Not so Bad after all

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*Anna's POV*

I couldn't believe it. Serene had purple hair and eyes! But most importantly, she was who we were dealing with. After five months she had finally come back like she said she would.

All of us stared at her in shock.

"What? Did you all think I wasn't gonna come back?" she questioned.

"No it's just you-" I couldn't even finish.

"You look like, well not you!" Misty finished.

Serene smirked.

"That's the point. Let round one of my game begin."

Round one?

What was she talking about?


A shadow like figure that looked exactly like Andrew appeared. This shadow had dark purple eyes instead of Andrew's bloody red ones.

Did Serene make him?

"Yes mistress?" he answered.

"Proceed with round one." she spoke.

Before anyone could react, Shadow released dark fog which wrapped around us. The world then went dark.

*Misty's POV*

I opened my eyes to see the others and I chained to a wall outside. It was dark out, as in pitch black. I looked over at the boys. It looked like they were weaker for some reason.

Just then Shadow walked in front of us and smirked.

"Hello ninja."

His voice sent chills up my spine. He then looked over at me and smiled.

Why was he looking at me?

Oh crap please don't tell me-

He then walked over to me and kissed me. HE KISSED ME!

Shadow kissed me in front of my friends. Most importantly Jay.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Jay yelled.

"Oh no you won't. Misty will be mine once you and your dumb friends are gone. I drained Cole of his strength, Kai of his anger, Jay of his lightening, Zane of his calmness, and Lloyd of his golden power."

"What?!" yelled the boys.

"I will destroy all of you and my mistress will not even know." Shadow continued.

He then formed a lightning bolt and aimed it at the others. My eyes widened at the sight.

"NO! Leave them alone!" I yelled.

Shadow threw the lightening bolt but it never hit them. A stream of water had blocked it and standing in front of Shadow was none other than Serene.

"She saved us?" Kai asked.

"This is confusing!" yelled Anna.

Shadow gulped and backed away from her.

Maybe Serene wasn't so evil after all.


Me: I hope you all enjoyed the next chapter! Thanks you all for reading and-




Serene: (laughs evilly) now this I like. Thank you all for reading my evil new plot

Shadow: AND MINE!

Serene: shut up Shadow!

Serene& Shadow: please comment and like.


Jay & Misty: (chasing me) DIE!

Serene: bye everyone!

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