Light to Dark and Dark to Light

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*Jay's POV*

I woke up with the sun shining into my cell. I then looked up at the door to see Shadow standing there.

How long had he been watching me?

Then someone who I wasn't expecting to see just yet walked in.

She walked over to Shadow and kissed him on the cheek. Her eyes were now crimson red and her hair had turned darker. I felt my heart shatter as I grew sad.

Why her?

Why of all people did my sweet Misty have to be turned evil.

"Oh look Misty, Jay doesn't seem to happy about you joining my side." he smirked.

"What a shame," she said.

Misty's sweet voice was now filled with hatred. He had turned her into something else.

Shadow would pay!

"I'll kill you!" I yelled.

They both laughed.

"No you won't! My mistress has plans for all of you." his words were cold and dark.

Misty glared at me. It was as if she had no soul, no control of herself.

"Serene will enjoy all of your demise." Misty spoke.

I looked at the ground as tears fell from my eyes.

My love had turned against me, and soon the others and I were to die.

When I looked back up Shadow was gone, but Misty stood there and stared at me with her cold red eyes.

"Misty," I spoke softly. "You have to stop them, please. For our friends, for me."

Misty opened the cell door and entered. I was nervous that she was going to try and fight me. I didn't want to hurt her in any way so I looked away from her.

I felt her hand against my head. She was reading my thoughts. My memories.

What could she possibly be looking for?

*Anna's POV*

I opened my eyes a little when I heard my cell door open. I didn't look up from the ground. Serene was kinda scary and I didn't want to make things worse than they already were.

"Anna, you have a visitor." I heard Serene say before the door shut again.

All of a sudden a pair of warm arms wrapped around me and held me close.


"Did she hurt you?" he asked gently.

"No," I looked up at him.

He began to stroke my hair and kissed my forehead.

"Good. She has Lloyd with her, the others are locked up in their cells still."

"Maybe that's a good thing that Lloyd is with Serene. Maybe he can figure out a way to turn her good." I said.

"Maybe so."

He then placed his hand under my chin and lifted my face up to his. His soft lips then crashed into mine.

I felt safe with Cole.

I always did.

*Lloyd's POV*

Serene walked back into my cell and sighed. I wondered if she wasn't very happy as a villain.

She then sunk down to the ground and buried her face into her knees. I crawled over to her and stroked her purple hair.

Serene jumped a little but then relaxed.

"Your not happy, are you?" I asked softly.

She then looked up at me. For a moment I could've sworn her purple eyes had flashed back to blue. She shook her head no and then buried her face into her knees once more.

"Serene, please fight whatever is forcing you to be evil."

I wanted her back.

We needed her back.

Please Serene.

Listen to us.

What could have possibly turned you into this monster?

I then felt her wrap her arms around me and bury her face into my shoulder.

Was she-

She was.

Serene was crying.

What she did next really shocked me.

"I'm sorry Lloyd. For everything."

She looked up at me.

Her eyes were no longer purple.

They were blue.


Me: hey guys! I hope you all-

Jay: (shocks author)

Me: (falls to ground passed out)


Zane: fiiisssshhhh!!!

Kai: someone broke Zane


Lloyd: OR ME!

Cole: sure it wasn't.

Kai: anyways please comment and like this story


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