Chapter 8: Everything crashes

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Priyanka snuck into her brother's house for the time being. She had heard Anika gushing over Shivaay to her sister on the phone in the balcony. She knew she had to somehow bring it to her sister-in-law's attention that Shiv was Shivaay Singh Oberoi. She had initially felt that she would fan her brother's love but eavesdropping on his call yesterday had shattered all her hopes.


"Yes Dadaji. She is falling in love."

"That is good to hear. A woman in love is always easy to manage. Make sure you get all her companies when you are done."

Shivaay nodded. "Makes sure the Oberoi family has a Raichand Prince. I have sent the file you left in my room the other day." She heard her grandfather tell Shivaay. Her heart broke for her sister in law. Anika loved Shiv and Shivaay was just acting.

She ran to her room and grabbed the diary. She held it closed to herself and begged her aunt to give her some direction. She could not let her sister-in-law become another a casualty to the Oberoi men. 

Flashback ends.

She snuck into the room with the file she had stolen from her brother's study. She was about to put it on the dressing table when she saw Anika cut the call. She hid under the bed. She watched as Anika giggled to herself and picked up a box from a shopping bag and walked to the bathroom. She quickly slid the file under the pillow and rushed out of the room.

The pain of knowing today would be ten times better than being a mother to a child, whose father only saw the business in them. Priyanka did not grow up with her parents' hand above her, so she did not know how that felt. But she had seen her big brother change to conform to her grandfather's demands. 


Anika looked at the plus sign on the pregnancy stick. She felt her heart race and her stomach fill with butterflies. There would soon be a small Shiv or Anika running around their house.

She would tell Shiv once he reached home. Should she tell her Di and Jiju? She strided around the room. Her father would be able to do nothing now. Even if Shivaay came back he would be able to do nothing.

Anika ran to Shiv's bedside table to place a note to tell him to go to the bathroom when she saw a file poking out from under his pillow. She pulled it out to put it on the table  when everything felt out.

"Shit!" She muttered. She picked up the file and was putting the sheets back when she saw a picture of her mother. She slowly opened the file, only to see information about her company. Some pictures of her and Mallika. There were even pictures of her mother when she was younger. Finally, she saw a letter that changed her life forever. 

Dear Anika, 

I know you are in love. But you need to know who you are in love with. The man you believe to be Shiv is Shivaay Singh Oberoi. 

- A well wisher

Anika's heart shattered. Everything that she could not explain about Shiv made sense. The fact that she had seen him at that fancy hotel and the eyes widening of her father when he met Shiv. The way her father did not threaten her after meeting him. She had thought her father was finally backing off because he finally saw her love for Shiv. 

She held the file and glanced at the pregnancy stick in her hand. Moments ago, she had been excited but now seeing it made her heart clench even more. 

"What have I done baby?" She whispered. "What has Mama done?" She threw the stick into the bin. She no longer needed it. She had no one to share the news with.


Mallika felt uneasy all day. She felt like something was going to go wrong. She kept looking at her husband and brother in law lounging in the sitting room. Om trying to draw something, while Rudra was watching cricket. 

She glanced down at her phone. Her sister had been on the seventh sky when they had talked just minutes ago but now she felt like she needed her.'

"Mallu, she is happy. Don't look at your phone again and again." Om called to her. Rudra looked up and gave her a questioning look before heading out of the room.


"Sumo, is she okay?"

Saumya rolled her eyes at the nickname. She looked from the balcony where her best friend, brother and wife seemed to be having dinner. Anika Bhabhi was smiling but somehow her smile did not reach her eyes like it usually did. Shivaay Bhaiya and Priyanka were also occasionally glancing at her. 

"I don't know Ru. Something is wrong." She whispered. She could hear him hiss. "Stay with her. Bhabhi is already worried, I can't have her worry more."

Saumya went downstairs to the dining table. Priyanka signed her to sit down. Shivaay smiled. Anika gave her a small grimacing smile like she was in deep pain.

"Shivaay, please pass me the curry." She bit out. Shivaay Bhaiya passed her the curry without a second thought as he read something on his phone. She knew. Someone had told Anika Bhabhi and it had not been Shivaay Bhaiya.

Priyanka looked up from her meal and glanced at Saumya. Saumya clenched her phone as Rudra's message came through. How was she going to tell him that even she had lied to him? He would be so betrayed. She glanced at Anika's face and the lack of color and the pain in her face told her that knowing would bring pain regardless. 


Shivaay walked into their house to see some suitcases packed near the front door. Anika was following him behind. She was on the phone.

Shivaay turned around to ask Anika something when his phone rang. It was his PA.

"Hello Shivaay Sir. They refused to sell the company. Apparently the key 75% shareholder and owner is not ready to sell. They are buying back the shares."

Shivaay groaned. He had wanted the jewelry brand ever since he saw a chain resembled the family heirloom. One that only the oberoi brides had even seen. He knew it was the only way to get to his chachi. 

"Get me a meeting with the shareholder." He whispered.

"Sir, the shareholder does not take any meetings." He felt like flinging his phone but controlled the urge. Anika could not know who he was. He just cut the call. 

"Anu, what is all this? Are we moving?" He asked with a grin.

Anika stared at him with little emotion. An expression he had never seen on her face. 

Shivaay's heart clamped. She looked to be in so much pain that he could feel the pain himself. "Anika, what happened? Are you okay?" He stepped forward to hold her.

She lifted her hand stopping him where he was. "Shiv or should I call Shivaay." She finally bit out with tears rolling down her face. 

"Anika!" He whispered. The droplets rolling down her face stabbing him in the heart.

