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Anna's POV

*2 hours later*

I woke up to feel someone shaking me. I looked up to see none other than Cole.


"Hi Anna," he smiled.

"How did you find me? Where are the others?" I questioned.

Cole gently picked me up.

"The others are out looking for Serene and Lloyd. Two hours ago the Bounty had crashed into the ocean and neither of them were found near the crash. We don't know where they are or if they are hurt." he sighed.

I felt tears come to my eyes.

Did we just loose Serene and Lloyd?

"As for me finding you, I found some footprints in the forest and they led me here to you."

Cole started to walk out of the lair when he was blasted in the back and fell to the floor.

"Cole!" I yelled.

Andrew emerged from the shadows and walked over to me.

"Give me your necklace or I will kill him!"

Great I had to decide between my powers and Cole....

Lloyd's POV

I woke up with a sharp pain in my back. I sat up and looked at my surroundings to see that I was in the forest. Last thing I remembered was Serene yelling for me and then darkness.

I looked down beside me to see Serene asleep.

How long had I been out?

There was a pile of wood that seemed to have been lit the night before. Serene must have made a fire to keep us warm. I really liked her, but I keep getting the feeling she still didn't trust me for some reason.

Should I wake her up?

"Serene?" I said quietly.

She moaned a little then opened her eyes.

"Your awake!" she said and sat up.

"Yea. How long was I out?"

"Not to long. I got us away from that monster yesterday." she replied.

We both stayed silent for a few moments, then I spoke.

"You don't really trust me do you, Serene?"

Serene didn't look up from the ground. She stayed silent. I sighed.

"I trust you now, Lloyd." she replied.

I looked at her and smiled.

"You protected me when it even meant you getting hurt." she sighed then looked at me. "Why did you do it? Why did you protect me when you knew I didn't trust you?"

I stayed silent and stared into her blue eyes then spoke.

"Because I love you. I have ever since we first met."

Then I did something that shocked us both. I crashed my lips into hers.

Misty's POV

Jay and I were walking by the beach searching for Serene and Lloyd. I felt a warm hand grasp mine. I looked over to see Jay smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." he smirked.

We kept walking until Jay stopped me.

"Misty, can I tell you a secret?" he asked me softly.

"Sure! Anything."

He was quiet for a moment then leaned over and whispered into my ear, "I love you."

I felt my face turn bright red. He then crashed his soft lips into mine. I blushed even harder.

This was the best moment of my life.

Me: hey everyone I hope u all liked the chapter!

Anna: EVIL!!




Lloyd & Jay: (smirks)

Kai: wow just wow

Zane please comment and like


Me: bye everyone!

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