Is this the End?! (Part 1)

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*Serene's POV*

(Two days later)

All of this was my fault. Misty, Jay and Anna had been turned evil, Shadow was trying to destroy me for good, and all four of them were trying to take control of Ninjago.

We had to stop them.

But the problem was Anna had already captured Cole, Shadow had Lloyd and was using him as bait to get me, and Kai and Zane were out looking for the lair while I was back at the Bounty trying to locate Shadow.

I sighed sadly.

I couldn't locate Shadow. I missed Lloyd and wanted him back.

All of a sudden the alarm went off.

I wasn't alone any more.

Someone else was on the Bounty.

I quickly grabbed my dagger and ran up on deck.

Standing in front of me, with Lloyd tied up and a knife to his neck, was none other than Shadow.

Lloyd had fear in his eyes. He looked directly at me, hoping I knew how to stop Shadow.

I knew how but I was terrified of that thought.

"Let him go," I said.

There was fear in my voice and Shadow could tell.

He smirked at me and held the knife closer to Lloyd's neck.

Lloyd closed his eyes as the knife started to cut into his neck.

"You know what I want, Serene. I'll let him go if you agree to my terms." Shadow said.

"Serene, please don't." Lloyd spoke softly.

"I'm sorry Lloyd." I sighed sadly. "Alright Shadow, you win. Let him go and do whatever you are wanting to with me."

Shadow smirked, untied Lloyd and pushed him to the ground. He then wrapped darkness around my legs and pulled me closer to him. For some reason he seemed taller.

Well he was a shadow.

Shadows could devour pretty much anything.

Shadow then picked me up and smirked.

"Goodbye Serene."

He then tossed me up in the air and swallowed me.

All. Was. Black.

*Cole's POV*

The door to the room I was being kept in opened as Shadow walked in with Lloyd, Kai and Zane.

"I brought you some friends." he smirked.

Lloyd looked like he had been crying.

Wait a minute.

Where was Serene?

Shadow then slammed the door leaving me with my friends.

"Lloyd? What happened? Where's Serene?" I asked.

"Shadow swallowed her." his voice cracked as his lip quivered. "She's dead."

There was silence.

We had lost Serene.

"We are truly sorry, brother." Zane spoke.

"Yea dude were real sorry." Kai continued.

I couldn't believe what was happening.

We. Lost.

The villains had won.

*Shadow's POV*

I looked over Ninjago City as my shadow monsters began to roam freely.

The four remaining ninja were locked up.

Anna, Misty and Jay were now on my side.

Serene was finally devoured by darkness.

Evil now ruled.

I had won.

Nothing good stood in evils way.

This. Is. The. End.


Me: hey everyone! This is the final chapter of this book but there is going to be another one. It's called Life or Death!

Anna: evil wins!

Misty: nothing will stand in our way!

Shadow: (laughs evilly)

Me: yea enjoy that while it lasts. BYE EVERYONE!

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