"Did you all laugh behind my back? You, Papa and everyone else?" She shouted. "You fooled me Shivaay. Your grand gestures seemed like the hard work of a hard working man but it was all the lift of a pinky for a bloody rich person making a fool out of a silly girl."

Shivaay tried to step forward. She stepped back before dropping to the floor and sobbing loudly. "Stay away from me. I don't want you to touch me."

Her pain was igniting the anger within him. "Oh so the moment, I became rich, you felt out of love with me. Girls fall at my feet to have me." He spat out. 

Anika grimaced and looked up at him. "I didn't need a rich man because rich men never have time for their family. They only see money and future of the business in their kids. I have seen it many times. You cheated me. I can provide myself everything that you can provide me." She shouted.

Shivaay rolled his eyes. "You never wanted a middle class husband. You just wanted a stupid man to follow your whim and fancy. Shiv did just that. He was a useless fellow. I mean seriously a butler? You really think a butler can even afford to take his wife to Paris for a honeymoon. Anika, you were so naïve to think that any boss would sponsor such a trip."

Anika moved back like she had been burnt. She finally nodded. "Yes, I was naïve. Won't happen again. We are going."

She got up and walked to her luggage and lifted her phone. "My car is here. Goodbye Mr Oberoi. Find yourself a trophy wife. The divorce papers are signed and kept on the dining table."

Shivaay felt his blood boil and against everything his heart said, he listened to his brain. "Yeah! Go running back to your sister and then eventually you will come back here only."

Anika did not bother to reply.


As Anika sat in the car, she saw the other door open and a girl slip in.

"Hello Di." The girl whispered. "Prinku sent me. Rudra will meet us there."

Anika nodded before she closed her eyes. 


Rudra saw his best friend and the girl who had broken his heart at the airport. 

"Why are you here?" He hissed. Saumya flinched. 

"Rudra! I am ...." He lifted his hand. "You can leave now." He spat out venomously. "Priyanka sent me. I am not going anywhere."

Rudra rolled his eyes. "Oh to spy on Anu?"

Anika stood silently. Tears rolling down her cheeks as she relived her day again and again.

Saumya opened her mouth to say that Priyanka had made her promise never to contact the Oberois again. She had left her phone away as she knew that was the first thing the Oberois would try to track her.

"Rudra, I don't care what you have to say but we need to leave before Shivaay Bhaiya and Mr Oberoi start searching for Anika Bhabhi. Bhaiya is in the heat of anger but when his grandfather comes to know of this, he will not leave Bhabhi."

Rudra looked at her worried. "What about Om and Mallika? Are they going to be okay?"

Saumya nodded. "They should be. I have leaked the news that Mallika Raichand has married an Om Kapoor before I left. With the media watching, they will just try to see if they know anything about Anika. But if not they should be safe. But I have also enlisted my friends from the academy to also keep an eye."

Rudra nodded. "Okay. Let me call Bhaiya." Saumya snatched his phone before he could dial. "You can't. I am sorry. If they try to find us, the Oberois will find us."

Rudra looked at his phone before finally switching it off and throwing it in the bin. "Where will we go?"

Saumya looked at Anika. Anika finally looked up. "We can go to my house in Ooty. Only my lawyers know about it. Not even Di does."

Saumya nodded. "Okay let's go. I have borrowed one of my friend's private jet."

Rudra's eyes widened. Saumya laughed. "He owns a chartered plane service. Hence the jet. He owes me a favor."

Priyanka watched from the second floor as Shivaay sat silently on the couch while their grandfather and Anika's father yelled and shouted at the guards and their security staff.

"Beta, why aren't you telling them?" Priyanka looked behind her to see Saumya's father looking at her with a  sad smile.

Priyanka bit her lip in worry. Saumya's loyalty came from her father and if he knew she knew he would tell her grandfather.

"Mamu, I....." He lifted his hand to silence her.

"I know. I did the same about 21 years ago." He said before walking away.

As he walked away, realisation dawned on Priyanka. She had always wondered how her aunt was able to smuggle her cousins and manage to stay hidden for this many years. With an inside person anything could be achieved.

"Shivaay! How did she realise?" His grandfather spat out venomously.

Her brother sat silently. "Shivaay, I am asking you."

"She got her hands on the file." He finally said.

His grandfather cursed the skies. "How? Wasn't it in your study in the mansion? " He blasted.

Shivaay's eyes widened slightly. It went unnoticed by the others but Priyanka saw it.  She knew he knew and that meant there would be hell to pay when everyone left.

"Khanna!" Her grandfather screamed. "Don't you dare loose another daughter in law of this house." Saumya's father nodded.

"Ma'am" a small voice called her from near the side wall. Priyanka walked there. There was Naina, her faithful maid. She was holding a bag. Priyanka looked at her questioning.

"There is a positive test here." Priyanka's eyes widened. Anika was pregnant when she left.

Priyanka signed her to throw it away. There would not be another Shivaay or Priyanka in the Oberoi Mansion. As soon as the maid left, she heard the guests leave and heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Prinku, where is she?" Shivaay boomed.

Priyanka looked at the floor silently. Finally he sighed. "You won't be leaving this house until she is back home."

Priyanka nodded but did not utter a word. Shivaay was walking down the stairs when she heard something she was unsure of.

"Protect her wherever she is."

Shivaay had finally gone back to their small house when he felt the emptiness weigh down on him.

"Anu, I am so sorry. Please come home. I promise to tell the truth this time."

He felt tears rolling down his cheeks. He sat on the couch when his phone rang.

"Where is my sister?" His sister in law did not sound pleased at all.

Shivaay's eyes widened. Didn't she go home? He wondered.

"She left."

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