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♡Next Day♡

☆Nobody's Pov☆

Ten woke up by the ring on his phone and looked at his phone checking time and checked whose call it is and it was just Kun and explained him the situation lowly and kept his phone away as he turned to look at Amna sleeping in his arms peacefully and smiles as he went closer to her and stroked her hair and to his shock she moved and woke up from sleep and ended up blushing deep red and got away from him in seconds so furiously that made Ten bursts out in laughter.
"W-why are you l-laughing!? And why are you here with me!??" Amna said while blushing and Ten laughed more at her blushing face.

"Tell meee!!! Stop laughing!!!" She hit his arm and Ten held her hand softly and stroked it gently. "Aww you will get hurt this way if you use your hand so forcefully to hit me princess. Last night I was about to leave but you said sleep with me while holding my hand so I had to stay with you." He explained with a small genuine smile on his face which made Amna just melt down.

"I'm sorry to scare you! I just didn't wanted to make you feel sad by not listening to you" Ten said and Amna just nodded and smiled. "Its all okay you dot have to say sorry. I just overreacted." She said while smiling and Ten chuckled and shaked head as he goes to wore his shoes and bowed to her gently as he smiled and was about to go when he was stopped by her with a big pout on her face. "You are gonna leave without having breakfast!?" Amna asked being a cute baby she is and Ten chuckled and showed her text of Lucas. "See that!? I have to leave and get to practice! You eat I promise I will come to your office to have lunch with you be ready" Ten smiled and pecked her cheek and waved going out while Amna was blushing and nods slowly waving him back while saying softly "take care! I will wait for you" she giggled once he left and ran to get ready while squealing happily.

Meanwhile Ten walked out while smiling and took his car and drove back to his dorm and as soon as he entered dorm he got to meet whole WayV being mad babies. "Where have you been huh!?????" Asked YangYang and he looked mad from face. "Well I was with friend i don't need to tell each and everything." Ten laughed and walked past them going to his room while humming while boys groaned as their game night got messed up that was to happen last night but Ten just was so mesmerized by Amna's beauty he just ended up staying there without even telling anyone except Taeyong.

From Taeyong let's go to other side of story too .......

Taeyong received the text of Ten staying with Amna last night and he chuckled shaking his head and sent that text to Kun so they know he wont come back dorm for night. "Oof he is so in love but I do ship them as long as they both are happy" he mumbled and just  stared at his phone waiting for text from Di but in the end he didnt recieved any text so he sighed and slept.

At morning first thing he did is checked his phone but still no text gave him a big disappointment and he shrugged it off and went to his regular practice and he saw girl that caught his eyes and heart at the first glance, the girl he was dying to get call and text from the first day he saw her. He smiled and  just glanced at her not even blinking and soon he had to leave to go to his practice room and he groaned in frustration at the fact that he was dying to meet that girl waited for her text and now that he got time to talk to her still he had to leave cause of work. "Dont worry Tae! you can get her! She will definitely be yours one day!!"  He mumbled to himself and went to practice.

☆Timeskip to Afternoon☆

"Ma'am you look happy! Did something good happen!?" Amna's secretary asked her while she was grinning happily at her phone and she shivered and went shook and looked up at her. "Oh! My I got scared! Hahah yep I am going to have lunch with someone special." She said while giggling and her Secretary grinned and bowed as she was about to say but got cut off by someone rushing inside without any permission or something which made Amna look up a bit pissed but soon it all melted to be a beautiful smile as the person was none other than Ten. "I should leave! If you need something ma'am please call me" secretary said and left the room while smiling and looking at two as Amna just nodded and got up going to Ten and he pulled her in a soft loving hug.

"You came!!! Yayyy" she said while grinning like a baby and it made Ten chuckle as he nodded stroking her back gently,"of course I would come! I promised you didnt I!?"

They both hugged each other for a while and then sat down and Ten had bought lunch the best he could buy and placed it in front of Amna while scratching back of his neck. "I didnt knew you what you liked so I bought the best I could thought of. I hope you like it." He said and smiled gently while Amna shaked head and smiled widely "its awesomee!! I love it! Thank you so much!" She smiled and started eating with Ten and he smiled while Secretary knocked on the door and came in once Amna gave permission and she bowed and said that made Ten brows furrow in frustration and he looked up and said at once a bit pissed and jealous,"No she wont! Not at all! Cancel it now!!!" He said which made Amna gasp and blush deep red and Secretary giggled silently and nodded as she bowed and left the room and to that Amna asked lowly,"b...but w..why!??" Ten looked up at her and stared into her eyes with sincerity in his eyes which made Amna frush red more.

On the other side~~

Taeyong stared at the girl as she came to meet his dance tutor and just was super mesmerized. "I just wish she become my friends so I can propose her soon to be my girlfriend! I wish that can happen soon!" He gathered his confidence and stood up as he went to go and talk to girl but she left before he could even stop her and he sighed deeply and frowned as he went back inside to eat with all as it was lunch break and his phone snoozed so he took it and smiled softly at the text, "Annyeong Mr.Lee! I'm sorry I was at work from yesterday evening so texted late." It was from Di.

But now that this goes ahead the thing comes to see is what is the fact that Ten said no to! What made Amna blush!?? Who is the girl that has just wrapped Taeyong around her pinky and will these couples ever be couples for real!??

Stay tuneddd~~you will know soon!!

Yayyy!! Another update!! I hope you like it!! LeeTaeyong827

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
