Chapter 6: Love is in the Air

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Anika was sitting in Shivaay's private plane.

"Shiv! Next time we will go in another plane. I will talk to my pilot and we can use my plane. Unfortunately, today Papa blocked my plane. My lawyers are taking care of it now." Anika looked up from her laptop.

Shiv looked up. "Why? Shivaay does not mind then why?"

Anika shook her head. She felt awkward in going in the chartered plane of the man she left at the alter.

"Being the one left behind is never fun. I would know." She mumbled before turning back to her work. She could feel Shiv staring at her. But she was not ready to share that story. Tears pooled up in her eyes that she tried to brush away.

Suddenly she felt a dip in the seat next to her.

"Ani! I am sure Shivaay has forgiven you. I mean he too has to understand that for some people love is everything. I mean over the past few weeks, I know how special being in love is."

Anika gave him a watery smile. Her Shiv was everything she had hoped love was about. Was this what Di felt whenever she looked at Om Jiju? This zing in her heart while talking to her love? But Jiju and Di knew each other for ages and then fell in love but Anika only knew Shiv for a month and yet it felt like every moment away from him was so hard.

"What are you thinking?" He prodded. She shook her head. "Nothing! Just how much I love you."

Shiv smiled. "I love you more." He replied clasping her hand.

Anika felt her heart a good way that is.

Shivaay felt his heart jump when Anika said the words he had promised himself would never make a difference to him.

"I love you more." He said in reply. He would have loved to say that those words were part of a plan to get Anika in his trap. But it almost felt like he was falling into the trap with Anika.

Shivaay watched as Anika looked through her office work. "I will be in Paris for about 3 months. You can  go back after two weeks." He said. Anika looked up surprised.

"Mr Oberoi wants you to stay here for so long?"

Shivaay was starting a new venture here but he could not tell Anika that. "Yes, Shivaay wants me to stay here for sometime to take care of some administrative matters for the venture here. You can go back after the holiday.

Anika shook her head. "Let me check. I will see if I can stay. You should have told me before it would have been easier then. If I wanted a husband who had no time to spend with me, I would have married Mr Oberoi." She snapped.

Shivaay grimaced. He had hoped Anika would leave so that he did not have to carry the facade and cheat her. But even then he was not entirely sure he wanted to go.

"Ani! It is not like that. It is only for some time then I would have come back."

Anika silently turned away from him after closing her laptop, only to gaze out of the window.

"It is okay. I will make arrangements. I can also probably meet Mansi Bua as well."

"Mansi Bua?" Shivaay voiced. He did not know Anika had family in Paris.

Anika nodded. "Yeah. Dad's family is based in Paris. When we were younger, Papa used to send Di and me here. Sometimes O
Jiju and Rudra used to come with us especially when Jhanvima had to visit home."

Shivaay had hoped in his mind that Anika was talking about his aunt but his aunt had never visited her family. His grandfather had checked. Her family had cut all ties from her the day she had left the Oberois.

"Oh! Wow! We are almost about to reach Paris. I can see CDG. Bonjour Paris!" She squealed.

"I can't wait to have some croissants and la tarte de Pomme. Nobody makes it better than the French."

Shivaay laughed seeing Anika's antics.

"Shiv Bhaiya, prinku and I really think you need to tell Bhabhi the truth. The later you tell her, the less she will believe you."

Shivaay shook his head trying to forget what Saumya said.

"Where are we staying?" Anika asked.

Shivaay looked at the keys in his hands. "We are staying in my apartment."

Anika's eyes widened. "You have a house in Paris?"

Shivaay nodded wondering what lies he would have to say. "Well technically it is the Oberoi flats so when I graduated, I purchased one if them."

He tried to keep it as close to the truth as he knew the house held many personal artifacts.

Anika nodded. "Okay let's go. I have some calls to make and I will also check if Bua is in."

