Family: A Proof of an Unbelievable Bond

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Try to guess which pair this story includes.

I'm trying to make everything in-character, but this might be hard, so I apologize if they're still OOC.

Thanks for the support, @Author-Shin! Hope you enjoy this chapter too!

And anyway, if this story reaches at least 4 chapters, I would be uploading this book to Fanfiction as well, to accompany my OC-centric story there. But don't expect a fast update/uploading of new chapters since I've got a hectic schedule of work. 

Here's the shot!


It's going to be a beautiful morning in Orario. A peaceful day, where everyone did things that they normally did, everything were progressing as they normally were. The sun was shining, the birds were singing.

Our story began on one part of Orario, where a building was situated. A building that is not extremely big, yet the word "small" didn't even come close to describe it. It was decent, yet it was decorated in such manner that you might think that you're entering a house in the fairy tales.

A breathtaking, eye-catching small garden enveloped the beautifully-painted house, flowers, mostly pink in color, just enhanced the glamour of it. Not only the colours, they also gave such irresistible scents that calmed everyone down anytime the scent reached even their nostrils.

On another part of the garden, there were not as many flowers as the first part, but even then, it was still eye-catching and gorgeous, and it came from the fact that there are some tame rabbits, not the vicious type like Al-Miraj or something like that, these rabbits came from those of cute stereotypes like bunnies or something close to that. 

Looking onto them jumping around, chasing each other and later going back to their cage ( a large cage, not exclusive individual cages), waiting for their master to feed them, that had a positive impact on everyone that passed by.

Well, enough for the compliments outside the house. 

Inside the house, specifically inside one of the rooms, a young man, possibly on his middle twenties, could be seen sleeping on one large bed. It really looked like the man was still enjoying himself in his own Dream World, as a satisfied smile was plastered on his face.

Unfortunately for him, though, not everyone approved of that, as two figures, one is an orange-haired elf with blue eyes, she was wearing a matured version of her usual frilly pink dress, trying to at least look a bit more mature...which failed since she elf.

Another one was a smaller version of the elf, but with snow white hair instead of orange like the older one. She was wearing a white dress that matches the color of her hair, with some blue ornaments scattered around, maybe she could actually embrace the moniker: Beautiful in White. 

The older elf looked very annoyed and glared at the said man, the smaller one followed suit, before she began to ask.

"Should we use "it" again, Mom?"

The annoyance in the older elf's face soon changed into a smile that's somehow marked danger, before turning into that kind of a smirk. Seems like she had something on her mind.

"No, sweetie, let's be "lenient" this time." The elf then whispered something on the smaller elf's ear and the latter quickly went out of the room, only to be back thirty seconds later with a large bowl of water on her hand.

"Thanks a lot, Claire." 

The older elf began to whisper a kind of chant onto the bowl of water, and suddenly a freezing aura could be felt around the bowl, even though the water still stayed in the liquid form.

"Alright, this should do it."

With a sadistic giggle on her face, she lunged and threw the contents of the bowl towards the sleeping man, quickly earned a reaction from him as he struggled and fidgeted all his body.

"I'm freezing, help!"

"Good morning, stupid sleepyhead." The elf glared at the white-haired man in front of her. "Do you know what time it is?"

"Eh? Whaddaya mean, Lefiya?"

"Look outside!"

He then turned towards the window, just like the older elf requested, and in front of him was a sight of a very bright scenery, marking that it was late in the morning and was going to turn into midday.

"Oh crap..."

"Save the insults and just go wash yourself, and your breakfast was already cold on the table." The elf said. "Should I heat it for you as well?"

"Well...if that's okay with you."

"Then get your butt moving, human." she said. "Don't take too long or the food's going to be cold even after I heat it."

"Ahahaha...alright." The man then proceeded towards the bathroom after taking the clothes which surprisingly was prepared near it. From afar, the older elf just sighed.

"Honestly, how did I end up being a lover of my own rival, the lecherous rabbit Bell Cranel, let alone being his wife..."

"Ah, right, aunt Tiona had mentioned once that you were once rivals with Dad. So it wasn't wrong, then?"

"Tiona told you?" Lefiya asked, surprised. "Not surprised since she was a storyteller indeed. What did she tell you about me and your Dad?"

"She also said that actually amongst all of the members of Loki Familia, you are the one who had the closest chemistry with Dad."

"Ehhh?" Lefiya blushed in embarrassment. "Jeez, but we weren't, seriously. I swear I got to settle some things straight with Tiona..."

