Family-For Whom I'll Give My All

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This chapter features practically most people's OTP of Danmachi. Enjoy the shot!

Aiz Wallenstein, also known as the Sword Princess, was known throughout Orario as the mightiest sword-wielding Adventurer. Her serious-looking, almost expressionless face complimented by some kind of menacing aura as well as an exemplary-level swordsmanship didn't leave too much for imagination.

A calmer, wiser and braver (not Finn) people, or those that are oblivious to these facts would maybe have a different kind of description for her. Some of those in the market stalls, restaurants, or just average Joe's would probably just describe her as a lovely blonde girl whose beauty was pretty much on par with Goddesses, which, let's be honest, wasn't wrong in any way. Others knowing her for longer would describe her overall physical and psychological prowess as akin to a doll, a princess, or maybe both, judging again on her appearance in general and also her lack of actual expressive traits.

Years passed, and yet those descriptions didn't come even close to being "expired" or "irrelevant" to depict her. Now twenty-eight years of age, the Sword Princess still retained most, if not all, her aforementioned physical and psychological traits, whether her being the most talented swordswoman, a beautiful adult comparable to goddesses of beauty, or a rather expressionless doll-like individual which made it hard to guess how she was feeling at the moment.

At least, that's how it applied to most people in the vicinity of the Dungeon City, Orario.

For some other few, notably her relatives, close friends, and naturally her inner circle in general, they would depict her in a rather dissimilar description, well, at least not entirely different. It's just, there's another tag that could apply to her but remained mostly unidentifiable to the ones that didn't know her well enough.

That being said...


"For God's sake, Sword Princess..."

A figure commented on the scene in front of him...a blur tearing through unlucky monsters in the dungeon, most didn't even know what hit them. The 'massacre' unfolding in front him continued to feast on more and more victims before it really stopped, leaving behind a single figure that had already been mentioned for numerous amount of times, as well as a gruesome pile of monsters that eventually met their fate in such a display. Verily, 'gruesome' might actually be an understatement.

The whole event just left the figure with astonishment, but accompanying the expression is also a palm to his face.

"We have to hurry...Bell's Smith..."

"Okay, okay, all of this really necessary?" The figure asked, still feeling a little bit nauseous from the dead monsters. "And is it too hard for you to just call me by Welf?"

"Eh, knowing Ais, it IS necessary." A cheery voice joined the two, leaping towards them with twin swords in her hand. "And I agree with Ais, we have to hurry, we're still having a long way to go."

"Okay, but please let me reiterate what my concern is, okay?" Welf deadpanned at the blonde and the other figure, which turned out to be a short-haired familiar Amazon. "We go all the way into this dungeon...TO fight the motherflipping UDAEUS, only for getting his sword, and that's only to make equipment for Ais' son, right?" 

"Of course that's true." The Amazon replied. "I mean, it's for Ais' and Mr. Argonaut's son!"

"But, getting equipment made from a Level 6 Boss just for a kid who's just starting his first ever Dungeon Dive." Welf sighed. "Doesn't it feel like a TOO much?"

"It isn't. It will be worth it." The blonde now answered. "I just don't want him to be on the same boat as Bell at his first adventure."

"Bell's adventure is already uncommon if I have to be honest with you..." Welf sighed before continuing. "But least I already voiced out my concerns..."

"Then let's go." 

The three quickly dived as quickly as possible, slashing through their way down to Level 37, where the big bad Monster Rex might have been waiting...

---At the same time, around thirty floors above...or I should say outside the Dungeon a.k.a the Guild Area---

The scenery was as bustling as the area inside the dungeons, only this time, it wasn't the hordes of monsters that became the common sight. Instead, entities with various traits and appearances can be viewed all across the area, and they carry whether weapons on the hand, bags and/or sacks all on their shoulders and backs, or, on a rarer scene, something like books and papers being held on their own hands or being hugged close to their chests.

Which, actually in this particular moment, was what our focus should've been set on.

Near one of the doors on the backside of the guild, doors leading to some private chambers specifically designed by the Guild for multiple purposes, mostly Adventure-related, stood a group of people, or specifically, a half-elven lady together with a white-haired young adult and what appears to be a young boy with blonde hair. And as stated above, the young boy appears to hold a considerable amount of papers and books on his hands. A smile embellished his face, which complimented well with his strikingly sharp red eyes. Though, maybe with the fact that his hair was dishevelled and his movement was a little disoriented might also suggest that the smile was rather "programmed" or "faked".

