36. Calm Before The Storm

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I'm having a hard time deciding if my next wally story which is priest wally, Should be smut or not. Would you guys like that? Or should I just keep it soft like this book?

Also I know, I'm finishing this book if it's the last thing i do.

Wally's P.o.v

"What a shame." I mutter as I check the leaves on the apple trees. Some were turning brown which was extremely unusual. They are green, Always.

The sky was darker by the clouds covering the sun and a light chill breeze runs through my hair. I cant help but see how much our neighborhood has changed since (y/n)'s arrival.

Good change? Bad?

I would say it's a needed one.

An unusual feeling runs through me, Almost like I'm losing something but what?

"I need to wake her up...." I mutter as I pull my sleeves of my white shirt up to my elbows. Walking back to her before she opens her eyes and finds me gone.

I step into home and make my way to my room. Seeing her figure under the covers by the small light flooding in from the windows. Leaning against the door frame, admiring her.

She looks so kept together, Even her hair is tame. Every day that passes, every moment, She looks like a regular neighbor.


I turn swiftly to my vanity and stare at myself.

Looking back at me is messy blue hair. Locks falling infront of my eyes. White button up shirt with brown pants.

Simple and not at all colorful.

Yet, Somehow I never felt more free.


Her voice fills the room and I turn to look at her. She sounds weak and it makes my insides hurt.

"Yes, my love?" I ask softly as I walk towards the bed.

She's sitting up looking at me with those (e/c) eyes. Once filled with fire and light, Look somber and faded.

She doesn't respond as I sit on the edge of the bed. Instead, She stays quiet and looks down at her hands.

"I know you have a lot of questions..." She mutters and I nod.

"I do but we don't have to talk about it yet...." I glance around. Home is here but we can't act suspicious.

"How about...." I mutter as I stand up and she looks at me.

"You take your time and get yourself ready."

"For what?" She swings her legs to the side of the bed and stands up slowly. Clearly, Her body is still in pain.

I quick frown forms on my face but I wipe it away.

"It's a surprise. For now, Make yourself at home. Take a shower, Pick an outfit from my closet and wait for me to come back. I won't take long." I promise her as I step towards her.

"A-are you sure?" She asks surprised and I smile softly.

My hand find it's way to the back of her neck. My other hand wraps around her waist and I pull her in. She gasps softly and I make her look at me.

"I would give you my own life if that's what you asked for. What's mine is yours, okay?" I whisper to her and she nods softly. Her eyes filling with a spark of wonder. Kissing her forehead, I close my eyes and enjoy her warmth.

Letting her go, I walk towards the bedroom door but before I walk out. I look at her and smile.

"I'll be back soon, Darling." With that, I closed the door behind me and left to prepare.

(Y/n)'s P.o.v

I walk towards the vanity as he leaves and I stare at myself.

I can't even recognize myself.

You should start getting ready.

Homes voice rings and I sigh.

"What is he planning?" I ask as I walk towards the bathroom.

A date of some kind, I'm assuming.

"He's changed.... Have you noticed?" I speak. Doing my usual routine of washing up.

More than I should have let happen but that's not a concern.

"Why do you think that?" Confused as to why his change isn't important but mine is.

Simple. I know what he's capable of and it isn't much.

I stay silent but something burned inside me. Not capable of much? Is that how she saw him? Wally thought the world of home and yet here she is. Acting like he's dumb as a pile of bricks.

"Right." I didn't say anything more. Instead, I continued getting myself ready. A new burning feeling inside me.

Wally's p.o.v

A cloudy sky. No sun in sight and here I am. Setting up a blanket on the soft patch of grass. Exactly where we had our first date. By the cliff that overlooks the one colorful neighborhood. A part of me still sees it as a cheerful place but I know we are past that beautiful lie.

Brushing my hair back, I sigh softly. My smile faltering, my eyes wonder towards home. Far away but I can clearly see their eyes looking up to me and I smile. A bitter smile? Maybe.

I wave and home just blinks to indicate a wave back.

Maybe, if (y/n) never came here. Things would still be the same. Would that be better?

No, it wouldn't.

Deep down inside I know that sooner or later the walls were going to break.

I turn and start to make my way back to home. Taking my time, Everyone is in their homes.

Usually Julie is out and about with Frank. Barnaby is at howdy's and poppy was baking but now... Everyone, everything was quiet.

I grimace at the past memories flashing through my head. When I would do every dirty deed home wanted me to do.

"Never again." I mumble as I approach home with a smile.

The door opens and I step in the dim home. The smell of soap and other lovely scents fill the air. Then she steps out, Beauty and grace.

Her hair in her usual style but I slightly frown at the colorful outfit she has on.

"Home helped me dress. What do you think?" Her voice monotone and I sigh internally. Home. Of course.

"Whatever you wear, I'll fall in love everytime." I compliment. It wasn't a lie even if the outfit was completely different than what I originally liked on her.

"Shall we?" I step forward and extend my hand for her to take. She gingerly places hers in my hand and my cheeks redden slightly. Never used to physical contact.

"Lead the way." She says softly and we make our way out without another word.

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