33. Field Day Part 1

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Life and writing became overwhelming. I disappeared/took a break. I'm back now, Let's finish this bitch <3

My eyes flutter open and I groan. My body felt sore and my eyesight was blurry. I try to rub them and soon I can see in front of me.

I was sitting in the same position as before and julie was still sleeping on the couch soundly.

Getting up, I curse as my body protests and I stretch.

It was still nighttime and julie stirs in her sleep. Her eyes open and she looks over at me with a sleepy smile.

"Oh my... I must have fallen asleep while helping you pick out an outfit..." She mutters and sits up. She doesn't notice how scuffed up her dress is but she giggles.

"You look like you've been playing around too much with Barnaby." She teases and I chuckle. Leaning against the wall mostly for support.

"Did we pick out an outfit? I only remember coming in and nothing else.... that's weird...." She admits and I nod.

"Yes.... We did and I thank you for your help! Couldn't have done it without you."

She smiles and gets up. Walking towards the door, She waved goodbye to me.

"This was fun. I should probably get some rest for later. Bye (y/n)!" She says and skips off into the night as I watch her get safely home.

I sigh in relief but I turn ridged.

Home is angry.

I shut the door and turn around slowly. Even if it was dead quiet, I can tell, Home is here.

The lights are all turned off and I sense movement from my peripheral vision and look over. The curtains slowly close and my heart drops to my stomach.

I hope you're proud of yourself....

Home voice echos through the house in a soft eerie tone.

"Home, You can't expect me to just sit there and watch julie get hurt!" I protest as I back away from the walls towards the middle of the livingroom.

You have been more trouble than you're worth.

Black liquid once again falls from the walls.

You think that you'll come out of this unscathed?

The room turns colder and I shiver slightly.

Did you not remember what I said? You disobey me, Wally also gets punished.

My eyes widen at the realization and I start to panic.

Oh, But... why not have a little fun with this.

The liquid was already on the floor and it slowly made its way towards me.

I'll give you a choice.

The liquid wraps around my ankles and I gasp as pain runs through me and I kneel on the ground.

You and Wally can be punished separately or...

The black liquid runs up my body wraps around my neck. Squeezing it firmly and making my body shake in pain. My eyes squeeze shut as tears start to fill my eyes.

You can take the whole punishment....

The liquid tightens around my body and picks me up like a ragdoll.

But i cant promise you'll come out of this in one piece. Mentally or physically.

Homes voice echos in my ears and I squeeze my eyes shut. I fucked up and now I need to suffer the consequences.

After all... I can always stitch your limbs back together until you're just a pile of meat with broken bones....

I cry a little harder when I think about wally.

Will I let wally take it as well?

Obviously not.

"I'll take the whole punishment." I say through gritted teeth.

Home laughs booms through the house and I flinch.

You really do care for him. How sweet. Too bad you dont care enough about him to obey me..

The black liquid enters my mouth and I scream and cough. My vision turns blurry and all I can taste it's my own blood as my voice fades into the night.

You only have yourself to blame.


Wally's p.o.v

I stare at myself in the mirror and sigh.

Something feels off but I cant put my finger on it.

It feels too peaceful.

Home has been abnormally quiet but everytime I question it, Home reassures me that its because everything is going according to plan.

My fingers drum against the smooth surface of the vanity and I shake my head.

Thoughts race through my head.

Field day. Home. (Y/n). Escape plan. The neighborhood. (Y/n). The con. The pros. What im sacrificing. (Y/n).


I look over to a random canvas that I was working on.

Struggling to paint something new but I somehow painted her eyes without thinking.

I love her eyes.

They somehow always seem to look into mine and from that small action alone makes me fall deeper for her.

"My (Y/n)...." I sigh sweetly.

A smile graced my features and i get up. Walking out and towards the door but I stop. My eyes look over at the spare room where the laptop was.

Somehow, I knew that the only way to save her is through there but I can't figure it out for the life of me.

That and I could potentially ruin the whole neighborhood.

She's waiting for you.

I jump as I hear homes voice.


She's ready for your date, Wally.

"Oh!" I laugh nervously as I put my hands in my brown pants pockets.

"I'll get going then." I mutter but somehow the way home said it made a chill run up my spine.

Nonetheless, I pick up the bouquet of flowers I made for her and made my way towards her home.

The door shut behind me and I look up at the sky. Clouds pass by and the sun shines down on the neighborhood. Clearly, Field day is at full swing. Everyone seems to be running around trying to start activities.

The baking contest should be starting soon and I can already see poppy nervously looking around her surroundings. Trying not to somehow bump things over and frank reassuring her that she will be wonderful.

I walk down the path and try to straighten my fluffy necktie.

My outfit is pretty old school from what I usually wear.

Brown pants and my sweater that's blue, yellow and red striped.

A fluffy red necktie and my gold cufflinks.

My hair swooped up into my perfect swirl.

I might have used too many hairspray cans but at least I know my hair will stay in place.

Soon, I was in front of her door and I clear my thoughts.

Even though I have asked her out before and she agreed to go with me, The jitters of it never seem to go away.

I knock on her door and I quickly hear some shuffles and she opens the door.

My smile drops an inch but I quickly fix it.

She looks terribly tired.

"Wally, Its nice to see you." Her voice sounds weak but she smiles like she doesn't notice.


I look at her attire and she was wearing a long sleeved yellow dress that ended at her ankles. It had a black belt that matched her black flats.

Every inch of her body from the neck down was covered.

Even her neck has a black silk choker and it felt strangely out of place.

All of the outfit was.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked softly and I look back up at her soft brown eyes but she quickly looks away.

She usually keeps eye contact with me.

"These are for you..." I try to say softly and she looks at the flowers with a small smile. Reaching out slowly, She takes them but she winces slightly.

She quickly steps back to hide it and thanks me.

"Is everything okay?" I ask as I step forward and she quickly walks off to the kitchen to put them in water.

"Everything is fine." She speaks quickly but I wasnt convinced. I try to look listen to her thoughts but lately... They seem quiet. Abnormally so, like it's muffled or just dead silence.

Something is off...

I was about to question her more but she comes back and gives me a tight smile.

"Let's go. We'll be late!"

She sticks out her hand for me to hold.

"Dont want to prolong this date any longer." She says sweetly and I smile softly at her and take her hand in mines.

"Whatever you wish, My Darling." I whisper lovingly as I pull her softly and lead her out the door.

Trying to shove down this nagging feeling that something bad is brewing.

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