"Thanks a lot for today, Miss Eina!" the boy shouted as he bowed to the half-elven lady in front of him, which prompted a smile as well from the said lady, before turning into the older male near him. "Let's go, Dad!"

"Hm, actually, I would like to talk a bit to Ei...I mean, Miss Eina for a while." The older male replied. "Why don't you join aunt Haruhime and the others outside first, I'll follow you outside later."

"Okay, Dad! But please don't take too long!"

"Sure thing, Al." 

The boy then proceeded to walk towards the exit gate of the guild, leaving both adults still staying just near the entrance of the private chambers. There's a sliver amount of silence passing before Eina actually broke it.

"So, what would you like to talk about with me, Bell?"

"Um well." Bell looks away for a while before continuing. "I just really want to thank you a lot for the lesson. You really are a great teacher."

The elf blushed hearing the compliment. "You're very welcome, Bell. Though, I do have a little concern myself regarding your son, or maybe you as well."

"And that is?"

"I mean, I'm very honored to be the teacher of the son of the legendary adventurers, which  one of them also happens to be under my tutelage too." Eina paused for a moment, her face looked concerned. "However, it's not unbeknownst to me that many adventurers, either under my care or not, found me rather unsettling to be an advisor."

"Really?" Bell's eyes went wide. "I see no reason why people call you that."

"I mean, the lessons your son had before was enough proof according to them." Eina stated. "Not many people wanted to cram a lot of informations and theories regarding the Dungeon and its dangers into one extremely long lecture until so late in the afternoon, as you can see outside."


"You're one exception, and I was actually surprised. Or maybe I shouldn't since I knew how full of desire you are back then."

"Ah, you mean that time when I stupidly and madly wanted to stand beside Ais..."

"And look at you now!" Eina beamed. "Not only you were able to stand beside her, but also able to marry her and have a son with as much desire as you once had! Despite him looking tired, not a single form of disinterest actually plastered on him."

"You shouldn't be surprised. I just wanted him to learn from the best, after all." Bell smirked, earning a little playful jab from the advisor herself.

"You don't need to flatter me, Mister."

"I'm not flattering you, I'm just saying the truth." Bell replied. "For my son, I'm not discounting anything. I need to have him learn from the best."

Pride rushed into Eina's mind. But she held it 'professionally'. Though, his dedication did remind her of a certain blonde who displayed the same dedication.

"I heard your wife along with Miss Hiryute and that blacksmith of yours taking a quest on defeating Udaeus. Is this also related to this "not discounting for your son" thing?"

"As a matter of fact, it does. I need him to be safely equipped when he went down to the Dungeon. I do remember one said that adventurers shouldn't go on adventures..."

Eina blushed hearing that, since she knew she was the one who said that.

"And such, I, I mean, We, just tried our best to give him the utmost protection we can give, while at the same time, we give him chance to learn by experience."

"Wait, by protection, you mean that this Udeaus quest was all for the equipment?"


"I should've been surprised...but you can see why I shouldn't," Eina sighed, before seeing that quite a hefty amount of time had passed. "Though, Bell, I think we have wasted too much time. I believe your son had waited for quite long enough"

Bell then looked at the sky outside and gasped as he realized that he had spent too much time talking, and eventually bid farewell to the advisor, before joining his family outside, who, to no one's surprise, was pretty annoyed.

---Several Days Later---

The morning around Hearthfire mansion was nothing so eventful. It could pass for just a normal morning.

Yep, very normal...

...except for three figures currently in front of the gate, looking a little beaten but overall thoroughly fine. They're waiting for the gate to be open.

Which is not long after since a small figure eventually opened the gate for them.

"Mom, you're back! Oh..." Recognizing the dishevelled look at the figures in front of him, he quickly ran and opened the gate for them. "Are you all okay? Should I fetch aunt Haruhime right now?"

"It's okay, Al. We're just exhausted after the long journey" Ais answered coolly, although a certain redhead practically seemed like he didn't fully agree.

'Just exhausted, she said.'

