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??? POV

I had been walking for days and there was no sign of a house or town anywhere. I was starving, cold and tired. I needed to get my strength back. The life of a thief is never easy, especially when your an orphan.

I needed to find food and fast. I felt like I was going to pass out if I didn't eat something. I looked up from the ground and saw a giant ship. Wait a second don't those ninja live on that ship?

Who cares I'm stealing food from them and that's that. I pulled up my purple hoodie and ran for the giant ship.

Moments later I jumped on deck and examined my surroundings.

"I guess no ones home," I said to myself. "Darn, I kinda wanted to fight one of them."

I carefully walked into the kitchen making sure I didn't get caught. I went to the fridge and began stuffing fruit, bottles of water and a small slice of cake into my backpack. I then made my way back on deck when all of a sudden their dumb alarm went off. Five boys and two girls all in ninja suits ran out and stopped in front of me. Their Sensie stood by the doorway and looked like he was examining me.

I backed up and ran for the railing.

"Don't let them get away!" yelled the red one. I turned around to see the green and blue one coming at me. I panicked a little but then kicked the blue ninja over to the others. I knew the green one was the most powerful and I didn't want to mess with him, but he was almost on top of me.

I ran for the giant mast that stood in the middle of the deck and started to climb up it.

"Grab them, Lloyd!" yelled the black one.

I was almost at the top when the green one, apparently known as Lloyd grabbed my ankle and threw me back onto the deck and pinned me down.

"Hey! Let me go!" I yelled.

The white one picked up my backpack and handed it to his Sensie. He then started to look through it.

"H-hey! That's mine!"

All of a sudden, Lloyd ripped off my hood.

My hair fell into my face where I could see part of my purple highlight.

"It's a girl!" shouted one of the girls.

"Correction Misty, this is Serene Waters." said Sensie.

"What?!" they all shouted at once. They all looked shocked. Lloyd jumped off me and held out his hand. I didn't know if I should take it or not.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," he said.

I took his hand and he pulled me up off the ground.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"Spirit smoke allowed me to know your name, along with Anna and Misty.

"Hi," waved Misty.

"Hello," Anna replied.

"The others are Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane and Lloyd. I am Sensie Wu." he stated. Each ninja took off their mask revealing that they were around my age. I examined them carefully. My eyes stopped on Lloyd. For some reason I couldn't decide if I liked him or not.

"Serene, may we ask why you were stealing from us?" asked Zane.

"I haven't eaten or slept in days. I just wanted food and water that's all." I said.

"Well you don't have to steal from us." said Cole.

They smiled.

"Serene, you are the ninja of water and you are welcome to stay here." said Sensie.

I smiled. "Thank you."

Me: hey guys! I hope you all like my new chapter.

Misty: Serene came!

Anna: new friend!

Serene: yea and this new friend wants to know who you two have a crush on!

Misty & Anna: what?!

Serene: (laughs) I know you two have crushes on two certain ninja

Me: ok ok! No need to let the boys know!

Girls: BYE!

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