One has Fallen

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*Anna's POV*

The others were gone for what seemed like hours, leaving me alone in the bookstore.

I didn't want to be left alone but I had no choice after the prophecy the boys had found.

'A war between villains and heroes will break out. One side will prevail the other will have one left standing. In the end three will fall to the hand of death.'

The prophecy had me scared to death.

I paced back and forth in the empty store until the door flew across the room and hit the wall inches away from me.

"Oh Anna!" called a voice. "I know you are in here my dear."

The creatures.

It was one of them.

I crept slowly around the bookshelf to see a almost demon-like creature.


"What do you want?!" I yelled.

He smirked.


He then shot a whip of darkness at my ankle. I screamed in pain as it wrapped around my ankle, feeling like it was made of fire.

I felt myself be pulled towards him and held upside down. I threw massive amounts of rocks at him but nothing made him drop me.

"Your time has come to an end my dear."

"NO! It won't end like this!"

My last chance of ending him no matter what happened to me was now. I could see my reflection in the window. My eyes were glowing yellow and a dragon made of rocks was formed behind me.

"What is this?!" yelled Imperial.

"My full potential!" I screamed.

And with all I had left I sent all of what I had at the creature. Imperial fell backwards and never rose back up.

I fell to the ground as the world around me began to glow black. I screamed in pain and looked at my side. One of Imperial's talons had gone straight through my chest, only inches away from my heart.

The prophecy was right.

I was one of the fallen.

I looked up weakly when I heard the others yelling and saw Cole kneel down beside me and hold me gently in his arms.

"Anna," he whispered softly. "Don't go. Please."

I felt one tear escape as I slipped off into eternal darkness

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