31. Julie

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My fingers trace over the dry canvas. My painting of Wally was finally finished and I blow a strand of loose hair away from my eyes. Wally has left a few hours ago and it was almost late afternoon.

Are you excited?

I dont move. My face was still focused on the painting in front of me. Home randomly speaking to me has become normal to me. It was more uncomfortable if home wasnt around.

"For?" I ask as I write my signature on the corner of the canvas.

Field day.

Field day? Oh, Right.

Wally asked me to be his date....

It was tomorrow and I can already see everyone outside running about. Clearly setting up things for it.

I set down my paintbrush and walk towards the window. Watching frank walk by with a box of decorations and even Barnaby was helping. Cracking a joke at him and he rolls his eyes.

Soon, My eyes narrow and I see julie skipping beside wally. He was smiling at her as he carried buckets of paint. She was holding paint brushes in her right hand and her left hand was on his shoulder.

My heart flips and I sigh. My hand finds my forehead and the pit of jealousy can be felt in my stomach.

I dont know what's going on with me.

I'm not a jealous person... at least not with someone like julie. She's a friend and wally only sees her as such but what if.... me being at home so much recently makes him go to her more?

She has been with him a lot hasn't she.

Homes voice flows through the room and I turn away from the window.

"They are friends," I wave my hand dismissively but the curtains close shut and I jump slightly.

"Its not like wally likes-"

We can fix that.

Homes voice turns eerie and I stop talking.

Want her to stop getting so close to Wally?

I don't say anything. A dark part of me is saying yes but the logical side says no.

My curiosity outweighs them both and I walk towards my red armchair.

Sitting down, I wave my hand for home to continue.

"Go on." I mutter.

We can set her back to.... default.

The way homes voice turns sinister at the last word raises so many warning bells in my head.


I raise an eyebrow. The dark pit in my stomach was now bigger. A surge of interest and jealousy fills me.

"Default.... Elaborate."

I can feel the house turn colder.

Default is when someone in the neighborhood goes back to their original self. Before they developed any memories of the neighbors other than what's provided. They are a shell of what they were. Developing once again a more complex personality.

I nod. Resting my head on my hand in thought.

So, They become what they were made to be. Soulless characters.... at least at the beginning.

Julie will stop being so close to wally. She originally was supposed to be more with frank.... but sometimes they develop more friendships with others.

I tap my fingers against the armrest. My thoughts running a mile a minute.

"I dont want to do that to her... she's my friend." I mutter. The strong urge to do it doesn't outmatch my love for her.

Home stays silent and I ask a question.

"Was this done before?"

Many times. How do you think wally kept you to himself? Poppy? Barnaby? You're a smart girl. I'm sure you noticed.

Wally did that? For me? I noticed his odd behavior but it makes sense now but wally...

He couldn't do it. Not really right?

Its harmless, Trust me.

I stay silent, Its pointless to ponder on what wally is capable of.

For some reason, It was like two sides of me were against each other. Except... I don't know either of them.

One side wanted to do it but one side was begging me to stay true to myself but do I even know myself?

My past has vanished and I dont know who I really am. All I know is that these new dark feelings dont make sense.


I begin but stop because home start to speak.

At any rate, Julie is getting closer to wally. You can either make sure she stays in line or accept that you're going to be forgotten by him.

"I'm only forgotten because you keep me in here." I protest coldly and home laughs.

Not my fault you cant seem to follow simple rules (Y/n).

I stay silent. Home is right....

I look down at my bruised covered body. Retaliation really has become a daily thing but the more I fight... the more i forget why.

I have nothing to go back to.

I just know that this isnt okay but even so.... was this actually needed?

Accept your role and make julie accept hers. Otherwise you can swallow your own self pity and childish jealousy. Up to you.

Homes voice rings in my ears and I feel my chest sting.

I cant.. do it...

Do it.

But julie doesn't deserve it.

Do it.

This isnt me.

Do it.

The house has grown ice cold and my chest begins in hurt. My head hits the back of the armchair and I squeeze my eyes shut.


Do it.

Something runs through my veins and something in me snaps.

Julie needs to learn her place.

My eyes open and the house grew warmer. The dark pit inside me was still there but it doesn't feel heavy anymore. Somehow, This all seems reasonable.

This is my new home. This is my life.

Wally is mine.

I stand up and look over at the window. Home opens its curtains and I see julie giggling as wally learns a new game she created.

Have you finally came to your senses?

"What do I need to do?" I ask and I can feel home shake with triumph.

I didn't know what I was doing but if this is who I am now. So be it.

Bring her home. Tonight.

"And then?" I ask and home opens the door to the house.

Then the show begins.

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