Shivaay watched as Anika dialed her aunt. She had been marvelled by the beauty of the house. Anika's behaviour showed none of the spoilt rich kid behaviours that even his own sister tended to display.

"Mansi Bua! It's me. Anu!" She squeaked.

The lady on the speaker phone laughed. "Arre Chutki. Do you really think your bua will forget her little devil?"

Anika giggled. "Bua! I am in Paris with Shiv."

"Shiv?" A questioning voice asked.

"Haan Bua. My husband. His name is Shiv Khanna."

"Oh god. Mad girl. Your papa has called me a thousand times asking if you had called me. Are you mad? Which poor man have you pulled into my brother's craziness. Anu, you should have come here. I would have done something." The woman chastised.

"Bua. You couldn't have done anything and Shiv is really nice."

"You bring that boy and come to my house for dinner. Send me your address. I will send my driver by 7 in the evening."

Anika glanced up at Shivaay questioning. Shivaay nodded.

Anika then agreed to the dinner invite.

As the car drew into a huge lawn, even Shivaay's eyes widened. "You didn't tell me your Bua lived in the Prime Minister's house."

Anika grinned. "Yeah! Bua is his wife. I don't know if you will get to meet Antoine and Camille. I think Camille is in the US for a foreign trip."

As they drew to the front door, Shivaay could see 2 people at the door. The woman had her arms wide to give a hug while the young man grinned.

"BUA!" Anika practically jumped into the woman's arms.

"Anu, Mon petit papillon."

"Hi! I am Antoine. I am Anika's cousin. You must be the mysterious Shiv."

Shivaay smiled and took his hand. "I believe so."

Anika and her aunt were talking nine to a dozen.

"So you are Shiv!" The lady finally turned towards him. She had a gentle smile but very sharp eyes.

"This is my baby girl. Mallu was my princess. But this pagal is my heart and joy."

"Wow Maman wow" Antoine spoke. Mansi gently swatted him.

"Your Chachi only entrusted me with these two just before her death. If I messed up with you both, it is my fault but these two are Bhabhi's treasure."

She suddenly got up. "Wait let me show you their pictures. Shivaay grinned cheekily at Anika while she groaned. "Bua nooooo."

Mansi regardless pulled out the album. Shivaay watched as Anika grew over the years.

"You looked a lot like Mallika when you were younger."

Anika nodded. "Nobody believed we were fraternal twins until we were like 12. Jhanvi ma and Bua were the only once to tell us apart."

Shivaay was drawn to a picture of a woman in a veil playing with little Anika and Mallika.

"That was the first photo Om jiju took with a camera that Jhanvima bought for him."

"Who is that?" Shivaay asked pointing at the veiled woman.

Anika glanced at the picture. "That is Jhanvi Ma! She never took off her veil unless she was with me, Di, Jiju or Rudra. Something about how in her community ladies never show their face in front of strangers. Even Papa never saw her without the veil."

"How is everyone back home?" Mansi bua asked. 

Anika's face fell. "Ma passed away a couple of months ago. Di and Om Jiju got married. Ru is being a bit suspicious. I think he likes someone."

Mansi smiled. Then as she got up, she signaled Shivaay to follow her. Anika continued talking with her cousin.

"What are your intentions for my niece, Mr Oberoi?" Shivaay's heart pounded. 

"Ma'am, I am Shiv not...." He was interrupted by Anika's aunt. 

"I know who you are. Don't lie. But I can also feel that you love my niece and I know her prejudices but let me tell you this much, you hurt her and that is it. Game over! Her uncle is not here today but you should know that he loves her even more than he loves our Camille. He will ensure you see hell if you hurt her."

Shivaay knew there was no point denying to the stern woman standing in front of him so he finally nodded. 

The rest of the evening was quite uneventful.


Anika watched as Shiv got ready for work. 

"Shiv! Will you come home earlier today? Camille and her husband have invited us for dinner."

Shiv looked up at her and then glanced at his phone. "Sorry Anu. Not today. I have a meetings in the evening."

