A New Hero in Town

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*??? POV*

I smirked under my cloak as the villains stood there in shock. No one knew who I was and I intended to keep it that way. I had figured out a way to turn Anna, Misty and Jay back to their original selves but it would take a lot of work.

"Who are you?" I heard one of the ninja ask. Lloyd. It was Lloyd.

"That is my secret." I spoke softly.

Shadow looked angry.

"ATTACK!" Jay yelled.

Him, Anna and Misty all ran at me and the ninja. I needed to defend them.

I couldn't use my powers though. If I did everyone would know who I was.

"We are so hooped!" Cole said.

Shadow, Anna, Misty, Jay and a ton of shadow monsters surrounded us as the people fled inside the houses.

"Surrender now or else perish with the ninja!" shouted Anna.

I smirked and gripped the smoke bomb in my hand.

"Not a chance!" I yelled throwing down the smoke bomb.

The villains began coughing as I opened a portal deep in the smoke and shoved the four ninja through.

(1 hour later)

*Cole's POV*

I woke up all alone in a large room on a bed. Apparently the others had already woken up because they were no longer in the other three beds along the wall.

I quickly jumped out of bed and walked down the hall to find a kitchen. I saw my friends sitting at the table eating pizza and drinking soda.

How did they get that?

"Hey Cole!" said Lloyd.

"Hello brother," Zane greeted.

"Your up finally!" said Kai.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"About an hour," replied a voice from behind me.

I turned around to see the person in the dark green cloak.

Whoever they were they had saved me and my brothers.

"Our mysterious friend has brought us into her home until we are able to regain our strength," Zane spoke.

"Thank you," I said gratefully.

"There is no need to thank me." they replied.

"Can we have a name to call you by?" Lloyd asked.

The person sighed a little.

"You may call me....uh M."

A girl.

Our mysterious new hero is a girl.

"Well M thank you for saving our butts back there," Kai laughed a little.

"Well someone had to stand up against Shadow."

I could tell she was smiling.

This. Was. Life.

This. Was. Good. Rising. Again.


Me: hello my lovelys! Thank you for reading my new chapter

M: hehe come at me villains! I'm ready!

Kai: M has spunk

Zane: fiiiisssshhh

Cole: Zane's broken again!

Lloyd: please comment and like this story!

M: bye my new friends see ya next chapter!!

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