29. Game Day

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"We do card games everytime!" Sally walks into the living room with an exaggerated sigh and I giggled. Everyone looked over to her and Eddie speaks up.

"What should we do this time?"

Julie jumps up from her seat and claps her hands together.

"Since this is (Y/n)'s first game day! Why don't we do classic games like..." She thinks for a moment, Her hand on her cheek until her eyes brighten up in excitement.

"Oh, I know! Let's play tag!"

"Now we are talking!" Sally walks towards me and holds a hand out. I take it and she pulls me up from my sitting spot.

"Ready for this?" She asks but my eyes were on Wally. He was currently talking to Julie, His back against the wall.

He hasn't even greeted me once....

We all walked outside and spread out. I personally wasn't really good at running around but I wasn't going to let that stop me from having fun.

"Since julie is the host. She'll be it!" Sally yells as she stands a few feet behind me. Julie smirks as she look around at all of us and soon she spoke.

"On a count of three! One...."

Everyone starts to inch away from her and I see Barnaby try to trip frank from behind.

"Two...." I see her eyeing Wally and he notices as well. He started to speed walk away and she giggles

"Three!!" She runs off towards Wally as everyone runs the opposite way. I was still in my same place for a moment watching them giggle and run.

"Come on, Dear!" Poppy says as she takes my hand and we run as well. Soon, Wally was it and he starts to run after all of us. His eyes look over at me but soon starts to chase poppy.

Was I going insane?

I hid behind a tree as I watched Wally try to tag someone else and soon he spots Julie once again. He smirks and runs off towards her. She yelps and looks over at Wally as he touches her shoulder.

"Tag, You're it!" He says gleefully and I felt my blood turn cold for a moment.

Why was he ignoring me?

The game continued until Sally was the only one who wasn't ever tagged.

"I'm the queen of games!" She spins and bows as she shines brightly. Everyone looked tired and even Wally took off his cardigan and was in a simple white button up shirt.

"You most certainly are not." Frank says and Sally puts her hand on her chest in exaggeration of her hurt.

"I most certainly am! Why not play my most favorite game? No one has ever beat me on it before!" She giggles and looks around. Everyone was sitting on the grass and I was laying my back against a tree.

"Hide and seek!" She announces and everyone looks at each other until they nod and get up.

"If I find everyone, I win!" She smirks as she looks at frank.

"I know I'll find you quickly.... Like last time!" She says and frank rolls his eyes.

"That was luck." He mutters.

Everyone gets up and spreads out. Barnaby walks up to Sally and smiles.

"Close your eyes."

Sally does as she says and he spins her around three times. He sprints off and she starts to count from ten. She swayed on her legs a little and I turn, Running off towards the forest.

My mind was cluttered. What was Wally avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? Was being locked away without warning make him angry? Upset?

My thoughts starts to consume me as I do twist and turns through the forest. Not knowing where I was going to end up but that was the least of my worries at the moment.

My body aches and my mind felt like it was going to implode. Not to mention this new feeling of anger and jealousy that keeps eating me up alive.

"AH!" I collide with someone and I fall backwards. My back hitting the grass under me but that didn't do anything to cushion my fall.

"Oh my...." I hear them whisper and I notice a heaviness above me. My eyes flutter open and they met with familiar dark ones.

Wally was on top of me with his hands beside each side of my head. His body pressed on mine and our faces inches apart.

"W-wally?" I whisper and I feel my cheeks turn pink. He didn't say anything, His eyes looked at my hair was that sprawled around my head, My eyes, To my lips then back to my eyes. My heart felt like I was about to explode and I wanted to pull him closer.

"Somehow.... You look beautiful even in this state..." He mutters and my mouth parts slightly. The position we were in was intimate and for a moment, My judgement was clouded.

But only for a moment.

I push him away and he looks surprised by my sudden harshness.

"Dont! Don't tell me that.." I look away angrily as I sit up.

"I..." He speaks but I glare at him. He was on his knees and the look on his face made my heart ache.

"You ignored me all day! On purpose.... You were with Julie... And only Julie..." Anger was bubbling up to the surface and Wally looked guilty.


"Was it something I did? Was it because I didn't come out of my home for awhile...?"

He looked conflicted, His hands on his knees as his head was hanging down.

"Home said... I was coming off too strong..." He didn't look at me and I froze.

Home said that to him? That would explain everything.... But why would home say that in the first place? Even if I ask, I would get punished either way.

"You aren't..." My heart felt lighter but that doesn't explain the angry jealousy I felt in me. He looks up and smiles softly.

"I don't want to scare you off... But I also didn't want to anger you." He admits and I move closer to him.

"I understand but you aren't coming off too strong... I promise you that." I whisper to him and he looks over at me. His face leaning towards mine and my heart skips a beat.

"I don't... deserve you.." His voice sounded soft and sad for a moment but the distance closing between us kept me from thinking. His lips inches from mine as his hand goes up softly to my cheek.

"I missed you... Terribly." He mutters as his lips were a few inches from mine.

"There you guys are!" Sally walks through some bushes and looks down at us.

Wally and I jump apart as she comes closer.

"You guys were the hardest to find! I'll give you that." She praises us and I get up. Fixing my hair and trying to hide my red face. Wally was doing the same and Sally looks between us.

"Love birds..." She mutters as we walk back to the group. Everyone was waiting patiently and poppy spots us first.

"There you're." She said as her feathers ruffled with delight. Sally walks past everyone and towards frank.

"Now.... I'm waiting...." She looks over at frank and he sighs.

"You're.. The queen of games.." He mutters reluctantly. Sally jumps in the air in happiness and I giggle.

The sun was starting to set and soon we all walked back to our homes.

Wally walks over to me with his cardigan in his hand.

"May I walk you to your home?" He asks and I nod.

We walk in silence and I look over at Wally. His eyes were clouded over as he walked. Looking lost in his own thoughts.

He's been so distracted lately that I just now noticed it.

We arrive to my door step and I notice that home wasn't here at the moment.

"Thank you for walking me home." I turn to look at him and he smiles softly at me.

"Anything to know you're safe..." He responds and I step closer to him.

I don't know why, Maybe because my future turned into a question mark since home took over. Or maybe it's because I wanted to finish what we started earlier.

I pull him down by his white collar and kiss him softly on the lips. He freezes up at first but soon his arms wrapped around me tight as he sinks into the kiss.

He tasted like apple pie and I feel him smile into the kiss. His hand going up my back as I gasp softly at his touch.

Isn't that sweet.

I jump as I hear homes voice. Wally backs up and clears his throat. The sudden movement leaving me empty and sad.

"Hello... Home..." I mutter and I look over at Wally.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Wally." I smile politely which made him smile back. He picks up my hand and kisses it softly.

"Until tomorrow, My Sweetheart." He whispers against my hand and stands up straight. With one last longing look, He turns and walks off. Leaving under the glow of homes light.

That heavy feeling consuming me once more as I re-enter my house.

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