exposed..." I mumble as I pull the fabric slightly. Julie called me earlier today to come over before everyone gathered together to leave. She knew I didn't have a swim suit so she was making me try one of hers on.

"Can I see?" Sally chimes in and I already knew that both of them were on the other side of the door.

"What if I just wear a shirt and shorts?" I suggest and julie huffed.

"That's not for swimming. Now, Come on!" I walk across julies room in defeat. Opening the door and stepping back for them to fully see me.

"How does it look better on you!?" Julie starts to surround me like a shark.

"Julie you have like 30 different swim suits and you look good in all of them." Sally says and Julie giggles.

"You're right." she takes my hands in hers and smiles softly at me.

"You look absolutely adorable!"

I look down at myself. Wearing a one piece swimsuit that looked like a dress over it that was (f/c). The skirt of it ending at my upper thighs. I was covered but I never felt more exposed. Especially since the skirt was so short.

"Wally will faint when he sees you!" Sally makes a dramatic face and Julie giggles at her. I shake my head as I walk to Julie's bed. Picking up a light oversized cover-up that was made of silk. Slipping it on, It covered the whole swim suit and a knock was heard on the door.

"That must be everyone!" Julie skips towards the door humming a simple tune and Sally starts to put some things into her bright yellow beach bag.

I pick up my rainbow beach bag that Julie gave me and I checked everything.

Sunscreen.... Sun glasses.... Water bottle... Towel... And a small beach umbrella.

"Guys! Come outside!" Julie yells across the house. Sally and I walked out of her room towards the front of Julies home.

Walking outside, I see almost everyone was ready with their beach bags and coolers.

"Are you excited, (y/n)?" Barnaby looks down at me with a excited grin.

"I think so... I'm excited to see how it looks."

Poppy walks by Barnaby and looks over at me.

"I packed us a few snacks! Oh, Dear.... I think I forgot my sunhat...." Poppy frowns as she touched the top of her head. She starts to rummage through her bag and Barnaby starts to snicker at her.

Her sunhat was on her back which was tied by silk ribbon with her neck.

"Oh, Where is it? I remember picking it up!" poppy was muttering in frustration as her feathers started to get more ruffled which made Barnaby burst out laughing.

"I-its on your b-back!" Barnaby says through his giggle fit.

Poppy turns pink as she now noticed the silk straps and huffed as she sets it properly on her head.

"You can stop laughing now..." She mutters as Barnaby calms down. I giggle as I look around.

"Where's wally?" I ask out loud which made everyone quiet down. They looked at each other with knowing looks for a moment.

"He might be at home still..." Eddie says with a nervous chuckle and I sigh.

"I'll bring him." I say to everyone as I set my bag down and walk towards wally's home.

Homes eyes were closed and I stopped walking. I felt a chill run down my spine but I walked up and knocked on the door. Homes eyes opened up and I step back.

"H-hello home! Is wally home?" I ask and home opens the door. I thank them and walk in. I hear something fall on the floor and I see wally running around.

"Wally!" I call out and he stops.

"O-oh! (Y/n), I didn't know you were going to arrive!" He says as he starts to rummage through cabinets.

"I didn't see you when everyone arrived at julies home. I was getting worried..." I admit and he stops. Looking over at me with pink cheeks.

"I.. I'm just trying to find everything I need. I haven't been to the beach in.... A long time." He says then turns to pick up a bottle and tossed it in his bag. He picks it up and sighs.

"I think I have everything." He holds out his hand and smiles at me.

"Shall we?"

My eyes light up and I take his soft hand in mine. We start to walk out and we say our goodbyes to home. The neighbors look at us and they smile at seeing wally.

"We thought you weren't going for a second." Barnaby admits and wally gives him a smile.

"Not this time old friend."

Julie jumps in happiness.

"Come on! We are burning day light here!" She runs past us and towards the woods. Howdy laughs as he starts to carry coolers with Barnaby.

Poppy and Sally carried baskets that were filled with food and Eddie held Franks hand as he rambled on about how he would rather read books all day.

Wally and I followed the group and watched everyone's antics with interest. Walking through thick trees for 20 minutes until we hear Julie scream in excitement.

"I think we are here." I say to wally and he chuckles.

We walk until the trees cleared up. Sand replaced the grass as the horizon was just pure blue sea. Endless with small waves crashing against the shore.

"Wow..." I whisper and I can feel wallys eyes on me.

Everyone started to pick their spots on the sand. Wally tugs my arm softly and I follow him. He sets his bag down and takes out his red beach towel and blue umbrella. I do the same and we both sit down under the shade.

