30. Painting Stars Around My Scars

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Wally's P.o.v

"What do you think?" Julie speaks as she walks back into her kitchen. She looks over at me with a smile but I wasn't paying attention.

"Wally?" She calls out but I was staring down at the cup of tea in my hands. A plate of cookies sat infront of me. Julie baked them and called me over to try them.

"Hello?" She steps closer but I didn't move. My thoughts running wild, Hanging out with Julie has become almost routine now. Not by choice really, But....

I need to separate myself from (y/n)... Even if it's killing me every passing day.

"Wally!" Julie yells and I snap out of my thoughts. The tea spilling out of my cup as it moves across the table. Looking down at my white button up shirt, I'm glad I didn't stain it. Julie looks at the mess I created but I didn't react. I just stared as the liquid came close to the edge of the table.

"I'm sorry for the mess..." I mumble but quickly smile apologetically at her.

"It's alright..." She looks at me worried and I stand up. She quickly picks up a rag and starts to clean it up. She started to ramble on about the cookies and I give her a half smile.

"I have business to attend to but your cookies are wonderful Julie. Thank you for inviting me over." I wave at her as I walk out and she waves back. When I finally stepped out, I sighed.

Looking over at the horizon, I see (Y/n) waking back from her shift at howdy's and my heart skips a beat. Ever since home started to become close to her, Everything changed.

Then again, I decided to remove myself more.....

Am I doing the right thing?

She knew I was distancing myself from her and I lied to her when she asked why. Home never told me I was coming off to strong. Home hasn't said much to me these past few days actually and that's worrying me.

How do I tell her that I plan to save her?

Easier said than done when I don't want her to leave.... As much as home says she's mine.... It doesn't feel true unless she (y/n) says it herself. It feels wrong to trap someone.

But if I want to save her... I have to distance myself. Otherwise, I'll be selfish and want her to stay....

"Uh... Wally?"

I snap out of my thoughts and see (y/n) infront of me. Jumping back startled, She starts to giggle at my surprise.

Looking around, I noticed I somehow made my way near her home. My cheeks tint red and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"I... I was just taking a walk..."

"It looked like you were deep in thought. Is everything okay?" She tilts her head slightly and her (e/c) eyes look at me with curiosity.

"Y-yes... Just thinking about tomorrow. It's field day after all!" I lie and she hums. She looks away and I study her for a second.

She was once again wearing the bright green dress and rainbow flats. I never said anything to her but when I saw that outfit during game day, It surprised me. It seems so out of character for her.

As bizzare as her new wardrobe is now, She still looks radiant to me.

Her (h/c) hair looked shiny and her cheeks has a small tint of pink.

"You started to dress more casually." She notices and I look down. Simple brown slacks with a white button up. The sleeves ended at my elbows and the only bright element was my shoes that were rainbow. In truth, I was so distracted this morning. I just didn't put effort into my appearance.

"I suppose I do..." I say softly. She doesn't question my answers and I sigh internally that she doesn't.

"It's a wonderful day out." She says as she looks at the sky. Before I could even register my thoughts properly, My lips moved.

"It doesn't compare to you, Dear."

Her eyes widen slightly and looks over at me. I found myself leaning towards her unconsciously but I shake my head slightly.

I shouldn't be doing this.

"T-Thank you..." She mumbles and I my smile grows.

She fidgets slightly until she looks into my eyes.

"Would you like to come in? It's been a minute since you came over...." She asked softly and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement flow through me.

"Of course!"

She smiles and turns. Walking off towards her front door and I follow. The curtains were open and home doesn't seem to be here this time.

"After you." She says and I look at her opened door. Walking through the doorway, I hear her footsteps behind me and the door shuts.

The home was clean and well organized except for paints on the floor and a few canvases that the sun from the windows seem to illuminate.

"Painting a lot recently?"

She looks over at the paints and nods with a sheepish smile.

"I forgot to clean up..." She mumbles and I chuckle.

Walking over to the paints, I see she has a canvas covered.


I started to ask but notice she left the room. Hearing a few noises from the kitchen, I figured she went to get refreshments.

Soon, She comes out with a tray. A pitcher sat in the middle as two cups and a plate of sweets were on the side.