Anika's face fell slightly but then she brightened up. "Okay sure. No problem. I will let her know that only I will come."

Shiv nodded. "I will take you out tomorrow. I have got a special evening planned for us."

Anika blushed thinking of what had happened over the past 4  months with the flowers in the evening and picnics during the weekend. Shiv always made her feel special. She loved it when the flowers were delivered every evening. He always listened to every single thing she had to say. He even supported her work. They had even often come close to a kiss but at the last minute Shiv always said they would wait until she was sure and give her a peck.

Shivaay glanced at Anika looking at him through the mirror with a semi-smile. He gave  her a wink which got her blushing. Shivaay wondered what it would be like when he told her the truth that every little thing was planned meticulously. He had his secretary send her the flowers every evening, arrange for picnics around the city and even buy her gifts.
It had been easy in the beginning but for some reason it had started feeling wrong now. He could not even touch her for a kiss without feeling disgusted at himself.

He quickly rushed to the door while once again emphasising that he would be late. He then rushed to his flat where he had his cars parked and rushed to the meeting at the Meridian resort.

Anika walked into the Meridian to see her cousin waving like a maniac in a very unfrench way while her husband, Phillipe just stood silently at her side with a smile.

"It is a pity Shiv could not come." Camille pouted. "I really wanted to meet him. By the way, did you know this hotel is being purchased by your husband's boss today.

Anika went still. She would see the man she jilted at the alter today?

"What happened Anika?" Phillipe asked.

She shook her head. Camille giggled.

"Are you worried about seeing Shivaay? I have heard he is a very charming young man."

Anika rolled her eyes. "Cami, even you know how awkward that would be."

Camilled laughed and dragged her into the restaurant. Once they were seated, Camille glanced towards a corner with lots of guests.

"Guess he is seated there." She muttered before calling the waiter for ordering. Anika got up to go to the bathroom.

"Shivaay! Are you really not coming to my place this time." A voice preened outside the bathroom as she was about to step out.

"Pauline, I am no longer interested in you that way."

The woman snickered as Anika tried to think why the voice sounded so familiar.

"Shivaay Singh Oberoi, now a kept man. Wonder who is the angel who managed to steal your heart."

The voice scoffed and Anika could hear them walk away as the girl cackled.

"Shivaay! Don't role your eyes. You are smitten. I would know. I have known you for 15 years. I even dated you for 2 years and yet you never looked at me the way you do now."

Anika put her hand to her heart. So the man she had jilted had found love. She walked back to her seat when she saw Shiv. She ran up to where he was when he shook hands with a well-dressed woman and 2 men. He seemed to be signing some documents.

He then walked away with one of the men as the valet brought a Rolls Royce to the front door.

"Okay Mr. Laurant thank you so much for your help. I will sign the documents and get back to you."

She stared at them puzzled when her cousin called distracting her from what she had seen.

The rest of the day went smoothly until evening and Shiv returned.

"Shiv, did you go to the Meridian today?"

Her husband looked at her with a confused look and then seemed to remember something.

"Oh haan. Shivaay and I went today for sealing a deal."

Anika nodded despite the fact that something nudged her that something was wrong. Little did she know she would regret it 1 year later.

"Shiv, I am so happy we are going back. It was fun in Paris but I missed Di so much"

Shiv pouted at Anika. "So you did not enjoy the past 2 years with me?"

Anika blushed understanding what he was insinuating. Their relationship did not lack anything. There was romance, desire and even simple things like understanding and respect.

"You know Di told me that she is pregnant." Anika told him. "I can't wait to be a Maasi."

Shivaay watched as his wife beamed over the thought of being an aunt. He heart clenched. His grandfather had been bugging him for a child but he was taking all the precautions so that there was no heir.

When he got back to India, he would tell her the truth.

Author's note: In the beginning of the chapter, you got to know that Anika was left behind. The person will appear soon.

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