3 boys lost

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Anna's POV

I had to pick between my power and Cole. This guy has serious issues with wanting more power.

"I won't let you take my powers!"

Andrew then did what he said he would do. He grabbed Cole and stabbed him.

Cole yelled in pain.

"A-Anna, d-don't l-let h-him g-get y-your powers," he stuttered.

I crawled over to him and hugged him gently.

Tears streamed down my face.

Cole's breathing began to slow.

"Cole don't leave me!" I cried.

He gave me a warm smile.

"I will love you always." And with that he stopped breathing.

I buried my face into his thick black hair and cried. I felt Andrew remove my necklace. I really didn't care at the moment that he took my powers. I just wanted my sweet Cole back.

Misty's POV

Jay and I continued walking down the beach when out of no where Andrew appeared. I screamed a little and got behind Jay.

"Hello Jay, hello Misty." he smirked.

"What do you want?!" Jay yelled.

Andrew just stood there for a moment. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out Anna's necklace.

"No!" I yelled.

He had Anna's powers now. Serene, if she survived, was the only one of us three left with them.

"I also came to tell you that Cole is dead." he smirked at us.

Cole was dead? Oh no!

Jay looked furious. "You freak!"

Jay then ran directly at Andrew, who then pulled out a dagger, stabbed Jay's side and shoved him in the water.

"Jay!" I yelled. I ran at Andrew and started punching his back he then disappeared into black smoke and vanished. I grabbed Jay and pulled him out of the water.

"Jay? Jay!" I cried.

He didn't answer.

Andrew just killed Jay.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I stroked his auburn hair.

This couldn't be real. This all had to be a dream.

Serene's POV

I grasped Lloyd's hand as we walked through the forest. He looked like his back was still in pain from falling off the mast.

I knew if I asked him if he wanted to stop his answer would be no. He wanted to keep going so we could get out of here.

I wanted to get out of the forest as much as him. This place made me feel like we were being watched, and the truth was we were.

Black smoke surrounded us. I climbed to Lloyd. Andrew was here and I was terrified to be honest.

"Show yourself!" I yelled.

Andrew walked out and stopped in front of us.

"I see you both survived my shadow monster." he smirked.

Lloyd pushed me away from him. What was Lloyd doing?

"Also I wanted to tell you both I now have Anna's power and both Jay and Cole are dead."

Jay and Cole were gone?

I was the only one of us three left with powers!

This was awful.

"You monster!" Lloyd yelled. He formed a green orb and shot it directly at Andrew, who dodged it. He then turned into a shadow to where we couldn't see him.

I was scared.

"Stay where you are, Serene!" Lloyd told me.

All of a sudden Lloyd yelled in pain. I looked at him to see a dagger sticking out of his chest.

"Lloyd!" I yelled. I ran over to him, pulled the dagger out and lowered him to the ground gently. Tears were now streaming down my face.

"S-Serene," he said softly. "I love you no matter what happens next. Stay strong."

Lloyd's eyes closed as he took his last breath.

I grabbed his hand and buried my face into his chest.

"Lloyd, please come back." I cried.

I was now alone. In the forest. With Andrew.

I could feel Andrew's cold red eyes stare down on me. I knew what was coming but I didn't want this to happen.

This can't be reality.

This just can't be happening.

Me: hey everyone! Thanks for-

Anna: GET HER!!




Misty: AND JAY!!

Me: uh oh.... (Runs)

Girls: (run after her)

Kai: as you all can see it may be a while before we see the author again

Zane: in the mean time please comment and like this story.

*screaming in background*

Kai: and hope the author doesn't die before the next chapter.

Zane & Kai: BYE!!

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