part 2

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He was surprised would be an understatement for what he had just said moments ago to Gauri. He had been lately surprising himself a lot since he had brought Gauri to Oberoi Mansion. He just couldn't comprehend things clearly since her arrival. He hated to admit it but she had fogged his mind and somewhere he regretted getting her here, she  unleashed something within him. Something that wasn't under his control, and he hated it because lately he loved  to keep things under his control. He  didn't know why he stood there in a corner gazing at her with concern and making it sure she reaches the room.He wanted her to leave but as soon as he held her wrist something melted within him. He could feel something beat against his ribs. Yes, his heart whose existence he doubted, because  it had been shattered ruthlessly many times.  And he asked her to stay, he was taken back for a moment, he couldn't believe he had asked her to stay. He wanted to put all the blame on her that she was trying to play her tricks on him and seduce him but  he couldn't because this time he was the one who got her he was the one who was getting too touchy all in the name of fake romance. He  used this so called fake romance as shield to protect himself from his unknown feelings. Her voice brought him out of his own little world . When her orbs meet his all he couls see was confusion asking him did she hear him right? He could decipher from the tone that she was bewildered. Her tone questioned him and that was one of those rare occasions when the poet was short of words but finally  he came up with an excuse and she agreed and that joy within him was unexplainable. He could feel a stupid smile creep on his face no she couldn't she him smile. No she shouldn't know that she affected him, it was his little secret. So he rushed to the guest room and decided to have a bath and then go  and sleep because he didn't  want to look into her eyes again, because lately it made him feel guilty,  her eyes always pleaded her innocence. Her eyes always startled him because it told him another story. Her eyes always seemed deceptive they held honesty and innocence something which she wasn't .Her eyes were his favourite so expressive that it invoked the almost dead artist and poet in him calling him out of his shell. He stood  beneath the shower  and turned the knob  on and allowed  the cold water to calm his burning insides but it didn't  work. The cold seeping in through his skin only reminded him of Gauri being locked up in freezer, he was petrified. He couldn't just let her die because he couldn't handle the guilt of indirectly murdering her because he dragged her into this Svetalana ficaso, but that wasn't the only reason he just couldn't afford losing her. But the why is something he couldn't find an answer to. He remembers everything she was lying pale and almost dead on the cold floor her whole  being seemed to mock at him and accuse him see what you've done  to me. The guilt then was inevitable it was killing him but when he finally saw her open her eyes he was relieved. It was a different kind of relief that he had felt, as if there's nothing more he wanted and everything would be alright and he was about to hug her.  He was surprised again but later he had justified this by saying because she was Chulbul, his best buddy, his courage but deep down he knew he was lying to himself. After all a man who hates liars became a liar  , in fact an excellent liar who always lies to himself. He turned off the knob and picked up his brush and dabbed a pea size of toothpaste on it and began burshing his teeth when his  fingers touched his lips and it again reminded him of the CPR. Touching her soft lips was something that he relished something that turned him on in a way he never had been. Something he wish to continue all his life happily but the next moment he was ashamed of himself he reprimanded himself. But that wasn't the only emotion he felt when he touched her pale lips, fear was the other emotion.Her stay with him and messed up everything. His every hypothesis on her was being proved wrong and  that's why he was constantly reminding  all of this was sham to her but the truth was only known to him and she did question him and he was surprised did she know him that well. Somewhere a part of him wanted to be proven wrong and a paelrt of didn't want to be proven wrong . A part of him wished to hold on to her and the other part wanted  to let her go.  He left the brush as he couldn't brush and left the room and took a deep breath and entered the room stealthy reprimanding himself for acting stupid and child-like . He found her sleeping on the floor this woman surely knew how to annoy him he thought she could have slept on the bed after all he was concerned he  went near her to check her. There she was curled into a ball hugging herself as if comforting and shivering all thanks to the thin blanket she had taken . He reprimands a sleeping Gauri -as if being shut in a freezer wasn't enough to feel the cold. He reduced the AC temperature and carried her to the bed and covered her up and he slipped inside the other side of the bed inside the duvet. After all sharing the bed for a night won't be an issue.

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