Friend vs. Friend

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*Cole's POV*

Anna had heard me. This made me happy that I had found one way to communicate with my love.

Those voices were trying to get Anna to give in to darkness.

If the villains already had Lloyd, Kai and Zane then how much longer would it be until the came after Anna once again?

'Anna,' I spoke softly.

"Guardian?" she asked in reply.

She looked around as if she could catch a glimpse of me but sadly she wouldn't.

I was invisible to the human eye.

'Anna, you need to keep moving. We will find the others soon love.'

That's where I made my mistake.

I called her love.

She laughed a little. "I know who you are now." she spoke softy. "Cole."

I smiled a little.

She knew I was here and by her side.

*Anna's POV*

Cole was my guardian.

I knew he meant always and forever and I was happy to know he was the one who had been protecting me.

'Anna, something isn't right here,' he said.

I looked around.

He was right. Something was wrong.

That's when I felt someone grab me from behind and flip me over onto the ground.

'Anna!' I heard Cole yell.

I looked up to see a face I wish I hadn't. Not this way at least.

I stood up and faced her.

Standing in front of me was none other than Misty.

"Misty! What happened to you?"

She smirked.

"I joined the villains side. But I'm here to finish you off. It's time you join Cole!" she said, her words filled with hatred.


I couldn't fight her.

'Anna stand your ground! She knows where the others are!' Cole yelled.

Misty then charged me.

I threw several rocks at her but she dodged all of them.

She's faster than she used to be!

"You can't hurt me Anna, but I can hurt you!"

She then tackled me to the ground and held a knife at my neck.

'Anna!' Cole yelled. There was desperation in his voice.

Misty was determined to kill me.

"Time to join your boyfriend!" she yelled and cut the knife deep into my neck.

The world went black all around me.

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