Chapter 9: Month goes by

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Priyanka watched as an exhausted Shivaay dropped onto the sofa in their living room.
Her grandfather was glaring at him. Anika's father was also grumbling. They had believed that Anika would have gone to her Aunt in Paris.

"Did you find her?"

Shivaay shook his head. "She wasn't there."

Her grandfather slammed his fist on the table. "Which hell has she gone to? Do you think the other Raichand girl knows where she is? Seems like she ran away with her sister's brother in law. I mean she was okay coming with you. What is to prevent her from going with someone else."

Priyanka felt disgusted hearing what her grandfather was insinuating.

"Dada ji, please stop." Shivaay shouted. "I will listen to everything you say. But against Anika I will not hear a word. She is my wife and I know how she is."

Her grandfather laughed mockingly. "You could not even control her and you are telling me you know her. She is exactly like that aunt of yours. At least she did not run away with our family's blood."

Shivaay's hands were clenched but he did not utter a word. Priyanka glanced at what used to be Anika and Shivaay's house and remembered the pregnancy test from a month.

"I hope you are protecting her Saumya." She whispered.

"It's okay. I will take care of it." Anika's father said before leaving the house. Priyanka knew she did not like the sound of it.

"Anika Di What happened?" Saumya rushed to Anika's side as she dropped into the couch after seeing something on the TV.

She looked at the screen to see Aryavardhan Raichand holding an exhausted looking Mallika. Her heart clenched. Rudra too looked like he wanted to throw the TV out.

"Ever since my younger daughter went missing, my Mallika hasn't been feeling well. So I brought her home. Anu, wherever you are come home. Papa will take care of you."

Anika trembled. "No! This cannot be happening! He knows. They are going to come here. What about the baby?"

Saumya grimaced remembering the bomb that had been tossed into their arms earlier during the week when Anika had told her about the baby. She had seen the way the Oberois hunted for Jhanvi aunty because she had run away with the "blood of the family".
Saumya clenched her hands. She had hoped she would not have to do this.

"Di! If you die, what happens to all your property."

Anika looked at Saumya puzzled. "What?"

Saumya pursed her lips. "We are going to have to end Anika if Mallika Bhabhi needs to be able to go home."

"What are you saying?" Rudra shouted.

Saumya got up and lifted her phone and a paper.

"I have given your card to my friend in Canada, she will make arrangements there. I will also be flying there. You and Rudra will have to go from here. My friend also has created fake identities for you."

She passed them a folder. "Sumo, are you part of FBI or something?" Saumya just gave him a secretive smile.

Anika took the papers. "We can go to Singapore."

"But Anu, that man will get all your property and everything you worked hard for."

Anika gave a teary smile. "Nope. In the event, I die under suspicious circumstances, everything goes into a trust for Di's child but the beneficiary will not be released until 10 years after my death. So Papa won't be able to get anything."

Rudra nodded. "But what is in Singapore?"

Anika gave him a sad smile. "Many years ago, Jhanvima and Mama created a jewellery line - Amor. The company was sold by Jhanvima for Om and your university fees. I bought it back under my individual venture - Secrets & Co."

Saumya frowned. "But won't everyone know it is your company."

Anika shook her head. "Only I and My partner and best friend, Veer know about the company. Veer knows about Papa so he insisted we have this hidden. And I wanted a project out of Papa's sight. I always knew he would eventually try to sell me off. So I wanted something no one knew about. I am the silent partner."

"Is it Veer Ranawat by any chance?" Saumya typed out the company name in Google. Anika nodded. "Di, he is so rich. His family is part of the Ranawat Industries."
Anika grinned. "Yup. Veer and I met at Playschool. He was glasses wearing chubby kid and I was the weird kid who knew everything too fast. So we were outcasts. Mallika Di always hated Veer cause Veer and I always had so many secrets. He will protect me with his life."

Saumya nodded. "Ok. Then you both go to Singapore. I will meet you there. Housing and everything is arranged. My friend, Vanee has taken care of everything. All info is in the file. See you in a few weeks."

Shivaay got a notification.

"Card ending with ×××9879 has just been used at"

Anika's credit card had finally been used. He could finally apologise to her. If it meant that he would no longer be an Oberoi so be it. He called his contact at the airport to find out which flight the tickets were bought for.

As he was talking, his Dadaji and father-in-law came in.

"She is no longer in the house in Ooty. My guards told me that they saw a car leave the house with the three of them." Anika's father exclaimed.

His dadaji nodded. "I called the airport. They are boarding a flight to Toronto right now."

Shivaay groaned in his mind. His grandfather had gotten ahead of him.

"Go quickly. I have gotten the flight ready for you. Get her home." His Dadaji gritted out.

Rudra watched as Saumya walked away from him with two people that were wearing the same clothes Anika and he had worn minutes ago.

"You should talk to her. She loves you. But you have to remember he was her boss." Anika prodded him.

Rudra shook his head. "We will see."

The trap had been set. Saumya smiled at her friends and gave them hugs. They were the best of the best. She knew they would survive.

