26. First Lesson

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(TW: Description of Abuse)

I walk inside my home tired by all the fun I had at the beach. Setting my bag down, I walk to my bathroom to take a shower.

After the water starts to run down my body, I rinse off all the salt and sand. Which seems to be everywhere and I mean everywhere.

Soon, I wrap a towel around me and start to walk towards my room. Slipping on my nightgown, I flop on my soft bed and my eyes start to close. Sending me in a deep sleep.



"AHHH!" I rolled and fell off the bed in a heap of blankets.

"That clock never rings." I mutter as I untangle myself from the blankets and pillows. Setting them back on the bed, I walk towards the grandfather clock that was in the living room.

The hands pointing to 8am.

"Now, why are you dinging this early?" I rub sleep from my eyes.

Good morning, (Y/n).

I freeze, That voice.... It had an eerie feel to it.

"Uh, Who said that?" I look around as my anxiety spikes up.

It's home.

"I can understand you now? .... Aren't you supposed to be Wally's home?" I ask.

I still am, This house is another attachment of me. Now that you're fully settled in to this neighborhood, You will have a role to play and that means I'll help you.

"Since when have you become attached to this home??" I look at the clock and the lights turn on in the living room making me jump.

After your date with Wally. I started the process.

Their voice was calm but that didn't help my nerves.

"My.... role?" I whisper and the home suddenly feels heavier.

Everyone in this town has a role. It keeps this neighborhood in one piece. Yours is simple.

I walk towards the kitchen to get a glass of water but the floor boards begin to move.

"Woah!" I almost topple over as the boards slide me towards the couch.

I wasn't done talking.

I slip and fall on the couch.

Now, Where was I? Oh, Yes. You're Wally's partner. Isn't that nice? You're a painter just like him but you're special because you have the talent of always keeping everyone together! A big heart and a helping hand.

"Now, wait a damn minute!" I yell, Irritated at home.

"I'm not going to act like your puppet." I announce.

You don't have a choice in this.

I scoff and get up.

"Or what?"

The windows shut in a snap. The lights dimmed as the walls began to drip dark liquid. Suddenly the room started to feel lifeless.

"That liquid.... That was in my room on Wally's birthday!"

I started to put two and two together. No wonder the clock dinged when wally was about to say something important.

The black liquid wrapped around my foot and I felt a shock go through my body making me collapse on the floor.


How do you think I keep this neighborhood running for so long? By being nice? I'm a reasonable home but I have my limits.

"I-is... this what you do to all the neighbors?"

Only when they cross a line.

My heart sank as I remember everything wally told me.

"You... you hurt wally..." My heart felt like it was cracking at the thought.

I care for wally. I only want what's best for him.

"You keep him locked up for WEEKS!" I yell in anger.

"That's not for his own good. Its for your-" I was knocked into the wall by the heavy black liquid.

I CARE for wally. Don't overstep or talk about something you know nothing about!

The air was knocked out of me and I look up.

I didn't want to do this but you won't listen when I'm trying to be nice. Maybe it's time to teach you your first lesson.

The black liquid starts to wrap around my legs but I kick and try to break free.

More thick black liquid started to wrap around my arms and soon it consumed my body and it was dangerously close to my face.

"Wally will kno-"

The black liquid covers my mouth and I scream in frustration but it was futile.

Wally can't know about your punishments. If you utter a single word to him about this, I'll torture him too and you don't want that.... Right?

My eyes widen as Wally's hurt eyes flashed before my eyes.

Nod your head yes if you understand, (Y/n).

Homes stern voice echoes throughout the dark house and I squeeze my eyes shut as tears stream down my cheeks.


Wally can't get hurt because of me. I won't let him get hurt.

I nod my head yes.

I fell on the ground, Knocking the wind out of me. The door of the spare room opens up and before I could process it, The black liquid consumed me fully and pain shot through my body as I scream, Dragging me into that room as the door shut loudly.


Wally's P.o.v

"Home?" I look up in confusion. The home felt different today. Less heavy.

"Mhh, Are you mad at me?" A heavy sigh left my lips. Home is unusually quiet today. I walk to my kitchen and start to look for some bread to make toast.

"I wonder if (Y/n) is awake by now..." I look towards the living room and look at the clock. It was currently almost 11.

A visit wouldn't be bad.....

I make my toast and sit down at my table. As I eat my toast and look at the towns newspapers. Eddie, Frank and Sally usually are the ones in charge of the news and every week we get a new one about the events and past gossip. Which usually wasn't much until (y/n) arrived but my favorite part was the crossword puzzles.

Looking down at the paper, I notice that the town will be holding its annual field day soon. My heart lights up with hope. Maybe, this year I can participate. I'm sure home will let me out. After all...

My cheeks turn pink as I think of (y/n)'s beautiful face.

"I have (y/n)...." I say out loud with happiness.

Indeed, You do.

I jump at homes sudden presence and the bubble of happiness i felt, popped. Homes appearance reminded me of the dilemma at hand.

Then again...... I did promise her she'll find a way out of here.....

"You are unusually quiet today..." I look up and home chuckles.

I slept in.

"That's the first time I think you ever slept in..." I mutter and home opens up the blinds to let in the sunlight but even the bright warm sun couldn't make the house less heavy in atmosphere.

Nothing wrong with trying new things.

I smile up at home. Maybe, They are in a good mood today. Setting the paper down, I get up and walk towards my room to get ready for the day.

"The annual field day is coming up. Do you think if I ask (y/n), She'll join me in the activities?" I ask, Hoping home will let me enjoy it this year.

I'm sure she'll be thrilled to.

My eyes light up. Home was unusually happy today. Maybe, Things are changing for the better.

I look in the mirror and put my hair up in my usual style. Ever since (y/n) ran her fingers through my hair and looked into my eyes. She made me fall in love with my hair down, But old habits die hard.

Fixing my blue necktie, I step back and look at my attire. A simple white button up shirt with light blue pants with fluffy clouds. My shoes are the classic dark blue and white ones.

I usually like wearing my standard outfit but I can't help wanting to surprise (y/n) everytime I see her. Her eyes light up with curiosity and I can't help but love it everytime. Walking towards the door, I open it and walk outside.

"I'll see you later home!" I say brightly as I walk towards my darling's home.

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