"Uh-huh, so when are you going to heat Dad's breakfast?" 

"Just a moment, Claire." Lefiya replied. "You want to help me?"



-Meanwhile in Hestia Familia's Manor-

"Man, it's getting boring here." Welf sighed. "I wish we can go to the Dungeon with Bell today."

"But you know we can't." Mikoto replied. "Bell-dono is planning to train his daughter. I heard that they're going to train in Loki Familia's training field.

"Man, I wish I can go there, I really want to see them training."

"Yeah, too bad we're stuck here. Goddess Hestia is attending the Denatus and won't be back until a few days later." Welf added. "And unlike before, we do have our home duties today..."

"The timing's getting worse..." Lili grumbled. "Of all the times, why Bell-sama chose this day?"

"Well, in my opinion, we can't blame him for that." This time Ryuu interjected, trying to calm down the pallum from 'exploding'. "There must be a reason why he chose this day."

Everyone was deep in thought, before suddenly a very soft voice emerged from the uncomfortable silence.

"Maybe, since it was the day of the Denatus, the fact that Goddess Loki has to attend it might also apply." Haruhime added. "She won't be at the Manor today, right?


"Come to think of it, that was relatable." Lili said, being able to relate the information. "If Goddess Loki wasn't in the Manor, then Lefiya-san and her daughter will not be in danger of her. You know what I mean, right.

Everyone sweatdropped and giggled at the remark since they can actually relate.


--Twilight Manor--

"Excuse Me..."

"Lady Loki is not home, and what business do you want with her?" A guard asked the group.

"Well, I do know she's not home. And actually, we have some business to attend with Lady Riveria Ljos Alf, Captain Finn Deimne and Sir Gareth Landrock. We had agreed on an appointment this morning." Lefiya explained

"And may I see..." The guard paused since he registered the group. "Hold on, aren't you the [Dawn], Bell Cranel of Hestia Familia and a former member of Loki Familia, the [Celdia] Lefiya Viridis?"

"You get it right, mister." Bell replied.

"Well, if that is the condition, then I'll escort you to them. that girl with you?"

"Yup, this is Claremond Cranel, our daughter. She's also the reason of our appointment with the three veterans of Loki Familia." Lefiya formally introduced, confirming their identities to the guard.

"Alright then, please follow me."


The little family followed the guard inside the Manor before entering the common room, where the three, plus some other members of Loki Familia, had been sitting.

"Lady Riveria, Sir Finn, Sir Gareth, [Dawn] and [Celdia] wishes to see you, saying that you and they had agreed on an appointment."

The three was surprised for a while, before registering what the guard had meant. "[Dawn], [Celdia]..."

"That's right, we promised Bell Cranel and Lefiya to train their daughter today." Riveria smiled.

"Eeehhh? Lefiya and Argonaut-kun are coming with their daughter?" 

"Um...should I ask them to come in right now?" The guard asked.

"Yes, you may." Finn replied briefly.


The little family then entered the room. Lefiya, upon seeing the members of her former Familia, especially Riveria, couldn't help but to tear up.

"L-Lady Riveria."

"It has been a while, Lefiya." Riveria gave her a smile of a proud mother. "Look how age could change you in a few years."

"Ha ha, Riveria's right, Young'n's grown beautiful." Gareth added.

"Well, I guess you could say that." Finn added. "How many years since then? Despite you keep visiting us regularly, it could feel like it's a long time since we last saw each other."


"Look, even Claire has grown prettier." Tiona, knowing the presence of the white-haired half-elf, exclaimed.

"Hi, aunt Tiona." Claire waved at the Amazon as the latter gets closer.

Lefiya couldn't help but to blush at the compliments given by the veterans. Bell also blushed but tried to compose himself like how a captain should be.

"So, when are we going to start the training?" 

"Well, thanks to the stupid human here who overslept, we've lost quite some time, so I think we can start now before the weather's getting too hot for us." Lefiya said as she glared towards her husband, which apparently could only mouthed a silent "Sorry" to answer.


Since their daughter is only as young as 7 years old, the three veterans, Bell, and Lefiya knew that Claire was not suited for a 1 v 1 combat training with an adventurer, let alone with Level 9 like the veterans, Level 8 like Lefiya, or Level 10 like Bell himself. Thus they knew they can only teach them the very basics of combat against training dummies. The adults took their turn as Riveria taught her the basics of Magic, Gareth taught her the basics of Defense, Finn taught her the basics of teamwork, Lefiya taught her the basics of Chants, and Bell taught her the basics of Agility. The training was proved to be overwhelming for most adventurers, but for 7-year-old Claremond Cranel, the daughter of the legendary adventurers Bell Cranel and Lefiya Viridis, she knew this has to happen anyway, and she had already expected it.