"Wait two minutes. I need to buy some stuff." She said quite obviously for the car that held Shivaay to see. They had stopped at a hilly petrol stop.

Rita and Amar nodded and got in the car.

"They are watching us." She whispered into the headset.

"Don't worry we got this." Amar replied.

He let the car roll backwards without a break and at ledge just dropped the car. Saumya ran to the ledge screaming in horror.

"Bhabhi! Rudra!"

Shivaay watched in horror as the car consisting of Anika and Rudra. He saw Saumya screaming and running to the ledge. He wanted to run to her side. But she could not know.

He watched as the police arrived and searched the perimeter. They brought up the burnt car and he watched as paramedics put two scorched bodies in the ambulance.

Saumya was crying non-stop but Shivaay's heart had just left his body.
Shivaay walked slowly to the Raichand mansion where his Dadaji had called him after the news had erupted that Entrepreneur Anika Raichand had died.

"You killed her." Mallika screamed holding to her 3-months pregnant stomach.

"You killed my sister. You broke her heart and killed her." She sobbed and screamed as the maids tried to pull her to her room.

Shivaay felt like he could not feel anything.

"I'm so...." He walked to her only to be silenced by her slap.

"You faked your love, then trapped me here and forced her to flee. Then you killed her."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He watched his grandfather and father-in-law come from the study. The butler opened the door. A lawyer and Om walked into the house. He looked at Mallika distressed.

"Isha Bitiya." Anika's father spoke.

Isha gave him an unfeeling look.

"I am here to let you know that you have to move out of this house and into the old house. Due to the circumstances behind Anika's death, I am forced to seize all property owned by her and place it in the trust. The trustees will be Omkara Kapoor and Mallika Raichand-Kapoor."

Anika's father looked shocked but then schooled his face.

"I am their father. I can stay in the house I built. I will stay here with Mallika."

Isha shook her head. "I am sorry but you gambled away this house and Anika purchased it under her and her sister's name. You will have to vacate this property immediately."

Her father turned to Mallika with a sickly sweet smile. "Bitiya, I have no where to go." Mallika took a step back.

"You can move into the old flat that we had. You will be fine there." She answered stoically as Om walked to her side protectively.

"Guards, please escort these three men out. Mallika and I have some rituals to complete for my brother and sister."

Her father growled and took a step forward while Shivaay just watched.

"Insolent child, thank god my grandson did not marry you." His grandfather boomed. "An Oberoi can always find a new bride."

Shivaay flinched as Mallika sobbed into Omkara's chest.

"Mr Oberoi, I suggest you leave from here and let the police do their job, maybe then I will be able to see you behind bars." Om snapped.

Mallika's heart broke to shreds as Shivaay walked out with her father and his grandfather. That man had killed her sister and yet she could do nothing.

When she had stormed into his house a month before, she had not expected to see a broken Shivaay. He had just accepted that her sister was gone.

He had initially been sure that she would eventually turn up at her place and constantly arrived at her door. Then just a few days ago, a couple of her father's goons had stormed into her house and forcefully taken her back to the Raichand Mansion.

Her father had given a tearful speech to the media in hopes of luring Anika out. She bad called him that day.

"Mr Oberoi, I need your help. You have to help me get home. Anika will come out if she comes to know I am here."

Shivaay had said nothing for a few seconds. "I need her back."

Mallika felt her heart stop. "Shivaay! You cannot bring her back. She will never forgive you. I heard your grandfather and my dad talk, they will punish her for sure."

She heard Shivaay take a deep breathe. "I promise I will take care of her. Nothing will happen to her."

Flashback ends.

"Om, he lied. He told me he would take care of her but he killed her and we can do nothing about it."

Om squeezed Mallika's hand as the front door opened and a red-eyed Saumya walked in with two coffins.

As soon as she walked in, she dropped to the floor. "I couldn't protect them!" She cried looking at Mallika and Om.

Mallika rushed forward to hug Saumya. Om stood teary eyed. Nobody knew how to console any of them. The servants shuffled around the house trying to make arrangements for the final rites.


Saumya drove to the independent house in Marina. It had been hard to leave Mallika and Om but she had finally convinced them that she needed some space. She had told them that she was moving away from India and did not want any connections here. Priyanka had met her at the airport and they had a tear filled farewell there.

"Sanam Di, Karan! Are you here?"

Saumya walked into the house after unlocking the door with her keys.

Anika and Rudra walked out with small smiles. Saumya ran into Anika's arms and started sobbing.

Anika held her tight.

"It was so hard Di. Mallika Bhabhi misses you so much." Anika shed a few tears.

"I have to protect her." She finally bit out.

Rudra nodded before grinning. "By the way, you are looking at the new product manager of Amor, Karan Khanna I started yesterday."

Anika smiled. "Thank god Veer was able to pull some strings."

Saumya smiled.

"By the way Bhabhi, how is our baby?"

"She is fine. But definitely killing my sense of taste. I absolutely hate mangos now." Anika's eyes wide in horror.

"Anu, it can be a he." Rudra told her.

Anika shook her head.

"Nope. It is a girl." She adamantly replied.

Rudra grinned. "We will see."

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