Love is Strong

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*Serene's POV*

I can't believe Shadow! He was gonna try and kill them without me getting a chance to torture them. So not cool! And if anyone was destroying them it was going to be me.

"Shadow! You aren't killing them! That is my job."

"I-I'm sorry mistress." he stuttered.

This pleased me. I sensed his fear. I could see it in his eyes. This gave me much pleasure in my new life of a villain.

I sighed. "Pick one of them."

"For what mistress?"

"For you to have as a slave or whatever you desire to do with them."

Shadow smirked and looked over at Misty. She started pulling at her chains. She was terrified. Jay looked at Shadow then at Misty.

I watched as anger formed in his eyes.

"I choose Misty, mistress." Shadow said.

I nodded.

He walked over to her, unchained her and led her away.

"No!" yelled Jay.

The rest of them were alone with me now.

I looked over at Lloyd. He hadn't looked at me since they found out I was the person they were dealing with.

*Misty's POV*

Shadow led me into a room that had little light. I was frightened and missed Jay. I wanted to be back in the same room with them. I backed up against the wall as he shut the door.

Shadow then walked over to me, leaned his head against mine and kissed me.

I tried to pull away but he shocked me and the world started to go black.

Jay please help me.

I'm scared.

I'm alone with a villain.

*Serene's POV*

I had locked everyone but Lloyd up in their cages. I had brought Lloyd into a room and shut the door. He still wouldn't look at me.

A part of me still loved Lloyd.

I couldn't help that I was evil.

Lloyd had lowered himself to the ground and was looking down.

I sighed and sat down in front of him.

Slowly I started to play with Lloyd's fingers, but he still didn't look up. So I stopped. I was about to stand when he grabbed my arm.

I didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"You said five months ago you had something important to tell me." he said not looking up.

He remembered that?


"What was it?" he asked.

I stayed silent for a moment.

"Council. I am Council's student. That key Andrew had was mine."

Lloyd looked up at me. He actually was looking at me with his beautiful emerald green eyes. I smiled a little.

He then did something I wasn't expecting.

He pulled he into his arms and kissed my head.

He still loved me after all this time?

But could I love him?


Me: hey everyone I hope you all-

Serene: -and that everyone is how you make babies. Thank you Shadow and Misty.

Misty: SERENE!!


Shadow: O_O

Lloyd: ok then

Cole: please comment and like this chapter

Anna: or send in ideas to murder Misty even more.

Misty: HEY!

Kai: thanks for reading.

Ninja: BYE!

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