Love in the stars!

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Anna's POV

It had been an hour since Jay, Misty and Serene returned home. Misty was passed out, Jay looked exhausted and Serene was no longer being controlled by Andrew. The sun had already set so I decided to go look at the night sky. The sky at night was amazing.

"Anna?" I heard a voice.

I spun around to see Cole staring at me.

"Oh hi Cole," I said.

"What are you doing out here alone?" he asked.

"I thought it would be nice to look at the stars."

I saw Cole smile out of the corner of my eye. I felt my face turn bright red. Great I was blushing.

We were both quiet for a few minutes when Cole spoke.

"Hey Anna, can I ask you something?"

I looked at him and nodded. "Anything." I replied.

He stared into my eyes for a moment and sighed.

"Do you have a crush on me?" he asked.

I was shocked. He knew! Cole somehow figured out that I had a crush on him. How was this possible. I was so embarrassed. I just let him ask me if I liked him!

"Y-Yes," I stammered.

I turned away from him and started to walk away when he caught my hand.

"Don't go, Anna." he smiled. "I like you the same way."

I turned around and looked at him. I could feel my face turning red again.

"Y-You do?" I asked.

Cole nodded. He pulled me into his arms and held me tight. I looked up into his eyes and smiled. He then crashed his soft lips into mine.

Could this night get any better?

He pulled away and smiled. "I love you, Anna."

"I love you too, Cole."

We stayed up on the deck and talked for half an hour until Cole went to bed. I decided to stay outside for a few more minutes. Biggest mistake I had ever made.

"Hello Anna." said a voice from behind me. A sack went over head and the person lifted me over their shoulder.

I screamed. I was being kidnapped.

"Cole!" I yelled.

No response came.

What was going on? Who would want to kidnap me?

Then the name came to mind. Andrew.

Me: hey guys! The author is back!


Kai: (laughs)

Serene: why evil author why?!




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Ninja: thanks for reading!

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