The Power of Rock and Strength

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Cole's POV

"Can we just give up for the night?" complained Kai. "It's an hour after dark, Cole."

"Just a little longer. We need to find this Anna girl." I replied.

"Fine," he moaned. We walked past a dark alley to see a girl being beat up by a bunch of boys.

"Koby stop!" yelled the girl. She punched one of the boys in the nose, then kicked the boy named Koby.

"You've been a bad girl, Anna." he said as he grabbed his gut, then walked back over to her. Two of Koby's friends grabbed Anna and held her still.

"Leave me alone!" she yelled.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Leave her alone, unless you want to get your butts kicked."

Apparently they knew who Kai and I were because they let go of Anna and ran out of the alley.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, as I helped her up.

"Yea I'm fine." she replied. "Anyways who are you guys?"

"I'm Cole and this is Kai. We're ninja."

She smiled. "I'm Anna Rocker. Thanks for the help by the way."

"No problem," I smiled back.

"Anyways Anna, apparently your the ninja of rock and strength. Would you come back to the Bounty with us? Our Sensie would like to meet you." said Kai.

"That and Kai wants to go to sleep." I laughed. Anna giggled.

Her laugh was cute. I really thought she was pretty. I hope she likes me back.

Anna's POV

I can't believe two of the ninja just saved me. Cole was pretty cute. I wonder if he has a girlfriend. They led me back to the Bounty where three other ninja, an old man and a girl were waiting.

"Your back! And I see you have Anna with you." said the one in green.

"Yup and I see Jay and Zane found Misty." Cole replied.

The old man walked towards me and smiled. "It is very nice to meet you Anna. I am Sensie Wu and this is Jay, Zane and Lloyd." he said as he pointed to each ninja.

"It's nice to meet all of you too."

I looked over at the girl known as Misty and smiled. "I'm glad to know I'm not the only girl ninja."

"Me too. I thought I was going to be the only one." Misty replied.

"Well we still have on more ninja to go. The ninja of water." said Sensie.

"Is this ninja a girl, Sensie?" I asked.

"Yes. Her name is Serene Waters. You all will meet her soon enough." he replied. "Lloyd please take Anna and Misty to their room."

"Yes uncle."

Lloyd led us down a hall and to a room with two bunk beds. "Night you two."

He then left. We both changed into our pajamas and went to sleep."

Me: hey guys! I hope you all like the new chapter.

Anna: when do we get to meet Serene?"


Misty: yay! I can't wait!

Lloyd: thanks for reading!


Cole: JAY!

Ninja: bye!

Me: HEY! Stop shocking me!

Jay: (snickers)

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