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बदले तेरे माही 

ला के जो कोई सारी 

दुनिया भी दे दे अगर 

तो किसे दुनिया चाहिए

Author's POV

"GAYATLI SHAURYA RATHOD," A little voice yelled, making the elder woman palm her ears. She looked up and muttered, "Hey bhagwaan, Pehle maa ne naak mein dum kar rakha tha ab uske bete ko chain nahi hai (Oh god! First, her mother made my life now her son is following her footsteps)"

She was in a meeting with a few ministers who were discussing important things, but did the four-year-old, Avyansh Shekhawat give a damn? Hell no! He simply barged into her meeting room and called her by her name in front of everyone. The little guy dressed in a black suit with a golden bow tie matching his mother's saree looked at her with a sharp glare. Gayathri shook her head and dismissed the meeting before walking towards the little trouble and asking, "Now what did I do your Highness?"

"You are 10 plus 10 plus 10 minutes late," Avyansh said, folding his arms to his chest, trying to intimidate his maternal grandmother. Gayathri cursed the maths teacher of the child for trying to make him implement addition and teaching him the skills to know the time by seeing the hands of the clock. She sighed and, unlike her stubborn nature, muttered in a quiet voice, "Sorry."

"It's okay. Maa Sa says forgiveness is okay until it hurts. Now come, we need to reach the party before she uses this opportunity to sneak away," he ordered, dragging her along with himself towards the beautifully decorated hall. Gayathri looked at him with a small amused smile, seeing his little frame dragging her down toward his mother's birthday party. The gathering stared at the elder woman which earned her respectful glances from the crowd while everyone swooned over Avyansh's cuteness.

Their eyes roamed around the hall to find that Abhijay and Shivanshi weren't anywhere around. Avyansh simply went and sat on the seat where his mother had told him to sit. He mingled with his friends sitting nearby while the little girls sitting nearby couldn't move his eyes from him. He had them giggling with his sweet talks and charming self.

A lady standing on the farthermost end of the hall fumed in exasperation and nudged her husband. He held her elbow and pulled her on himself. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he asked, "What's got you so hyper, love?"

"Your son!" she uttered with a sarcastic grin.

"I think you worked pretty hard as well for several nights with me, so let's give you credit for that. Our son" he rectified. She huffed and smacked his chest. He laughed, smooching her. His arms never left her waist as he kept teasing her with his skilled fingers.

"What's wrong with him? See you told him to sit and play with his friends after calling Gayathri Maa Sa and he hasn't moved from his seat obediently. What's your problem?" Abhijay asked his wife, unable to understand the reason behind her irritation.

"That's exactly my problem. He doesn't behave like my son," Shivanshi snarled while Abhijay slightly caressed her face and said, "Explain"

"He is my son. Shivanshi Rathore's son. He is supposed to be the rule breaker. He should have wandered around or sneaked away to the playground to enjoy life. If I specifically tell him to not go around the cake, he must poke his fingers into it and lick the cream. That's what my son should do," she explained, while Abhijay bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling. He had surely got the eighth wonder of the world as his wife. She wanted her son to disobey her, go against her, and follow his will, unlike any woman out there.

"Oh god! What should I do with you?" he asked softly. He couldn't believe he had her all to himself. For more than a lifetime. For eternity and beyond.

"Stop eye-raping me for now" she responded rolling her eyes at him. He smirked at her as he dipped his mouth to her neck and bit her making her hiss. He soothed the sensation with his merciless tongue making her go weak in her knees. Moaning quietly in pleasure she arched her head giving him space to acquire the region he had left. He whispered over her soft skin, "I didn't stop you when your fingers were raping me yesterday. You don't get to stop me when my eyes do the same. It's my sole right after all"

Her closed eyes flew open as she glared at him who was proudly wiping his lips after tasting her alluring scent. She huffed at his words while he kissed her forehead and said, "Look properly. He is Shivanshi Abhijay Shekhawat's son"

Before she could ask him to elaborate it was time to cut the cake. As the announcement was made to call the couple on stage, Shivanshi corrected the blouse of her golden stylish sequinned saree and walked hand in hand towards the center with Abhijay. Every damn person in the party was either in awe of them or jealous of what they had. They hated the way they didn't seek attention. Attention chased them instead.

(Shivanshi's Saree)

Meenakshi and Samrat walked towards them with huge smiles etched on their faces. After pleasant greetings and lovely blessings with hugs, they stood by the side of the couple. As Gayathri stood by Shivanshi's side, she heard her daughter whisper angrily, "Your attitude doesn't work at all you know. When I got pregnant you cursed that may I get what you got. A rebel as a child. Your curses don't work at all. How useless!"

Gayathri beat her forehead and said smacking her arm, "Though my curses have stopped working since the day you entered my life I am happy that Avyansh went after his father"

Gayathri smiled while she made Shivanshi face the table where Avyansh was playing with his friends. Her eyes keenly noticed her son enjoying himself with some boys of his age as they were bursting the white and golden balloons with their index fingers. A smile crept up her own lips as well. Oh how much she loved her little bundle of joy. He was a blessing god showered upon her and there was no way she would ever be able to thank him for that. Her son would always be her pride.

"Now look at the little girl sitting on the chair in front of him" Gayathri pointed out. Shivanshi frowned but did as said and coughed hard as she saw the girl looking at her four-year-old with dreamy eyes. She was barely three.

