Another will Fall

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*Misty's POV*

I walked alone on the beach while Andrew went to look around and let me rest. Surprisingly he was acting nice. I couldn't blame him. He missed his sister.

I jumped a little when I heard a twig behind me snap.

"Hello?" I called as I turned around.

"Hello Misty," said a feminine voice. Emerald.

"W-What are you doing here?"

She smiled.


She was something that could control minds. I wouldn't let her control mine.

"I came to finish the prophecy. Sadly your little friend Anna killed Imperial but she also paid the ultimate price."


Anna was dead?

I couldn't believe this.

"Now it's your turn."

"No!" I yelled. I could feel power building up inside me. My eyes were glowing white and a scepter had appeared in my hands.

"You will not harm anyone else! This is where you will die!" I yelled.

We both shot a beam of light at each other then nothing but darkness.

What had happened after the light was unclear on how I had died.

But what I did know was that Emerald had gone down as well

*Andrew's POV*

I ran towards where I had heard fighting and screaming but when I got there I nearly got sick. Emerald was nearly cut in half and Misty....her neck was broken. She died fighting the creature.

And apparently so did Anna.

If Serene was still alive, Jemal was going after her.

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