The redhead blacksmith's disagreement wasn't fully without reason. In fact, on his 'normal' perspective, he would be on the correct side.

It turned out that the Udaeus they fought on floor 37 somehow evolved into an Enhanced Species, and of course this made the quest become insanely harder than usual. No one knew why Udaeus turned into an enhanced species at that time. It could probably because some notable Gods are meddling with their quest, or maybe there's another reason for such.

Though, for the Legendary Sword Princess and the First-Class Amazon, they could eventually keep up, possibly even outmatch  the enhanced species. Though, for the Blacksmith, that's another story.

Lucky for them, they could defeat the species without being severely injured. At least, not a very severe one. For the blacksmith though, the injury was noticeable.

That's why he looked more beaten up than the other two. 

Well at least, the journey was very worth it. Especially with very abundant drop items to boot.

"Anyway..." Welf's train of thought was interrupted by Ais continuing her answer. "Is everyone inside?"

"Mostly, aunt Lili went to the market to buy some ingredients. The others are inside. I think Dad is also expecting you all even."

Ais smiled hearing that. "Alright, let's go inside."

"I'll take some rest and then proceed with the equipment." Welf commented.

"I'll just go and follow Ais." Tiona added. "Might as well check what Mr. Argonaut is doing too."

The group then entered the Manor, where Bell had unsurprisingly waited for them in the living room, greeting them for their return from their journey. Then they decided to part ways into their own rooms, but not for Welf to be treated by Haruhime for his wounds. 

Despite her plan, Tiona changed her plan and instead helped Haruhime with the treatment, leaving Bell and Ais to enter their bedroom.

The moment they entered the bedroom, Bell immediately hugged his wife, signaling how much he missed her.

"Welcome Back, Ais." He whispered softly as he kept hugging her. "I really miss you."

"I miss you too, Bell. I really wish you joined me in the expedition. But I know very well why you don't.

"Yeah." They eventually displayed their affection, hugging and eventually had their lips touching with such fervor, signaling how much they still loved each other. Apparently they parted and Bell got into his main point of what he actually wanted to do.

"So, how was the journey?"

"Well, everything went well, despite a little surprise." Ais replied, in which Bell suddenly showed a very concerned look.

"A surprise? What happened?"

Ais began to retell the story about how everything webt out of their plan, when Udaeus suddenly evolved into its Enhanced Species form, and they had to put in much more effort into defeating it.

"An Enhanced Species?" Bell gasped. "You wouldn't have been injured from it, right?"

"A little...but..."

"A little?" Bell exclaimed. "Should I call Haru..."

"No, you don't need to." Ais replied while silencing him. "It wasn't even a noticeable scratch. Our potions helped us to completely heal the wound."

Bell still retained his worried look, but Ais just touched his face with a bright smile. "If you're still worried, you can accompany me to meet Haruhime later on, but first..."

She pecked him on the lips, before continuing. "Please let us stay like this for a while."

Bell sighed. He knew his wife could be so stubborn at times, but that never changed how he viewed her from back when they first met.

In the ens, they just stayed there on each other's arms, before Bell eventually added.

"The expedition turned out to be very unexpected, didn't it."

"True." Ais answered, "But in the end, we gave our all and that is very worth it." She then cuddled her husband again, in which Bell softly whispered.

"For our family, everything is worth it."

And done! Sorry it took so long because my workload piles up everyday, and I had very low time to actually "transform into imagination mode" and continue this story.

A little editing: Adds more Bell/Ais fluff since I think it's kinda rushed.

One question though. As you might notice (or maybe it wasn't that noticeable), all three oneshots happened at different universes/timelines, Do you think it's a good idea for me to make a chapter where instead of multiple universe, all three families exists in just one universe, which means Ryuu, Lefiya and Ais become Bell's wife collectively in one universe (a.k.a Harem), and thus the four kids (or maybe more) became half-siblings? It won't be easy and I can't guarantee a quick update, since this moment for me to update stories is quite rare, but I'll do my best.

Oh and also, in my hiatus, I actually enjoyed and become inspired by stories made by KneeOil

If you liked this kind of stories with Bell's children/alternate timelines, do check his/her stories as well! They're fantastic and you won't regret checking them!

Also please Read&Review. I accept constructive reviews, but not toxic flames. Thank you and see you soon!

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