Chapter 3: Their First night as a Married Couple

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Shivaay paused and was about to reply when there was a knock. Shivaay opened the door to a Saumya with a huge suitcase.

"I brought the Raizada's suitcase, I mean, it was sent here before the marraige, she might as well use it."

Shivaay nodded and brought it in. He passed the bag to Anika, who dropped down next to it to look for clothes.

"Shiv, you did not answer me."

Shivaay grimaced. "I grew up here and then started working in the family business. They technically report to me."

Anika nodded. "Makes sense. After all you are the head of staff."

Anika grabbed some things and walked to the bathroom. Shivaay slumped onto the bed. A few minutes later, Shivaay heard a small squeak and the door slowly creak open.

"Um Shivaay, could you maybe give me one of your shirts?"

Shivaay looked at her head poking out of the door. "Why? Wear your own clothes."

"They are Di's. They don't exactly fit me." She whispered.

Shivaay turned red. "Oh! Wait let me check."

He walked to the cupboard and pulled at old t-shirt. He went back and passed it to Anika.

He heard some shuffling and then the door opened.

Anika looked super cute in the enormous t-shirt that Shivaay felt a small peeking on to his face.

"Waise Shivaay must be paying you really well. This shirt is Burberry." Anika commented.

Shivaay thanked the stars that he had a real answer for this question.

"He pays well. But usually any clothes he no longer uses are passed to the staff. Usually the chief of staff has the first pick." Shivaay felt good about being able to tell the truth.

Anika nodded. "Your Shivaay Sir seems like a nice guy but I am glad I did not marry him. I mean I was not expecting a love story like Di and Jiju. I mean it was an arranged marriage. But Jhanvima used to say that even in arranged marriage love can be built with time. But your Shivaay sir does not seem to have time. I don't want a marraige like Rina's. Her husband had no time for her. He would just come and sleep with her for a child and leave. After they had a kid, she does not even know where he is."

Anika shuffled around the room. "No one should marry just for a child. What will you do once the children grow up? Just live separate lives?"

Shivaay bristled. It felt like an attack on his values and behaviour. "I mean rich families need to have heirs to the legacy."

Anika scoffed. "For that you can have a surrogate and just have a kid."

Shivaay scoffed. "A surrogate does not have a good lineage."

Anika laughed. "Is this a child or a race horse? And anyhow leave it. Let us not talk about your boss and his views. Bog Houses, big problems. I am now a middle class man's wife, so these problems are not mine. I am tired. Good night." She dropped into the bed after erecting a pillow fort in the middle.

Shivaay looked at her puzzled. Anika looked up and smiled.

"You know I married you but I don't know anything about you. Until I know you, I don't want to take any risks. Shivaay Singh Oberoi might be some big business tycoon but I am no idiot."

She dropped to the other side and pulled the blanket over her head. Shivaay shook his shook. Who the hell had he married?

He walked into the bathroom, only to see a huge mess. Her clothes and jewelry were strewn all across the bathroom. His foot hit a diamond bracelet. He grumbled and picked up all the expensive jewelry and put them on the bathroom stand, when he noticed that two pieces had been kept very neatly. One was a bangle, he felt like he had seen before and the other was the diamond ring he had made her wear earlier that day during their marriage.

Suddenly he heard a soothing tinkling sound behind him. He turned to see her at the doorway.

"I am sorry. I suddenly remembered that we don't have workers, so I came to take my stuff." She looked like a child who had made a silly mistake.

Shivaay was about to comment when he noticed that her eyes were bloodred and nose was like a cherry.

"Why did you cry?" He asked. It was only after asking the question that he realised his mistake. After raising Prinku from young he should have known not to ask a young woman, why she cried especially when they did not cry in front of you. They will just clam up.

"Nothing!" Came her reply faster than light. She picked up all the clothes and dumped it in the laundry basket and then took all the jewellery outside only to come back in after a few minutes before she carefully picked up the two pieces she had kept properly.

He closed the door of the bathroom behind her when she left. He sat on the edge of his bathtub wondering what his mother would say about what he had done. His parents had been his role model for romance to his father coming with bouquets of flowers everyday for his mom and taking her out for dinner on weekends. But even love could not prevent death.

The day they had died, he had promised himself that he would not fall in love. The pain of death was not worth the price of love. Little did he know that Love is an uninvited guest that storms into his car and highjacks it.

As he walked out of the bathroom, he saw her near the window looking at her phone exasperated.

"Didi! Why aren't you picking up your phone?"

She looked up to see Shivaay. She tried to muster a smile.

"I will ask my security force to find your sister. Where was your brother in law going?"

Anika squinted at him. "You have a security force?"

Shivaay bit his tongue and smacked his head in his mind. "No....I meant. Actually Yes, I have a security company. The Oberois helped me set it up."

Anika smiled and nodded. "Oh okay. Here are the details. As far as I know this is where they should be."

