She's what?!

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??? POV

My plan is going perfectly. Serene was on the Bounty and no one had the slightest clue that she would soon be under my control. I will take down each ninja one by one and they don't even realize it. My first target is that annoying blue one, Jay. Then I will go after Cole. Jay is just the bait for one ninja who I believe will come after him. Misty Blue.

Serene's POV

It was around five in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking I was hearing noises coming from down the hall but I knew it wasn't my imagination. I climbed out of bed quietly and made my way down the hall. Slowly, I entered the kitchen to see a shadow. It seemed to be looking at me. Before I could see who it was or speak the world went black.

Misty's POV

Anna and I jumped out of bed when Sensie Wu started banging his gong. Serene however fell off the top bunk. She moaned in pain as the boys walked in to see what had happened.

"Is she ok?" asked Jay.

"I think so," I replied softly and looked into Jay's eyes.

Lloyd kneeled down next to Serene, who hadn't moved from the floor.

"Serene, are you al-" Lloyd stopped when Serene jumped up and kicked him in the chest. Cole and Kai grabbed her by the arms and tried to hold her still, but she slipped out of their grip. She grabbed a dagger and held it against Jay's neck.

"Come any closer and Jay gets it!" she yelled.

"What's gotten into her?" asked Kai.

Zane was able to scan her without making her any more angry. Jay was a little scared but remained calm.

"Well what's wrong with Serene?" Anna asked.

"She is under someone's control." Zane said quietly.

"Who's Zane?" asked Cole.


The room went silent as black fog started to appear.

"Very good ninja. You figured out part one of my plan, but the question is do you know exactly what I want?" asked a voice.

Serene smirked and pulled Jay further into the fog. Jay yelled in fear and then silence.

Evil laughter surrounded them.

"What did you do with Jay?!" I yelled.

"He is simply part of my plan. Anna, Misty and Serene all have power I need to bring Ninjago to its knees. Since I have Serene under my control I won't have to drain her powers, but soon enough I will drain Misty and Anna of theirs." Andrew laughed.

"We won't let you!" yelled Cole.

"Don't you dare hurt Jay or Serene!" yelled Lloyd.

"Oh I don't plan to hurt Serene, but Jay I have other plans for him." the villain smirked. "So long ninja!"

The black fog left the room leaving no sign of Andrew, Serene or Jay. I felt like crying. My crush and my new friend were both gone. This was what we had to face. A villain who wanted mine, Anna's and Serene's power. He already had Serene. Who knew how long it would be before he attacked us?

Me: hey guys! I hope you all liked the new chappy!


Me: CRAP! (Runs)

Anna: Misty calm down! We will find Jay and Serene.

Lloyd: for once I'm agreeing with Misty. THE AUTHOR MUST DIE!

Me: uh oh....

Cole: (laughs)

Kai: (videoing it)

Lloyd & Misty: (grab me and drags me away)


Zane: well we won't be seeing the author any time soon.

Cole: until then please comment and like this story

Anna: thanks for reading everyone!

*screaming comes from other room*

Anna: should we go help the author?

Kai: nah she's evil

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