The True Torture Has Begun

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*Lloyd's POV*

I yelled in pain as another ball of darkness was shot at my chest. Andrew laughed at my pain. I could tell he was enjoying himself.

"What's wrong Lloyd? Had enough of your torture? Sadly for you it isn't over yet. My master has a surprise for you and it is going to be quite the show." he smirked.

He then prepared to throw another ball of darkness at me when Darkment stopped him.

"Andrew enough. It's time for his real torture to begin," he said.

I was shocked at what he had in the grip of one of his hands.

He had his hand grasped around the neck of none other than Serene.

"Serene!" I yelled.

She was crying.

"Lloyd, help.." she gasped.

Darkment smirked.

Andrew tightened the darkness around my arms and legs and then left the room.

Darkment then dropped Serene on the ground and pulled out a knife.

He was gonna kill her in front of me!

"Serene run!" I yelled but it was too late.

He stabbed her in the arm and ran the knife down it.

She screamed in pain as tears streamed down her face.

"Leave her alone!" I yelled as I pulled against the darkness.

He then did the same to her other arm and her legs.

She screamed and tried to fight back but was loosing massive amounts of blood.

Her purple ninja gi was now ripped, her hair fallen out of her braid and she was covered in blood. Her blue eyes were filled with tears as did my green ones.

"Say goodbye to her Lloyd." Darkment said as he lifted Serene's face up and held the dagger against her neck.

Serene looked at me fearfully and that's when it began.

The. Time. Of. Revenge. Was. Now.

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