34: Field Day Part 2

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"How was your sleep last night?" I ask, Trying to see her response.

She keeps looking forward with a blank expression as we walk.

"Nothing special. Same old dreams." She speaks as if she's bored of this conversation.

"How was yours?"

I tilt my head and sigh.

"For the first time, I dreamed." I mutter and she stops walking. Turning to me with a surprised look and I feel relief wash over me. She looked more alive.

"Do you... never dream?" She asks with uncertainty and I chuckle.

"I don't actually. Resting my eyes is all I can do. Until last night...." My thoughts trail off to the dream.

"It was wonderful. If this is what everyone goes through. Its lovely." I mutter as i look down at (y/n).

My eyes soften.

"Tell me about it." She whispers. I step towards her and move her hair away from her face. Her strands brush against my hand and she shuts her eyes.

"It was about..." I whisper softly as she leans her head against the palm of my hand.

"Hey love birds!!" Barnaby jogs towards us and (y/n) quickly steps away from me. I scowl for a moment but quickly fix my smile.

"Hello barnaby." We both say and he looks between us.

"Did I interrupt something?" He asks and snorts.

"When arent I. You just can't keep your paws off her can ya wally." He jokes as he pats my back.

"You missed the baking contest. Poppy won but she somehow got the entire audience covered with whipped cream." He starts to speak and I softly take (y/n)'s hand as we walk with Barnaby to the stands of food and games.

Everyone seems to be walking towards the giant stage that has heavy velvet curtains. Sally might be performing with julie. If I judge from the glitter and crayons all over the stage that peaked under the curtains.

Soon, We found our selves in seats infront of the stage. I glance over at (y/n) and see her dip in and out of focus. Her eyes were on the stage but she seems severely out of it.

My hand brushes her shoulders and she jumps as she looks at me.

"Its just me, Darling." I whisper and she sighs and she shuts her eyes tightly but quickly gives me a tired smile.

"No sleep can really kill someone." She mutters and soon I hear mic tapping from the stage.

"Welcome! Welcome!" Sally's voice booms across the audience.

I look forward but mind was cluttered. The show was staring but if I'm being honest, I was tuning it out.

My eyes keep glancing at (y/n).

Come on, let me read your thoughts love. Tell me what's wrong...




It's dead silent.

I sigh softly and glance one last time.

Claps can be heard and I go back to reality. I start to clap along and see Sally and Julie bowing on stage. My eyes widen as I see glitter and.... Is that ice cream everywhere?

What did I just miss?

"That wasn't bad..."

I look at (y/n). Her smile as small but her eyes gleamed with happiness. Following her gaze, She was looking at Julie.

"I'm glad you enjoyed that." I stand up and offer my hand to her. She takes it and we walk off to the next activity. The clouds became slightly more dense and the wind picked up slightly.

"Are you joining the art contest?" She asks as we walk towards the canvases that were set up by howdy's store.

"Mh, I was hoping you would join as well?" I respond and look down at her. She looked hesitant and she glances down at her hands quickly then back up at me.

"I... Alright. I could give it a shot." She said and I nod as we walk towards our respective canvases.

Soon, All five canvases were filled with people and howdy brings everyone's attention to us.

"Alright, Calm down everyone. Welcome to our art contest! Here's how this works, Our brave artists will have 10 minutes to draw our...." He pauses for effect and walks over to a shape that's covered in a red cloth. He pulls the cloth away and it revealed Barnaby balancing on a ball.

"Lovely model! Might want to draw quick before he tumbles..." Howdy says as he backs up.

"Haha... G-guys... You might w-wanna hurry up... I can't do t-this for long..." Barnaby says as he tries to keep balance.

Howdy chuckles as he picks up a bell.

"Time starts....Now!" He rings the bell and everyone starts to draw.

I quickly begin to draw Barnaby. After a few minutes, I look over at (y/n) to see her progress but she barely had anything on the canvas. Her strokes were light but her hand shakes like crazy.

What's going on with her?

She bites her lip as she tries to do one more stroke but the paint brush slips from her fingers and she sighs as she picks it up.

Considering how much paint is on her shoes, It might have slipped a lot.

As she stretches her hand up to paint Barnaby's ears, the sleeves of her stress slips down exposing her wrist and some of her arm. Black marks and fresh wounds can be slightly seen and my paint brush slips from my fingers.

She looks over at me but I quickly bent down to pick up the paint brush and act like I wasn't just looking at her.

I keep painting but I glance at her.

She pulls her sleeves up and keeps painting.

What were those marks?

How the hell did she even get them?

"Alright folks! Times up!" Howdy says and Barnaby tumbles down right onto frank.

"Get off me!!!" Frank yells and Barnaby pants from being on the ball.

"F-five more minutes..." Barnaby says and frank mutters angrily under him.

We all turn our canvases to the crowd and everyone oohs and ahhs and they gather to judge.

As always, I won but my mind was too preoccupied to even focus on that.

While everyone was congratulating me, I look over at (y/n). She was laying against a tree with a pained look on her face.

I thanked everyone and walked towards her. Not sure how to ask about the marks. She hears me approaching and her eyes opens to see me.

"Hey, Winner...." She greets me softly. My smile deepens as I hear her sweet voice.

"Hey... I need to ask you something..." I decided to approach this carefully. I didn't want to scare her off.

"What's up?"

I think for a moment on how to ask.

"It's about your m-"

"Hey! Guys!" Julie runs towards us and I sigh.

Are you kidding me?

"You guys are going to miss the rides! Come on!" She pulls (y/n)'s wrists hard  and she gasps in pain but Julie clearly didn't hear her.

She drags her away towards the rides and an irritated scowl crosses my features.

This is going to be a long night.

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