3. Home

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Warning bells started to sound in my head as he said that to me. He almost sounded menacing but before i could say anything he went back to his cheerful manor.

"My home is at the center of the small town." He explains and continues to walk and i follow.

"So every path you take always leads to my home. If you're lost. Or need help. I'll always be near to help."

I couldn't help but think that has two meanings but i shake it off. Soon we arrived at home. A small red house with a blue roof.... And moving eyes on the window. I stop and stare at it.

Home looked over at wally and me and wave it's windows at us. I slowly wave back. Feeling like I'm going insane.

"Home! This is our new neighbor! (Y/n)! Isn't she lovely?" Wally introduces me and a small tint of blush dusts my cheeks from his last question.

The house makes some squeaks and wally smiles.

"It's really alive... And you understand it?" My voice was low and wally looks at me unconcerned.

"Yes. For as long as I can remember. Ready to go inside?" He asks and i nod my head.

"Please open the door home." He commands nicely and the home opens it's front door. He stretches his arm out.

"Ladies first." He smiles cheekily at me.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how much of a gentleman he is. Walking forward, I enter through the doorway and walk into a living room. It was almost identical to mines. It just had more things that showed it was Wally's. Like his artwork and photo frames of his friends.

Wow. It's almost like mines. I wonder.....

The door shut before i could form a proper thought and wally walked beside me.

"The kitchen is this way." He leads me to it and i already see breakfast set up. Almost like he was expecting me.

"Oh wow... Did you expect i would say yes?" I teased as i looked at the table.

He chuckled nervously.

"I suppose i did. I was excited." He admitted and it warmed my heart.

The table had stacked pancakes and syrup and butter. Cut up fruit and a few pastries. It all looked amazing and i felt my stomach finally respond.

I turn red because i know wally must have heard it too.

"Im sorry. I guess i haven't eaten for a minute." I admit embarrassingly. Which was true now that i think about it. Last time i ate something was the morning before.

"Oh my. Then please sit." He says and i do. He comes over and sets a plate and adds three big fluffy pancakes to start. Pushes the fruit, butter and syrup near me.

"Please eat." He says and my stomach flips by how he says it.

"A-Alright." I start to add stuff to my pancakes and he walks over to the counter. Picking up a pitcher and a cup.

"Would you like apple juice?" He asks as i was biting into the fluffy pancakes.

Oh he knows how to cook. How is that even possible.

"I would love some."

He pours me a cup and i smile.

He really does like apples. That's adorable....

I look up at him and see him freeze for a second.

"Are you okay?"

He looks at me and gives me a half smile.

"A-Ah yes." He sits across from me and pours himself a cup. Adds some pancakes to his plate and starts to prepare it.

Something was racking my brain. Something i couldn't remember but i knew it was important. I took a bite from the fruit and look over at him for a second. The fruit drops from my hand onto the plate. The food on his plate disappearing each time he blinks.

He eats with his eyes?!

I exclaim in my head. He jumps and looks at me.

How did i forget that trait about him? It's wally.

"You eat..." I start to say and he stares at me.

"With my eyes." He finishes.

I didn't know what to think. I was slightly scared but i also knew this already. Just seeing it front and center is something different.

"I hope this doesn't frighten you..." He sounds almost embarrassed and i quickly smile.

"No, I'm just surprised that's all. Wait, does this mean you can..." He smirks.

"No, It's not that simple. I can control what i want to... Take a bite out of." He stares intently at me and i feel my cheeks getting red.

"Right." I say and i continue to eat my food and kept my gaze down. Soon we both finished and he started to clean up. I got up and started to help him, which in return, wally smiles at me.

"Everything was wonderful... You should show me how to cook like you do sometime." I compliment and he smiles.

"Definitely!" He says as he washes the dishes. I start to walk around the kitchen. Touching the surface of things. It all felt so surreal.

I walk towards the living room lost in thought. It was a lovely home. Something about it felt cozy. Yet... Something also felt off. I turn and see a hallway just like mines. With two doors. One to the bathroom and one that was slightly open as well.

It looked dark inside.... But as i kept looking at it, Something was weird about it. Almost black like sludge can be seen on the floor in the room and my heart falls down to my stomach.

What... What is that.

Before i could take a step towards it.

"(Y/n)." A stern voice called my name.

A warm hand was felt on my shoulder and quickly spun me around. Wally was staring at me and i felt like a child getting caught doing something wrong.

A door can be heard slammed shut behind me. I tried to turn to see it but wally had a firm grip on my shoulder.

"It's rude to walk away from your host." He said and i swallowed nervously.

"Y-yes. Of course. I'm sorry." I quickly apologized and he looked at me for a moment longer. He stepped back and smiled.

Wow. From 0-100 real quick.

"It's alright! Now..." He claps his hands together and gives me a warm smile.

"Let's go grocery shopping for your home." He said and i can't help but smile. Moving towards his front door. He picks up a whicker basket he had beside it. I follow him and we walk outside.

"Goodbye home." He says and i wave goodbye as well. A part of me glad that i was able to leave.

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