"Here... I figured you might want something cool to drink." She says as she sets the tray on the coffee table.

Pouring me a cup, She hands it to me and I look at its content.

"Apple juice... I made it myself actually." She says proudly and my eyes widen slightly.

I look at the drink and start to blink it away.

"T-This is so good! How did you get it to taste so sweet... It's almost like biting into an actual apple..." I look at the drink with astonishment.

She looks at me with so much excitement.

"I just had a lot of time on my hands... I wanted to surprise you." She bites her bottom lip nervously as she says the last line.

"It's wonderful." I whisper and she nods in happiness. She steps back for a second to sit down but accidentally bumps into the canvas. Making the cloth on the canvas fall and she gasps.

My eyes look at it and my face turns red.

It was a detailed painting of me on the night of our date. Her point of view of me when we sat together.

My eyes had a dreamy glazed look to them and my hair was slightly disheveled.

"This... You painted this?" I ask breathless as I set the cup down. Walking towards the canvas and I can hear her curse softly.

"You weren't supposed to see it. It's just a silly drawing I did but wow this is embarrassing.."

I look over and she was hiding her face in her hands. Stepping towards her, I pull apart her hands gently. She gasps as she looks up at me.

"It's... Absolutely wonderful..." I say fondly.

"Really?" Her eyes light up with hope and I nod.

"You're so talented, It makes me lucky to be so close to someone like you." I whisper softly to her and she leans closer to me.

My heart beats slightly faster as she leans in. I can't ever seem to stop myself when we kiss but instead of feeling my lips on hers. She moves quickly as she picks up a paint brush with blue paint. Swiftly painting my cheek and I gasp.

She laughs and my eyes narrow as I smirk.

"Oh, You'll regret that." I pick up another paint brush with red paint and start to swipe it across her cheek. Her eyes widen as a determined look crosses her face.

She starts to doodle on my cheek and I chuckle at the feeling of the brush but I grab her wrist and start to do the same on her cheek.

She starts to struggle as she giggles and I somehow take a misstep. She took this opportunity to push me and I fall on the couch.

"Not fair!" I laugh as she starts to paint all over me. The brush now being felt on my arms and I gasp as the sensation.

She started to paint stars and hearts all over my arms and wrists... Even my hands.

I was frozen as she looked so focused. The paint brush softly swept across my skin.... Over the places that used to be scattered with bruises and marks from when home would punish me.

My eye lids drooping, The moment turning intimate. She leans back to admire her work and her soft smile graces her lovely features.

"You look like a kids art project." She giggles and I look down at my arms. Both full of doodles and shapes. My heart fell full as I look at it. Arms that were once bruised and hurt, Now painted by the person who I can't seem to live without.

"Are... Are you alright?" She asks and I look at her.

"Wally... You're crying..." She says softly and I touch my face. Wet tears fall down my cheeks and I don't say anything. She quickly gets on her knees and looks into my eyes.

"What's wrong? Did.. Did I do something wr-"

She stopped speaking when I take her hand kiss it softly. My eyes teary but it was like a wound inside of me was healing.

"You're..." I begin to speak but what can I possibly say to show how much she means to me? There's not enough letters in the alphabet to even start.

"I can't seem to find the words... I can't explain how I feel but.." I look into her eyes.

"I just know that, I would give you the stars and moon if you asked me but even if I do. Your beautiful heart will outshine both of them." I whisper and her lips part slightly.

She reaches up to my cheeks and wipes away my tears with her thumbs. Her face near mines as she speaks.

"You have no idea how much you mean to me... Even if I forget the entire universe. Even if I forget my own name, I'll never forget you, Wally Darling." She admits softly and my heart feels like it's about to explode in love.

Leaving me wonder struck.

She leans in and kisses my cheeks. Her soft lips against my skin made me sigh in happiness but I bitter part of me reminded me that this can't be my forever.

This won't last.

She pulls back and I hold her face in my hands gently. Looking into her beautiful eyes and I knew. It doesn't matter how I feel or what home wants from me. Even if I have to tear myself apart and feel homes wrath.

I'm making sure she gets back home.

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