Shivaay looked down at an address that he did not recognize but for some reason felt he had seen before.

"This is Jiju's ma's childhood home."

Shivaay took the sheet and immediately sent a picture to his bodygaurd. "They will be here tomorrow. Now you sleep."

Anika stiffened. "Why are you bringing them here? I sent Di from here to protect her from my dad and Mr Oberoi and you are bringing them back here?"

Shivaay realised how scared Anika was of him. The real him. He realized that he needed to get her trust first before he would get what he wanted.

"Okay! I will tell my team to just check if they are okay and arrange a call. Is that okay?"

She smiled. "Thank you, my dear husband."

Shivaay felt his heart jump on hearing her words. His brain immediately stomped on his heart strings.

"Let us sleep." He replied gruffly before climbing into the bed and pulling the covers over himself.


"Anika get up! Your Di said she will call in 10 minutes." She woke up to a gruff manly voice.
Her eyes shot open to see that she was in a man's shirt, in a strange room staring at a strange man. She pulled herself closer to herself and away from him when she suddenly remembered the occurrences of the day before.

"Shiv." She muttered. He nodded like he was asking her what happened?

She quickly shook her head and took the phone he had stretched out to her. The video call screen came up and as she accepted the call, she saw her very angry elder sister.

"Are you mad? Ru and you kidnapped me and dumped me in a car. You took my place at my wedding. You married him. Pagli(mad girl), now what are you going to do?"

Anika looked down like a naughty child that had been caught. "Di woh....main......I wanted to save your love like Jhanvima said. " She whispered.

She saw Mallika glare at her as the phone seemed to be passed to another person.

"Anu, are you mad? Mallika could have gotten hurt. And we had accepted that we were not going to be together. Now what have you done. You know we have seen your father's guards twice now. Thankfully they did not recognize my rental car." Om yelled. "At least you did not marry that mad fellow."

Shiv looked peeved when he heard that. He seemed very protective about his boss. Then why was he willing to marry her? Did he like like Priyanka and want to get back at her. She had seen her glare at Shiv despite the smile on her face when she looked at Anika?

"Jiju, leave it. I am okay." Om then scrutinised her. "Why are you wearing sindoor?" He whisper shouted. Anika saw the phone getting ripped out of his hands.

"ANIKA!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Her sister screamed. "DID YOU MARRY HIM? IS THE MEDIA WRONG?" Shiv shuddered. Anika grimaced. Looked like he was terrified of her usually sweet but right now Mama bear sister.

"I did not marry him. I married his chief of staff." She whispered.

"Anika, I am going to kill you. Give the phone to him now."

Anika gulped. "Didi, I had to do something. He did not even come for the photoshoot. You told me he did. You lied to me."

Mallika kept quiet. Anika could hear Om asking her something and her briefly shaking her head. Om took the phone from her.

"Anika. Please give the phone to him. We at least need to meet him."

Anika slowly passed the phone to him. Shiv took the phone from his hands.

Shivaay watched as his wife's sister blasted her. He wondered if he would be caught. Had his prospective wife seen a photo of him. He was sure they would not have gotten any pictures from the media as they exclusively had been paid to photoshop someone else as Shivaay Singh Oberoi until he was the CEO of the Oberoi Empire. It had been a clause in his Dadi's will and something his granddad could do nothing about as the largest media outlets were controlled by her best friend.

His Dadi had been the brain behind the empire and had left it to her grandkids. In some ways, Anika reminded him of his Dadi. It was soon after her death that his aunt had shown her true colors and left with his cousins.

Shivaay took the phone from Anika, only to see a face that seemed weirdly familiar.

The man on the other end laughed. "I don't think so. But I guess now that we are family, it is high time we met."

Anika squealed and rushed to the phone. "Did you get married?"

Om smiled. "Arre meri ma. We are at the temple now. We will get married here. Rudi and you will get me and Mallika killed one day.

Anika gasped and Shivaay could hear someone else on the other side.

"Om talk good things. We already have Aryavardhan on our tails and you are saying this kind of things." The other young man side as he stepped into the view of the camera.

Anika giggled and then pouted. "Rudi! So unfair, you are at the wedding and I am not."

Shivaay could hear the sadness in her voice. Rudra laughed at the other side. "You come here then. Just take the jet. The wedding is in the evening anyways."

Anika rolled her eyes. "I am not at home. Papa will kill me. You know I ran away right?"

Rudra grinned. "I did not mean Hitler's jet. I meant yours." Shivaay blinked. Just how rich was Anika?

Anika grimaced and shook her head. "He will track it."

Shivaay finally spoke. "Which temple is it?"

Rudra smiled. "It is the Ganesha temple here."

Shivaay nodded like he knew where it was. Anika snatched the phone back from him.

"Didi. All the best. I love you." She cut the call after a couple of words more. She immediately ran to the bathroom with her clothes. He knew she was very upset.

He rushed off to make arrangements for his wife to go see her sister.

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