35. Field Day, Part 3

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(Y/n)'s Pov

I wince as Julie pulls my wrist hard. The bruises on my wrist and wounds are screaming but I can't show how much pain I'm in.

My whole body wants to shut down but I know I can't let it. I would bandage my wounds but home said as further punishment, I must hide but keep them how they are as reminder.

Not to mention how sick I feel.

I look back to see wally following us and I sigh. Hoping this night is over soon.

As much as I want to be with wally, I just need to lock myself up in my home and heal. Relearn the rules and heal. That's the only way I can keep wally safe.

My eyes look over to where Julie was pulling me and my eyes widen.

Big amusement park rides are set out with their lights shining. The sky was beginning to dim which makes the lights all the more bright.

"Isn't it wonderful? We should get on a ride!" Her high pitched voice somehow got even more higher.

"I-" Before I could even say anything, Julie glances at wally and quickly pulls me towards a ride.

I can't tell you what happened because everything was blur. Maybe my brain is shutting down from the tiredness. Exhaustion.

Or maybe, I was falling in and out of consciousness but all I know is, Julie was pulling me on every ride while wally was just there. He was smiling but it was more like his regular fixed smile.

Soon, We were stepping off a ride when wally got in-between me and Julie.

"Julie, I'm going to get on a ride with (y/n). Just me and her." He says but Julie starts to protest. Wally's eyes catches hers and she freezes.

"That wasn't me asking." His voice was hard and she freezes. She looked conflicted, She looks over at me but wally shifts and blocks her view of me.

"Why don't you go and find frank." Wally didn't suggest, He commanded and Julie didn't say anything. Just steps back and walks off like nothing.

Wally's clears his throat and turns to me with a smile.

"Now, Where were we?"


"You know, I never been on one of these..." I mutter as I look out the window.

Currently, Sitting in a capsule on the giant ferris wheel.

I look over at wally and he stares right at me. Almost like he's studying me. His whole demeanor was off, This new side of him is startling but who am I to question.

His eyes are piercing right through me and I shudder.

"A-are you alright?" I ask and he doesn't respond. Instead, his gaze shifts towards the sky as the capsule moves slowly up. The neighborhood looks small and almost cartoon-ish from the lights and colors.

He was quiet for a few moments but breaks it.

"Why has your style changed so drastically?" He asks.

I didn't answer. How was I supposed to answer that?

"What do you mean?"

"Your style was different. Obviously, Colorful to fit your new environment but...." He looks over to me and scans my body. Suddenly, I felt insecure but how can't I? I'm wearing such ridiculous clothes.

"This is a big change." He speaks so eerily calm that it was making my skin crawl.

"Uh... I guess, This place is influencing me." Not completely a lie.

He hums and tilts his head slightly.

"And tell me, I noticed you stopped wanting to leave. Why's that?"

His eyes narrow as he looks at me.

I didn't answer, If I'm being honest. I gave up on that long ago.

"This place is nice... Why would I want to leave." I mutter and he huffs.


A few moments of silence hung between us and I could feel the tension building. Wally's fingers tap against the leather of his seat as he stares at me.

I try to look away and watch the skyline but shivers run down my spine.

"So, How long will you continue to lie through your teeth?" His voice was hard and I jump slightly.

"W-What are you talking about?" I ask. My heart starts to speed up and I sit on my hands to stop them from fidgeting.

His arms crossed, His smile was completely gone. He looked irritated.

"Lift up your sleeves, (Y/n)." He demands and I freeze.

"What? No!" I say and he doesn't react. I look out the window and silently pray the ride ends but instead, It stops at the top.

I curse silently, Of course it stops now.

Looking over at wally, He's waiting but I shake my head in protest.

"Lift them or I will." He warns. My blood runs cold as my eyes widen.

"What's wrong with you today?" I ask and he doesn't respond.

"Wally... Wh-"

"You have five seconds."

My mouth opens slightly at his threat.


He starts to count down and I start to panic. He can't be serious?


"You aren't serious."

"Three." His voice becomes colder as he stands up. Making my heart jump in fear.

"Two." He steps closer to me and i look around for a way to escape but we were still up high.


I stand up and try to move away from him but he grabs my shoulder as I move.

"Wally!" I yell but he grabs my waist and forces me to lie down on the seat the of ride. I yelp in surprise as I try to kick him away. The capsule swings from our movements and I yell as I feel it.

"I gave you a chance." He argued back.

He has me pined down by the waist with one arm and grabs my wrists with the other.

My arms above my head. The position was making my cheeks flush red.

His fingers pull down my sleeve and I panic.


But it was too late. He pulled the sleeve down to my elbow. The deed was done.

His eyes stared at the bruises. Red marks.

His finger softly traces the marks that's ropes around my wrists.

"I-i can explain." I stutter but he doesn't look at me. Instead, his eyes narrow.

"Who." He asks but I didn't respond.

"Answer me. I'll get the answer out of you one way or another." He threatens.

I bite my inner cheek and close my eyes.

It's too late to go back now....

"I..." Tears start to fill my eyes and wally let's go. He helps me sit up and sits beside me.

I pull off the black ribbon that's around my neck and Wally's eyes widen.

Deep red and purple marks wrap around my neck and suddenly he gasps.

"Home." He whispers.

I nod and he looks at me like his world has shattered.

The ride starts to move and I begin to wipe my tears. Wally shakes his head, He sees the black ribbon in my hand and he takes off his red necktie. He gently starts to wrap it around my neck to cover the marks.

"Listen, I know we have a lot to discuss but right now you need rest." He mutters. Anger can be heard in his voice but it wasn't directed to me.

"I'm sorry..." I mutter and he takes my chin softly. Making me look into his eyes that softened.

"I'm sure you had your reasons my dearest. Don't apologize." He whispers and the ride doors open.

I start to get up but he pushes me down.


"It's time I take charge." He says sternly which I can't help but wonder if there's more behind that statement.

"Let's take you home to rest."

He picks me up bridal style and I just let him. I was too burned out to even resist at this point.

Before I could register more, I felt soft covers that smelled like apples drape over me.

I'm guessing we are in Wally's home. I can hear him shuffle around.

"Oh, She's just tired out from the fair." I hear him speak.

"Oh it was wonderful! You should have seen her face on the ferris wheel. Such darling eyes...." Wally sighs thoughtfully. Home can be heard replying back.

"She is wonderful isn't she? Well, I'm gonna get ready for bed. Goodnight home." He says simply as he walks into his room and shuts the door. He shuffles around until I feel the covers lift. He slides next to me and wraps his arms around me softly.

"Don't worry. I'll end your suffering soon, My love. I promise." He whispers and that's all I remember before I blacked out.


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