"Now to his left" Shivanshi's gaze traveled to the left of her son only to find another similar scene, the exception being it wasn't one girl. It was a group of girls admiring her son who might have been the same age or so as him. Goodness! Her son had definitely inherited the charms of his dad. But she knew this already. What was her mother trying to tell? In the past five years, the relationship between the two had improved dramatically as Gayathri realized her mistakes. She heartily accepted her flaws and worked on them to be the mother her daughter deserved. She was there whenever Shivanshi needed her from then on whether it was during her first public art exhibition revealing her true self to the world or her pregnancy. She understood her and they had formed the bond every mother and daughter in the world generally shared. The bond of pure warmth and love. It wasn't a one-sided effort as they sat together and talked out their issues without showing tantrums. Abhijay made sure Payal was out of their lives as she was married and sent off to England to thrive in the riches of her husband, successfully destroying her dreams of getting hold of Shivanshi's place. Though before her marriage Abhijay had made sure she learned her lessons and saw the duo bond with her own eyes. She was paying for her sins as her husband treated her just the way she deserved to be treated. Like a second priority in front of her mother. Whether she was able to capture his heart or not was none of their concern because she was hell-bent on marrying the European billionaire considering it was the only way she could have an upper hand over shivanshi which unfortunately couldn't happen. Slowly she lost touch with them and she didn't need to know who was behind the cutoff. Abhijay dealt with her with utmost sweetness or else he would feed the culprits of his wife to hungry sharks.

"What are you trying to show?" shivanshi asked, finally having enough of her mother's antics.

"That my dear dumb daughter, every girl might be behind him but just like his father his eyes are loyal to his beloved,'' Gayathri said, smiling over sweetly at her daughter.

"What the holy fudge! He is just four. There's no beloved" Shivanshi whispered with wide eyes. Gayathri smirked and winked at her before stomping away to meet a friend. Shivanshi glanced again at her son to find him stealing glanced at a little girl dressed in a cute pink frock gazing intently at the three-tier chocolate cake that was to be butchered in a few minutes.

Oh damn no! She wanted to yell and jump around. Finally, her son did something that wasn't expected from him. Finally, he broke a rule. He was charmed by the forbidden fruit, the minister's daughter. Only Shivanshi's son could do that. The woman who fell for the man she had never seen.

She did a little happy dance in her head but stopped abruptly knowing it was too soon for her to get a daughter-in-law. She just signed happily knowing he was Abhijay and her son who knew how to win his woman's heart. She smiled and walked back towards her husband. As Avyansh joined them she bent to his level, kissed his cheeks, and muttered, "I am proud of you"

He confusedly smiled at his mother and kissed her cheeks back, making her smile widely. After cutting the cake and feeding it to each other, as soon as Abhijay was going to hand over her gift to him, she spoke.

"Before any of you guys surprise me with your not-so-unworldly gifts I have a huge gift for you all," she said making her family members chuckle and give her a look. She took out a shining golden ornament from her purse and moved forward towards her husband. In front of the entire room, she stepped closer to him and tucked the golden brooch with broad printed letters in sparkling diamonds smiling at him. She kissed his cheek filling him with immeasurable love as she whispered in his ears, "Happy birthday to the father in my love for the second time in his life"

As Abhijay realized what she had said he picked her up in his arms making her squeal.

"Thanks, princess for once again blessing me with this privilege. I love you." He pecked her forehead, made her snuggle into him, and started to walk towards the exit. He stopped abruptly as she said, "Wait lemme at least talk to mumma and papa. Also to my bundle of joy"

He wasn't happy with her demand but he turned back and stood before his parents. She tried to wiggle out from his hold but he glared at her and said,

"Your voice is pretty much audible from here as well"

She only glared at him in response but Meenakshi caressed her head and said, "I can't believe my son had the patience for four damn years but trust me, your this birthday hasn't only been special to you but for all of us. Thank you so much for being the angel that you are and making our lives beautiful"

Beaming at her mother-in-law, she was about to say something when her dear husband and son decided to chorus together, "My angel"

The father and son duo glared at each other for trying to claim Shivanshi.

"My mother = My angel" Avyansh used his maths.

"My Shivanshi = My wife + The mother of my son = My angel," Abhijay told his son sarcastically. His little confused self couldn't help but look at his father with angry eyes.

"Don't argue! Let's cut the cake first," Samrat said when they both yelled together, "No!"

The father and son looked at each other and nodded. They would cut that cake at home.

"Mom/Anshi needs rest. We are going home" The duo declared its decision, leaving the party immediately with a shocked Shivanshi. The audience left behind just gaped at them, silently seeing them walk away. The little Avyansh opened the car door while Abhijay made her settle inside. As his father stepped towards the steering wheel, he patted his mother's tummy softly and said, "Naughty little sister be good to our Mumma"

Shivanshi's eyes filled with tears at her son's cuteness. Before she could cry, he muttered, "I know I am handsome and girls cry happy tears after seeing me, but I hate seeing tears in your eyes."

The cockiness of Shekhawat men!

Like a gentleman, he closed the door after muttering this and sat on the back seat like a prince. Abhijay smirked at the scene and before he could say like every damn time 'Beta kiska hai' she said, "If you both pull such stunts again, no midnight milkshakes for you both"

They both whined as they loved the milkshakes that she made and hence quietly sat in the car asking every other second if she was feeling alright. As they reached home Avyansh ran inside to bring her flip-flops to change from her heels as suggested by his father who was carrying her inside.

"Oh god! Give me the strength to handle these two protective men," she muttered. Abhijay leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "And also to handle your insatiable beast who is going to attack you after exactly fifteen minutes"

Fifteen minutes is all it took for Avyansh to fall asleep.

She blushed as she said, "That beast is mine to tame. God doesn't need to worry about it"

They chuckled as their never-ending journey of life turned more interesting with every twist and turn. They were blessed with love and that was enough for them to live life smiling, laughing, teasing, and caring for each other.



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