Chapter 5: A Master Plan is Created

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Author's note: The Shivaay in this story is not entirely good. He moves between the grey and black zone of a person. Occasionally the things he does will not be digestible to us. Especially in this chapter. Please forgive me.

Shivaay watched as Anika slept soundly on his shoulder on their way back. Watching Anika look wistfully at the wedding had squeezed Shivaay'a heart.

"Bhaiya! You should tell her. Later you will regret it." Priyanka signed. Saumya nodded.

"Yes Shiv Bhaiya. Lies will just destroy you. You know how much Papa suffered when Mama left us for some rich man. I don't even remember Ma but her lies tore the family."

Shivaay glared at the two women sitting across from him. Shivaay's heart and brain were wrestling. His mother's teachings and his sister's caution pushing his heart forward and his granddad's words and lessons pressing his brain forward. But as always his brain silenced his heart. "Keep quiet. I will do what the Oberoi family needs and right now, it is this. If either of you utter a word, see what happens."

Priyanka scowled when Anika's eyes fluttered open.

"Did we reach?" She asked. Shivaay shot a final glare at the two ladies before smiling at Anika and shaking his head. "Not yet."

"Does Priyanka like like you?" Anika questioned.

Shivaay choked on his coffee. "What do you mean? Of course she likes me. We grew up like siblings."

Anika shook her head. "No. No. She always glares at me and never talks to me either. She always signals at me and I see her staring at you."

Shivaay had to hold back his laughter. Only his wife would be capable of assuming that everyone was simply as she could see them.

"Ani, Prinku is mute. She is probably trying to talk to you when she signals to you. And Prinku likes me like a brother. She has other partners."

Anika stood in front of the mirror stunned as the comb she was running through her hair. She looked embarrassed. "Oh god. I have been glaring at her so much over the past 4 weeks. I thought she was angry with me. I have just been so bust with that acquisition and also the jewelry project. I am so sorry Shiv. I have to apologise to her as well. She has been calling me so many times to her room but I did not want to get scolded so I told her I was busy."

Shivaay suddenly wondered why his sister was trying to talk to Anika so much. "It's okay Ani. Why don't we go to the main house for dinner today."

Anika nodded. "Okay. See you in the evening." She walked with him to the door of their house where they awkwardly stared at each other for a few seconds before Shivaay left for the main house to start his "work" as Shivaay's butler.

Shivaay now knew his sister was trying to tell his wife the truth. He was sure of it. He now had to convince Prinku that he was in love. A feat he knew he could easily achieve.

"If Bhaiya comes to know, he will scold you Prinku." Saumya warned as Priyanka was thinking about someway to tell Anika that Shiv and Shivaay were the same."

"Prinku! What are you trying to do?" A voice growled from the entrance. Saumya jumped up while Priyanka calmly turned to see her angry brother. But was surprised to see a distressed one instead.

"Prinku! She will never love Shivaay Singh Oberoi. She already dislikes him. I don't have a chance as him. I am trying to get her to accept me. Then I promise I will tell her." Shivaay walked in and held her hand.

Priyanka felt her heart leap in joy. Her brother was falling in love. She grinned. She glanced at Saumya, who was not smiling.

"What do you think? I have a business trip in Paris. Shall I take her for a honeymoon there?" Shivaay asked excited. His eyes glittering with a zillion plans.

Priyanka nodded and Shivaay rushed out, calling and making plans.

"I don't believe him." Saumya exclaimed as soon as Shivaay left. Priyanka laughed and shook her head. She signed. "That is the power of love."

Saumya shook her head. "Prinku believe me, he is not in love."

Suddenly her phone beeped. Saumya took it out and read the message. Then blushed. Priyanka giggled and nudged her.

"Is it him?"

Saumya blushed before saying she was going out for lunch and would send another bodyguard.

Priyanka nodded and thought to herself about the power of love. The magic it did. Her hard hearted brother was falling in love and her badass tomboyish best friend was floating in the clouds.

"Priyanka you called?" Her Bhabhi popped into her room.

Anika laughed as Priyanka showed her multiple childhood photos of the Oberoi siblings. On seeing a photo of Shivaay and  a boy that seemed very familiar to Anika.

"Who is this?" She asked. Priyanka's face dimmed.

Had the person passed away? Anika immediately cracked some stupid joke and changed the topic.

Later as Priyanka went to the bathroom leaving Anika with the album, Anika noticed a picture in which two of the people seemed very familiar. It was a photo of Shivaay, Prinku and two boys. She recognised one of them as the one they had seen before.

"Probably they died in the family tragedy." She whispered to herself.

Saumya giggled as she remembered Rudra's antics at lunch. She glanced at her best friend and her sister-in-law trying to sign to each other. Anika had picked up quite a few words over the day.

"Ani, Shivaay is sending us to Paris. He wants me to check some of his affairs there." Shivaay announced.

Anika Bhabhi looked up surprised. "Shiv! What kind of affairs? Does he have property there? I mean I did not know chief of staff managed this kind off location matters."

Shivaay Bhaiya smiled like a fox. "Actually I am his number 1, so when he can't I take care of it. The family paid for my MBA. It is the least I can do."

Saumya felt disgusted as Shivaay ripped her brother's story to the dot. She watched as Priyanka smiled.

"I thought why not. Don't you want to join me?" He asked Anika Bhabhi, who went red.

"Um okay." She finally uttered.

After dinner, Priyanka commented as they watched the two walk to the outhouse. "I did not know one month was enough to change someone.

Saumya nodded for she felt like she was falling in  love with Rudra. Yet she had an uneasy feeling about everything. Like Shivaay Bhaiya was a wolf wearing sheep's skin.

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