Saving the Dead

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*Misty's POV*

Four ninja known to be dead.





Two villains left.

Chase and Andrew.


Council snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him still not knowing how he was alive.

"I am going to retrieve some allies please stay here in this dimension until I return. You are welcome to look around if you want." he spoke softly.

I nodded in response.

White mist surrounded him and he vanished into mid air. I knew who he was going for. Council was going for the ones who had survived.

*Anna's POV*

Cole led me to a dark tunnel and stopped.

"This is as far as you can go with me Anna," he said shakily.

"W-What do you mean?" I stammered.

"He means it is time for you to come with me," a voice from the dark spoke.

I looked past Cole to see a man with red dragon like wings walking towards us.

"My name is Council my dear," he spoke softly.

This was Council?

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I am bringing you back to the world you belong in. Cole is to remain here and search for Lloyd, and Jay. Kai and Zane are searching for Serene as we speak and Misty is safe in my dimension."

I was leaving Cole.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"Don't worry Anna we will be together soon," Cole said as he wiped away my tears then kissed me one last time.

Council then put his hand on my shoulder and white mist blocked my vision from seeing Cole.

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