I look at wally and notice his outfit. He was in yellow swim shorts that has a cute surfboards on it. A white t shirt and green sandals. His hair was in his normal pompadour but some yellow sunglasses rested on his head.

Wally starts to look through his bag and I look out to the shore. Sea shells washes up on the shore and I see poppy talking to howdy about how she made her famous pies.

"You have to be kidding." wally mumbles and I look over at him holding the bottle he tossed in his bag.

"I accidentally brought tanning oil and not sun screen... Why do I even have tanning oil?" He asks confused and I chuckle at him. I pull out my bottle and hand it to him. He takes it and smiles at me.

"What would I do without you." He says and I blush.

"Guys!" Barnaby comes running to us in his polkadot swim trunks. He had two red floaties on his arms and I giggled.

"Let's swim! The water is so warm today!" His ears move in anticipation for our answer and I look at wally.

"But.... My hair..." He mumbled and I snort at his response.

"It's the beach wally. Did you expect not to get wet?" I asked and he starts to complain under his breath about how much hairspray he just wasted.

"Come on!" I stand up and pull him with me.

"Alright!" He says as he laughs and we run towards the water. Sally was already there splashing Julie. Sally sees me and wally and she tells Julie to watch.

I let go of Wally's hand and take off the silk cover. Revealing the swim suit, I drop the cover on Julie's beach towel and let my (h/c) fall freely.

Sally starts to burst out laughing and I raise an eyebrow as I follow her gaze. Wally's eyes were wide as he looked at me. His whole face turning red, Making me feel shy under his gaze.

"D-Do I look bad?" I ask and Barnaby smacks wally's back making him respond.

"O-oh, You.... L-look... -" He stumbled on his words and Sally yells at him.

"Just say she looks hotter than the sun!"

Barnaby snorts and Julie giggles as wally turns red. He looks over at sally with a glare and she just turns and whistles like she wasn't paying attention. Finally, He turns and looks at me.

"You look..." He looked like he wanted to say something but thought against it. His eyes flashed with something I couldn't explain.

"You take my breath away and I doubt the sun can compare to how hot you're making this place feel." He shakes his head as he turns away in embarrassment.

"I-" My brain stops working for a moment and my cheeks feel warm.

Julie comes near and takes my hand as she pulls me into the salty water. Barnaby tries to make wally let the water go past his waist but he kept saying he didn't want his hair wet.

I dive underwater and let my hair get wet. When I get back to the surface, I see barnaby crying wally on his shoulders and wally is telling him to let him down.

"CANON BALL!!!" Barnaby yells as he jumps in the air and wally's eyes goes wide.

"Not my hair!" He screams before he goes underwater with Barnaby. They break the surface and wallys hair was down over his face.

I swim over to him and push aside his hair and see his grumpy face. I begin to laugh and he rolls his eyes at me until a small smile graces his lips. When I finished giggling, I see a mischievous glint in his eyes and I see his arms move.

He splashes me and I gasp.

"Oh, It's on!" I tell him as I splash his face.

It continued until he goes underwater and I look around.

"Wally?? Wher-AH!" I get pulled underwater and I feel wallys arms tugging me.

I get back to the surface and cough as he laughs at me. I glare at him and he makes his way towards me. Pushing my wet hair out of my eyes. He sighs contently as he looks at me with a loving stare.

"Thank you for.... Everything....."

"I missed this actually." He whispers as he looks at everyone. I look around with him and see everyone having a great time. His soft eyes goes back on me and his gaze shifted. Now he looked possessive and a shiver runs down my spine even though the sun was beaming down.

Wally hands slides down my arm softly until it reaches my waist and I get goosebumps by his touch. He holds my waist firmly and I look at him. He looked handsome with his hair slicked back by the water and the sun shining on him. His eyes half lidded and filled with happiness.

"She's right. " He says and I raise an eyebrow at him.

He leans in more until his mouth was close to my ear.

"You're hotter than the sun itself, My darling. " He whispers and my eyes widen.

Wally doesn't move.

"I'm jealous everyone can see how beautiful you look but..." His moves slightly, His arms fully holding my waist.

"They can see... But I can hold." He says and pulls back but he pulls my waist in the process making me fall on him in the water.

"Wally!" I yell and he gives me a mischievous smile as we both float in the water. My eyes narrow as I swim near him.

He looks at me curiously. I pull him by his wet shirt and his lips crash into mine. His eyes widen in shock but soon kisses me back. The saltiness of the sea water was on his lips and I feel him hold me closer. I pull back and he looked dazed.

"So that's what sun kissed means..." He whispers and I burst out laughing making him laugh along with me.

"Let's go eat something." I suggest as we walk back to shore and he hold my hand as we walk towards poppy.

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