Is This The End (part 2)

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*Lloyd's POV*

(2 months later)

Two long and painful months had passed. Today was not a very good day for Kai, Cole, Zane and I.

Shadow was going to execute us and force all of Ninjago's people to watch.

Anna, Misty and Jay were put in control of Shadow's army, which roamed the streets making sure no one stepped out of line or tried to over throw their master.

No had tried or even thought about trying.

This. Was. The. End.

This. Is. Life. Or. Death.

(2 hours later)

The whole city stood in horror as a rope was tied around each of my brothers necks including mine. It was time for us to be executed.

Cole was looking over at Anna with pleading eyes, wishing that she would return to our side and stop him.

Misty and Jay stood there watching us carefully, making sure we didn't try to escape.

"People of Ninjago! I give to you the last remaining ninja who decided not to join my side! Today they are to be executed! If anyone objects they will be executed along side these four ninja." Shadow announced.

No one objected.

All stood still.

"Very good then."

Shadow turned towards Anna.

"Anna you know what to do!"

Anna walked over to the lever, which would release the platform under our feet and leave us hanging in the air.

"Let the execution begin!" shouted Shadow.

Anna looked at us and smirked.

She was about to pull the lever when something no one was expecting.

A dagger flew across our head and cut the rope around our necks.

We were free.

"Who dares release the prisoners?!" shouted Misty.

"And who would even dare defy our master?!" Anna continued.

"I dare!" yelled a voice.

Everyone watched a person in a dark green cloak jump onto the stage.

This. Wasn't. The. End.

This. Was. The. Beginning.

But who was this mysterious hero?



Lloyd: crap

Kai: she's evil!

Cole: please like and comment on this story

Zane: who is our new mysterious friend?

Me: you boys will find out soon. Until next time!

Boys: BYE!!

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