After the theoretical explanations, Riveria then asked Claire to try utilizing what she had learned on the dummies. From the side, Bell and Lefiya watched as their daughter tried her best to cast magic spells and ran around the field, trying her best to take down as many dummies as possible. Both had smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, out of their expectation, an unusual magical ring appeared around Claire, shocking everyone.

And sound of chant could be heard...

"Arise, Fury from the deep. Guardians under the sea. Repel the indecent invaders trying to take a claim on you. Blast them with the pressures under the deepest of surge, straight down to the innermost of cores. Let rise from the deep, rise high, and strike them down like an unflinching rainstorm."

"Y-You're kidding me, right?" Bell exclaimed, shellshocked. "That spell is too much for her to handle! We have to stop her..."

"No, do not interrupt." Lefiya said. "Let her finish!"

"Fall, Bombardement d'Eau!"

As she finished the chant, giant drops and balls of water fell from the sky towards the dummies, unexpectedly exploding upon impact, wrecking the dummies to pieces. Some missed "water bombs" just fell to the ground, creating a generous amount of craters on it.

As the bombardment ended, the veterans' jaws hit the floor, unable to speak or act about it. However, for the certain pair, they knew what they have to do.

They ran towards their daughter, who was unmoving while standing on her own feet.


"Mom...Dad..." the young girl looked at her approaching parents. "I...did it..."

"Claire! What are you thinking? Why did you cast that high-level spell? You know your body and mind isn't strong enough to endure that!"

"S-Sorry Mom..."

"You had us worried there, Claire! Please think first before doing something like that!" Bell added.

An awkward silence remained before the young girl decided to speak.

"Sorry, I thought, I want to prove myself."

"Prove yourself?" Lefiya asked.

"I see, so that's what it is." Riveria's voice suddenly chimed as she approached the little family. "Proving yourself, huh?"

"L-Lady Riveria."

"You really are just like your parents."

"Eh?" Bell asked, confused. "What do you mean, Lady Riveria?"

"Isn't that the same case for both of you?" Riveria started explaining. "Both of you used to want to get stronger so that both of you could be considered worthy to stand beside Ais. You two used to view Ais as an idol, someone you looked up to, right?"

Both parents blushed at the comment.

"The same goes for your daughter here." Riveria added. "She wanted to prove herself that she was worthy as the daughter of the great [Dawn] and [Celdia], one of the highest-ranked and the renowned adventurers of Orario, so that she was worthy to stand beside you."

"C-Claire." Bell frowned.

"Still, Claire, that was reckless of you. It was surprising that you didn't suffer from Mind Down because of that spell, but who knows what will happen in the future." Riveria scolded the young girl. "I knew you wanted to be worthy as their daughter, but you still had to take one step at a time! It's no use to anybody if you're dead, and much worse, how can you reach your goal if you lost your life?"

"S-Sorry, Ms. Riveria."

"That aside, I think we can finish our training for today, and I guess we have to stop by the supporters' room to fetch some Mind Potions since Claire looks extremely exhausted. And then we can talk a lot more later, if you don't mind."

"Oh, we won't, Lady Riveria." Lefiya cheerfully replied. "In fact, I really wanted to catch up with my former Familia. And I knew this human won't mind either."

" I have a say in this?"

"Nope, let's go!" Lefiya smirked as the group proceeded towards the manor. 

Bell just sighed but followed anyway. To his surprise, his left hand was held by a soft touch, and he realized that the same person held his wife's right hand. The soft and simple gesture might not mean a lot for most people. But for Bell Cranel, that gesture meant a lot.

That was a proof of his unbelievable bond, with someone who most people thought wouldn't have been marrying him, and the fruit of their bond, which he declared that he will treasure her no matter what.


Sorry if it sucks. I still tried to keep everyone in-character but it impacted a lot on the plot. Thus I know this chapter will be very confusing.

Bombardement d'Eau is Water Bombing in French. IDK if it was correct or not since I'm just using Google Translate, I have zero knowledge in French.

Two down, and the list goes on. We still have Ais, Haruhime, and many more. I can consider Lili and Syr as well but the latter might prove to be hard to write. However it would be the most interesting since Syr had gotten some experience in child-nurturing thanks from her taking care at Maria's orphanage.

Anyhow, hope you enjoy this chapter!

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